Harriet Jane Randall
F, #101821, b. 11 October 1897, d. 9 February 1971
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28 November 2018 00:00:00 |
- [S2011] San Francisco, Dist. 0226, sheet 14B, Dwelling 70, Family 70, 1930 Federal Census, San Francisco County, California. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T626, Rolls 194-210; FHL #2339929-45.
Anna Lenore Todd
F, #101822, b. 24 September 1884, d. 21 July 1976
Anna Lenore Todd was born on 24 September 1884 in Belfast, Ireland.
1,2 She married
Clyde Judson Barnwell, son of
Allen Yost Barnwell and
Julia A. Kitzmiller, on 11 May 1906 in Santa Ana, Orange Co., CA. Anna Lenore Todd and
Clyde Judson Barnwell were divorced before 1930. She married
Edward Leigh Malsbary on 12 June 1931 in Marin Co., CA, Edward was first married to Jennie Dubeau on 24 JUN 1890, King County, Washington. She died on 21 July 1976 in Los Angeles Co., CA, last residence Burbank, per SSDI.
She was buried in 1976 in Grand View Memorial Park and Cemetery, Glendale, Los Angeles Co., CA, Findagrave #47539921.
Anna Lenore Todd lived between 1936 and 1940 in 514 D Street, San Rafael, Marin Co., CA.
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28 November 2018 00:00:00 |
- [S1086] Los Angeles Ward 9, Dist. 0090, sheet 3B, line 87, 1900 Federal Census, Los Angeles County, California. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T623, Roll 90; FHL #1240090.
- [S1713] Dinuba, Dist. 198, sheet 18A, line 41, 1920 Federal Census, Tulare County, California. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T625, Roll 153.
Bertram Barnwell
M, #101823, b. before October 1884
Bertram Barnwell was born before October 1884 in Tennessee. He died at 2 years of age.
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4 April 2014 00:00:00 |
Rev. David Kitzmiller Barnwell
M, #101824, b. 7 October 1900, d. November 1982
Rev. David Kitzmiller Barnwell was born on 7 October 1900 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA. He married
Madeline Clifford Buzzell on 15 July 1960, no children. He died in November 1982 in Medford, Burlington Co., NJ.
BIOGRAPHY - Who's Who in America, 41 ed., 1980-1981, vol 1, page 185
Barnwell, David Kitzmiller, clergyman; b. Los Angeles, Oct. 7, 1900; s. Allen Yost and Julia (Kitzmiller) B.; A.B., U. Calif. at Union Theol. Sem., N.Y.C., 1928; student U. Edinburgh, 128-9; D.D., Hillsdale Coll., 1946; m. Madeline Buzzell, July 1960. Ordained to ministry Baptist Ch., 1928; asso. sec. YMCA, U. Cal., 1923-24; paster First Bapt. Ch., successor Christ Ch., Summit, NJ., 1929-68, minister emeritus, 1969--; summer chaplain Hamilton Coll., Clinton, N.Y., summers, 1943-45; Nat. Council Chs. interchange preacher to Britain, 1959, chmn. interchange com.; lectr. Bapt. polity Union Theol. Sem., 1959-70. Bd. dirs. Union Theol. Sem., 1953-57, 58-70, dir. emertitus, 1970--. Mem. Union Theol. Sem. Alumni Assn. (pres. 1953-55), Athenaeum of Suimmit (pres. 1939-68), English-Speaking Union Kappa Chi. Home: 167 Medford Leas Medford NJ 08055.
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28 November 2018 00:00:00 |
Madeline Clifford Buzzell
F, #101825, b. 30 March 1900, d. November 1994
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Margaret Louise Mitchell
F, #101826, b. 10 July 1865, d. 22 February 1953
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4 April 2014 00:00:00 |
Thomas Mitchell1
M, #101827, b. about 1832
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4 April 2014 00:00:00 |
- [S2747] Watsonville, p.373A, Dwelling 148, Family 148, 1870 Federal Census, Santa Cruz County, California. Microfilm Image, NARA Series M593, Roll 89; FHL #545588.
Elizabeth Murphy1
F, #101828, b. about 1838
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4 April 2014 00:00:00 |
- [S2747] Watsonville, p.373A, Dwelling 148, Family 148, 1870 Federal Census, Santa Cruz County, California. Microfilm Image, NARA Series M593, Roll 89; FHL #545588.
Elizabeth Mitchel Kitzmiller
F, #101829, b. 26 May 1898, d. 24 November 1956
Elizabeth Mitchel Kitzmiller was also known as "Elsie" Kitzmiller.
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4 April 2014 00:00:00 |
Lawrence Augustus Brown, III
M, #101830, b. 24 April 1898, d. 18 October 1984
Lawrence Augustus Brown, III, was born on 24 April 1898 in Dillon, Beaverhead Co., MT. He married
Elizabeth Mitchel Kitzmiller, daughter of
Samuel Judson Kitzmiller and
Margaret Louise Mitchell, in 1927. Lawrence Augustus Brown, III, died on 18 October 1984 in Placerville, El Dorado Co., CA.
