Land Of The Buckeye

Person Page 915

Frederick Spangler

M, #27422, b. 15 September 1804, d. 24 December 1853


FatherDavid Spangler (b. 1767, d. 26 July 1841)
MotherMargaretha Snapp (b. 8 June 1775, d. 29 February 1848)
Pedigree Link

Family: Rebecca Lambert (b. 22 September 1807, d. 2 August 1858)

DaughterMargaret Jane Spangler (b. 22 October 1829)
DaughterMary Ann Spangler (b. 23 May 1834)
SonDavid Spangler (b. 23 May 1834)
SonWilliam H. Spangler+ (b. 3 March 1836, d. 30 April 1912)
DaughterLucinda Spangler (b. 7 April 1839)
SonSpangler Spangler (b. 27 December 1840, d. 27 December 1840)
SonIsaac Newton Spangler (b. 20 April 1842)
DaughterEmily Spangler (b. 1 October 1843)
SonAlonzo Lyons Spangler+ (b. 14 May 1846, d. 13 March 1902)


Frederick Spangler was born on 15 September 1804. He married Rebecca Lambert on 13 December 1828 in Franklin Co., OH. He died on 24 December 1853 in Clinton, Vermillion Co., IN.

Last Edited 20 June 2008 00:00:00

Sophia E. Rigney

F, #27448, b. 1811, d. 1 June 1882
Pedigree Link

Family: William Roberts (b. 14 February 1812, d. 19 March 1891)

DaughterGeorgianna Virginia Roberts+ (b. 17 July 1835, d. 7 March 1917)
SonEdward F. Roberts (b. about 1838)
SonFrederick A. Roberts (b. about 1841)
DaughterMary Roberts (b. about 1843)
SonWilliam Charles Roberts+ (b. 17 June 1845, d. 30 October 1904)
SonGeorge A. Roberts (b. about 1849)
DaughterSophia C. Roberts (b. about 1853)
SonCharles C. Roberts (b. about 1855)


Sophia E. Rigney was born in 1811 in Frederick, Frederick Co., MD.1 She married William Roberts, son of William R. Roberts and Catherine DeWald, on 4 February 1834 in Frederick Co., MD. Sophia E. Rigney died on 1 June 1882 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA.

She was buried in June 1882 in Baltimore, MD.
Last Edited 12 September 2019 00:00:00


  1. [S1887] Baltimore Ward 2, p.230, Dwelling 1210, Family 2035, 1860 Federal Census, Baltimore Independent City, Maryland. Microfilm Image, NARA Series M653, Roll 458; FHL #803458.

Georgianna Virginia Roberts

F, #27449, b. 17 July 1835, d. 7 March 1917


FatherWilliam Roberts (b. 14 February 1812, d. 19 March 1891)
MotherSophia E. Rigney (b. 1811, d. 1 June 1882)
Pedigree Link

Family: John Perkins, Jr., (b. 21 December 1834, d. 5 November 1891)

SonClarence Perkins+ (b. 25 June 1876, d. 4 December 1940)
DaughterMary Perkins+ (b. 27 September 1878, d. 3 October 1960)


Georgianna Virginia Roberts was born on 17 July 1835 in Maryland. She married John Perkins, Jr., son of John Perkins and Sydney Ann Ogden, on 16 September 1856 in Baltimore, MD. Georgianna Virginia Roberts died on 7 March 1917 in Elkton, Cecil Co., MD.

Last Edited 29 September 2002 00:00:00

John Perkins, Jr.

M, #27450, b. 21 December 1834, d. 5 November 1891


FatherJohn Perkins (b. 1799, d. 21 March 1875)
MotherSydney Ann Ogden (b. 26 January 1809, d. 5 March 1880)
Pedigree Link

Family: Georgianna Virginia Roberts (b. 17 July 1835, d. 7 March 1917)

SonClarence Perkins+ (b. 25 June 1876, d. 4 December 1940)
DaughterMary Perkins+ (b. 27 September 1878, d. 3 October 1960)


John Perkins, Jr., was born on 21 December 1834 in Wilmington, New Castle Co., DE. He married Georgianna Virginia Roberts, daughter of William Roberts and Sophia E. Rigney, on 16 September 1856 in Baltimore, MD. John Perkins, Jr., died on 5 November 1891 in Elkton, Cecil Co., MD,

Obituary -- The Cecil Whig, Elkton, Cecil County, Maryland, Saturday, November 7, 1891:

Death of Mr. Perkins. (NOTE: This article is abridged due to its length.)

We are pained to announce the death of Mr. John Perkins, a prominent and esteemed citizen of this town, which occurred at this home on West High street, about ten o'clock on Thursday morning, from Brights disease of the kidneys.

