Land Of The Buckeye

Source Page 24

  • [S5752] , 1950 Federal Census, Shasta County, California. Microfilm Image, NARA NAID #43290879.
  • [S5753] , 1880 Federal Census, Pipestone County, Minnesota. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T9, Roll 629; FHL #1254629.
  • [S5754] , 1950 Federal Census, Sedgwick County, Kansas. Microfilm Image, NARA NAID #43290879, Roll 1668.
  • [S5755] , 1900 Federal Census, Kalamazoo County, Michigan. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T623, Roll 720-21; FHL #1240720-21.
  • [S5756] , 1910 Federal Census, McMinn County, Tennessee. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T624, Roll 1510; FHL #1375523.
  • [S5757] , 1920 Federal Census, Limestone County, Texas. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T625, Rolls 1828-9; FHL #1821828-9.
  • [S5758] , 1950 Federal Census, Escambia County, Florida. Microfilm Image, NARA NAID #43290879.
  • [S5760] , 1950 Federal Census, Orange County, Florida. Microfilm Image, NARA NAID #43290879, Roll 1532.
  • [S5763] , 1880 Federal Census, St. Lawrence County, New York. Microfilm Image.
  • [S5764] , 1950 Federal Census, St. Lawrence County, New York. Microfilm Image.
  • [S5765] , 1950 Federal Census, Erie County, Pennsylvania. Microfilm Image, NARA NAID #43290879.
  • [S5766] , 1910 Federal Census, St. Lawrence County, New York. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T624, Roll 1074; FHL #1375087.
  • [S5767] , 1950 Federal Census, Washington County, Tennessee. Microfilm Image, NARA NAID #3290879, Roll 4349.
  • [S5768] , 1950 Federal Census, Knox County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA NAID #43290879, Roll.
  • [S5769] , 1930 Federal Census, Jackson County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T626, Roll 1828; FHL #2341562.
  • [S5770] , 1940 Federal Census, Fulton County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T627, Roll 3071.
  • [S5771] , 1950 Federal Census, Hamilton County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA NAID #43290879, Roll 79.
  • [S5772] 1950 Federal Census, Shelby County, Tennessee. Microfilm Image, NARA NAID #43290879, Roll 6206.
  • [S5773] , 1950 Federal Census, Perkins County, Nebraska. Microfilm Image, NARA NAID #43290879, Roll 3832.
  • [S5774] , 1900 Federal Census, Harvey County, Kansas. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T623, Roll 482; FHL #1240482.
  • [S5775] , 1850 Federal Census, Dutchess County, New York. Microfilm Image, NARA Series M432, Roll 496.
  • [S5777] , 1950 Federal Census, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Microfilm Image, NARA NAID #43290879, Roll 2692.