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4 April 2014 00:00:00 |
Alfred Persons Brown
M, #101831, b. March 1864
Alfred Persons Brown was born in March 1864 in California. He married
Catherine McLaughlin about 1897.
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Catherine McLaughlin
F, #101832, b. December 1868
Catherine McLaughlin was born in December 1868 in Ireland. She married
Alfred Persons Brown about 1897.
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4 April 2014 00:00:00 |
Lawrence Augustus Brown, IV
M, #101833, b. 27 January 1930, d. 7 May 1994
Lawrence Augustus Brown, IV, was born on 27 January 1930 in California. He died on 7 May 1994 in Placerville, El Dorado Co., CA.
Note: Married, had 3 daughters and a son.
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4 April 2014 00:00:00 |
Donald Kitzmiller Brown
M, #101834, b. 10 January 1933, d. 4 June 2004
Donald Kitzmiller Brown was born on 10 January 1933 in El Dorado Co. (probably), CA. He died on 4 June 2004 in San Diego, San Diego Co., CA.
Note: Married twice, five children total.
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4 April 2014 00:00:00 |
Joey Brown
M, #101835, b. 1962, d. 1993
Joey Brown was born in 1962. He died in 1993.
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4 April 2014 00:00:00 |
Donald Mitchell Kitzmiller
M, #101836, b. 9 June 1901, d. 5 January 1951
Donald Mitchell Kitzmiller was born on 9 June 1901 in California. He married
Margaret Sutherland, no children as of 1940 census. He died on 5 January 1951 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA.
Occupation: Served as Chief Attorney for Los Angeles County between 1928 - 1934; Deputy District Attorney, Los Angeles Co.
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4 April 2014 00:00:00 |
Margaret Sutherland
F, #101837, b. 2 December 1907, d. October 1973
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Margaret Eileen Kitzmiller
F, #101838, b. 5 October 1907, d. 19 October 1994
Margaret Eileen Kitzmiller was born on 5 October 1907 in San Luis Obispo Co., CA. She married
Bertram W. Hopps. She died on 19 October 1994 in Oakland, Alameda Co., CA.
Occupation: School teacher at Berkeley.
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4 April 2014 00:00:00 |
Bertram W. Hopps
M, #101839, b. 14 April 1901, d. 6 June 1991
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M, #101840
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Una Cole
F, #101841, b. 11 January 1889
Una Cole was born on 11 January 1889 in Tennessee.
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M, #101842
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Lilburn Henderson Bachman
M, #101843, b. 1 March 1822, d. 5 August 1911
Lilburn Henderson Bachman was born on 1 March 1822 in Tennessee. He married
Eliza Anne Kitzmiller, daughter of
David Kitzmiller and
Elizabeth Hughes, on 6 September 1855, date per headstone. Lilburn Henderson Bachman died on 5 August 1911.
He was buried in August 1911 in Fordtown Baptist Church Cemetery, Kingsport, Sullivan Co., TN.
Lilburn Henderson Bachman began military service Civil War, Confederate Army, wounded in arm.
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12 June 2021 00:00:00 |
Thomas Bachman
M, #101844, b. 22 July 1795, d. 11 January 1882
Thomas Bachman was born on 22 July 1795 in Clear Creek, Sullivan Co., TN. He married
Rebecca Tittsworth. He died on 11 January 1882 in Tennessee.
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5 April 2014 00:00:00 |
Rebecca Tittsworth
F, #101845, b. 1800, d. 1866
Rebecca Tittsworth was born in 1800. She married
Thomas Bachman. She died in 1866.
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Elizabeth Jay Bachman
F, #101846, b. 4 September 1856, d. 6 July 1937
Elizabeth Jay Bachman was born on 4 September 1856 in Tennessee. She married
Richard Martin Kitzmiller Deakins, son of
James Y. Deakins and
Anna Walker, about 1878. Elizabeth Jay Bachman died on 6 July 1937 in Jonesborough, Washington Co., TN.
She was buried in July 1937 in Sulphur Springs Cemetery, Washington Co., TN.
Elizabeth Jay Bachman lived in June 1880 in Washington Co., TN.
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5 April 2014 00:00:00 |
- [S464] District 14, Enumeration Dist. 036, p.573B, Dwelling 164, Family 172, 1880 Federal Census, Washington County, Tennessee. Microfilm Image, NARA T9, Roll 1284; FHL #1255284.
Richard Martin Kitzmiller Deakins
M, #101847, b. 18 December 1846, d. 6 January 1907
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James Y. Deakins
M, #101848, b. 1820, d. 1890
James Y. Deakins was born in 1820. He married
Anna Walker. He died in 1890.
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5 April 2014 00:00:00 |
Anna Walker
F, #101849, b. 1823, d. 1878
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Argil Alphonse Deakins1
M, #101850, b. 21 May 1880, d. 5 November 1952
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5 April 2014 00:00:00 |
- [S464] District 14, Enumeration Dist. 036, p.573B, Dwelling 164, Family 172, 1880 Federal Census, Washington County, Tennessee. Microfilm Image, NARA T9, Roll 1284; FHL #1255284.