Land Of The Buckeye

Person Page 540

Onah Dale

F, #16174, b. 11 March 1890, d. 1 December 1949
Pedigree Link


Onah Dale was born on 11 March 1890 in Indiana. She married Roscoe Daniel Blevins, son of Charles Marion Blevins and Margaret Lydia Walk. Onah Dale died on 1 December 1949 in Hardinsburg, Washington Co., IN.

Last Edited 14 May 2005 00:00:00

Alta Viola Denton

F, #16175, b. 8 July 1895, d. 31 January 1936
Pedigree Link

Family: Roscoe Daniel Blevins (b. 6 October 1888, d. January 1965)

DaughterOlive Blevins
DaughterLois Blevins
SonCarl Blevins+


Alta Viola Denton was born on 8 July 1895 in Indiana. She married Roscoe Daniel Blevins, son of Charles Marion Blevins and Margaret Lydia Walk, on 8 June 1913 in Washington Co., IN. Alta Viola Denton died on 31 January 1936 in Hardinsburg, Washington Co., IN.

She was buried on 2 February 1936 in Old Unity Cemetery, Hardinsburg, Washington Co., IN.
Last Edited 14 May 2005 00:00:00

John Emery Hoten

M, #16179, b. 4 January 1887, d. 6 September 1983
Pedigree Link

Family: Nora Edna Blevins (b. 3 September 1890, d. 21 October 1954)

DaughterIris Geneva Hoten+
SonDana Eldoris Hoten+


John Emery Hoten was born on 4 January 1887 in Washington Co., IN. He married Nora Edna Blevins, daughter of Charles Marion Blevins and Margaret Lydia Walk, on 23 December 1907 in Washington Co., IN. John Emery Hoten died on 6 September 1983 in Washington Co., IN.

Last Edited 14 May 2005 00:00:00

Otho McGrew

M, #16182, b. 1891
Pedigree Link

Family: Bernice Blevins (b. 20 October 1894, d. 1958)

DaughterDoris Jean McGrew (b. 17 March 1916, d. January 1988)


Otho McGrew was born in 1891 in Livonia, Washington Co., IN. He married Bernice Blevins, daughter of Charles Marion Blevins and Margaret Lydia Walk, on 10 April 1915 in Washington Co., IN. Otho McGrew died in New Albany, Floyd Co., IN.

Last Edited 23 July 2010 00:00:00

Doris Jean McGrew

F, #16183, b. 17 March 1916, d. January 1988


FatherOtho McGrew (b. 1891)
MotherBernice Blevins (b. 20 October 1894, d. 1958)
Pedigree Link


Doris Jean McGrew was born on 17 March 1916 in Livonia, Washington Co., IN. She married Guy Heiter. She died in January 1988 in New Albany, Floyd Co., IN.

Last Edited 20 June 2008 00:00:00

George Henry Franklin

M, #16185
Pedigree Link

Family: Beatrice Blevins (b. 20 October 1894)

SonGeorge Henry Franklin
DaughterMargaret Elizabeth Franklin
DaughterLorine Franklin
DaughterChristine Franklin


George Henry Franklin married Beatrice Blevins, daughter of Charles Marion Blevins and Margaret Lydia Walk, on 23 February 1920 in Harrison Co., IN.
Last Edited 14 May 2005 00:00:00

Lewis E. Lawson

M, #16190, b. 10 January 1893
Pedigree Link

Family: Hattie Seattle Walk (b. 11 November 1896)

SonLewis Gordon Lawson (b. 9 January 1926, d. 23 April 1934)


Lewis E. Lawson was born on 10 January 1893. He married Hattie Seattle Walk, daughter of John Edward Walk and Mary Catherine Mathes, on 31 March 1923.
Last Edited 14 May 2005 00:00:00

Lewis Gordon Lawson

M, #16191, b. 9 January 1926, d. 23 April 1934


FatherLewis E. Lawson (b. 10 January 1893)
MotherHattie Seattle Walk (b. 11 November 1896)
Pedigree Link


Lewis Gordon Lawson was born on 9 January 1926. He died on 23 April 1934.

Last Edited 20 June 2008 00:00:00

Margaret E. Baker

F, #16195, b. 7 August 1917
Pedigree Link

Family: Karl M. Walk (b. 1 March 1914)

DaughterMargaret Ann Walk
SonJohn Alva Walk


Margaret E. Baker was born on 7 August 1917 in Salem, Washington Co., IN. She married Karl M. Walk, son of John Edward Walk and Mary Catherine Mathes, on 2 November 1939.
Last Edited 14 May 2005 00:00:00

Frederick J. Arthur

M, #16198, b. 20 March 1902
Pedigree Link

Family: Sarah Ellen Walk (b. 7 February 1898)

DaughterJoanie Arthur


Frederick J. Arthur was born on 20 March 1902. He married Sarah Ellen Walk, daughter of John Edward Walk and Mary Catherine Mathes, on 19 October 1928.
Last Edited 14 May 2005 00:00:00