Land Of The Buckeye
Interactive Pedigree Chart
Surname Index
Interactive Pedigree Chart
About This Site
3 generations
4 generations
5 generations
Garland Anderson
Mary Callie Anderson
James Price Anderson
Walter Welmington Southard
Samuel Lee Southard
Oliver Crumwell Southard
John Linsberg Southard
Partners & Children
Francis Marion Galloway
Emmett Lloyd Galloway
William F. Galloway
Mary Mae Galloway
James F. Galloway
Elsie Musetta Galloway
Theadocia E. Southard
(1866 - 1928)
William B. Southard
(1814 - 1881)
Mary Davault
(1837 - 1908)
Jacob Davault
(1797 - 1870)
Mary Hodges, "Polly"
(1797 - 1855)
Gabriel DeWalt
(1767 - 1857)
Magdalena Kitzmiller
(1770 - 1849)