John Perkins was a son of John Perkins, a well known citizen of Wilmington, Del., and who for many years conducted the saddlery and harness making business in that city. John Perkins, Jr., was born on December 21st, 1834, and after acquiring the trade of harness making this his father, in September 1856, married Miss Georgianna Virginia Roberts, a daughter of the late Wm. Roberts, whose death recently occurred in Philadelphia, and whose history as a pioneer railroad man is generally so well known to our readers, and whose service with the P., W. & B. railroad extended over so many years.

Mr. Perkins leaves, besides his widow a large family of children, his son J. Will Perkins having recently succeeded him in business here, and Mr. George Perkins, of Baltimore, Charles who is in the railway postal service, Mrs. Eva Harvey, wife of Daniel Harvey, Jr., Edward, Clarence, Mollie and Alice.

His funeral services will be held on Monday at the M. E. Church at 2 o'clock p. m.

Newspaper article -- The Cecil Whig, Elkton, Cecil County, Maryland, Saturday, November 14, 1891:

Funeral of Mr. Perkins.

The large concourse of friends and acquaintances which assembled at the Methodist Episcopal Church, on Monday, to pay their last tribute of respect to the memory of John Perkins, attested the esteem in which he was held in this community. The hour of the funeral services had been fixed at 2 o'clock, but before that hour every available seat in the church was occupied. At half past two o'clock, the remains were borne into the edifice by Samuel J. Keyes, Dr. Thomas A. Worrell, John W. Anthony, Jacob Rambo, George McQuilkin, William A.

Wright, Henry M. Warner and Henry Evans, followed by the immediate family of the deceased, and a large representation of Union Lodge No. 48 A. F. and A. M., of which Mr. Perkins had been an active and influential member. The services were opened with a hymn announced by the Rev. Charles Hill, pastor of the church, after which the Scripture lesson was read by the Rev. I. G. Fosnocht, pastor of the Chesapeake City M. E. Church. Rev. Charles Hill delivered the forcible address upon the life and character of the deceased, after which the Rev. J. P. Otis, now of Bridgeville, Del., but recently a pastor of the Elkton church, paid an eloquent and touching tribute to the memory of his late brother and friend. Both addresses were marked by feeling and power, and during their delivery, many tearful eyes in the audience indicated the impressiveness of the service. After the service an opportunity was given the audience to view the familiar features of the deceased, after which the funeral cortege passed from the church to the Elkton Cemetery where the remains were deposited in their final earthly resting place. A number of handsome floral emblems were displayed as tributes of the Masonic order and others, and a number of business places on Main street were closed as the funeral cortege passed to the church, the attendance there being among the largest ever witnessed on a similar occasion.

He was buried in November 1891 in Methodist Episcopal Church Cemetery, Elkton, Cecil Co., MD, Findagrave #71585373.


Newspaper article -- The Cecil Whig, Elkton, Cecil County, Maryland, Saturday, May 10, 1884:

Town Election.

The annual town election took place on Monday last, when a bailiff and a new board of town commissioners were elected. There was no contest over the commissioners ticket. Ten names were selected at the town meeting last week, and from this list five commissioners were chosen. The following is the vote:

William J. Jones, 212, W. E. K. Frazer, 169, C. C. Strickland, 167; Dunbar Morgan, 166; George R. Howard, 165; George McQuilkin, 156; John Perkins, 97; Charles H. Smith, 96; Henry Wood, 88 and Henry C. Wells, 26. The first five named it will be seen were elected.

William J. Jones, Esq., receiving the highest vote, will have the honor of acting as mayor of the town for the current year. Mr. H. C. Wells declined to serve and was therefore voted for by but a few.

The interest of the election centered in the vote for town bailiff. For this office there were three candidates, viz: George t. King, Richard Thomas and Cadmus Price. The vote counted out as follows: King, 140; Thomas, 128 and Price 23, electing Mr. George T. King by twelve votes. The total vote polled was 291, exactly the same number cast at the last town election. There was considerable drunkenness and two or three fights during the afternoon.

Newspaper article -- The Cecil Whig, Elkton, Cecil County, Maryland, Saturday, September 25, 1886:

Judges of Election.

At a meeting of the County Commissioners on Tuesday the following were appointed judges of election.

First district - W. S. Potter, Benjamin M. Crawford, Thos. P. Jones, Sr.

Second - Benj. P. Hanson, John W. Harriot, Samuel P. Wood.

Third - David C. Work, W. E. K. Frazer, John Perkins.

Fourth - James A. Mackie, Martin Gallaher, John McCleary.

Fifth - Wm. Benjamin, Jas. McKeown, J. W. Falls.

Sixth - Jos. B. Fryer, A. B. Kay, Thomas Way.

Seventh - W. T. Patton, John W. Beaven, Jesse A. Coulson.

Eighth - Jno. E. Gillespie, W. R. Gillespie, David C. Brown.

Ninth - Geo. W. Janney, Ross Conly, Jas. C. Crothers.

Last Edited 12 September 2019 00:00:00