Land Of The Buckeye

Person Page 2,310

David F. Otto1

M, #69271
Pedigree Link

Family: Elizabeth Ecker

SonJohn E. Otto+ (b. 12 December 1855, d. before 1926)


David F. Otto married Elizabeth Ecker.1
Last Edited 11 January 2009 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 424. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Elizabeth Ecker1

F, #69272
Pedigree Link

Family: David F. Otto

SonJohn E. Otto+ (b. 12 December 1855, d. before 1926)


Elizabeth Ecker married David F. Otto.1
Last Edited 11 January 2009 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 424. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Mildred Thomas1

F, #69273, b. 9 August 1903


FatherJacob M. Thomas (b. 12 July 1879)
MotherAnna Rowland (b. 6 October 1878)
Pedigree Link


Mildred Thomas was born on 9 August 1903 in Hagerstown, Washington Co., MD.1
Last Edited 11 January 2009 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 424. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Anna Rowland1

F, #69274, b. 6 October 1878


FatherAbram Rowland
Pedigree Link

Family: Jacob M. Thomas (b. 12 July 1879)

DaughterMildred Thomas (b. 9 August 1903)
SonRowland Thomas (b. 7 November 1905)
SonWalter Thomas (b. 15 June 1907)
SonRaymond Thomas (b. 15 March 1913)
SonJohn Thomas (b. 5 May 1917)


Anna Rowland was born on 6 October 1878 in Washington Co., MD.1 She married Jacob M. Thomas, son of Joseph Long Thomas and Susan F. Miller, on 31 December 1901.1
Last Edited 11 January 2009 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 424. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Abram Rowland1

M, #69275
Pedigree Link

Family: Susan

DaughterAnna Rowland+ (b. 6 October 1878)


Abram Rowland married Susan.1
Last Edited 11 January 2009 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 424. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.


F, #69276
Pedigree Link

Family: Abram Rowland

DaughterAnna Rowland+ (b. 6 October 1878)


Susan married Abram Rowland.1
Last Edited 11 January 2009 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 424. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Rowland Thomas1

M, #69277, b. 7 November 1905


FatherJacob M. Thomas (b. 12 July 1879)
MotherAnna Rowland (b. 6 October 1878)
Pedigree Link


Rowland Thomas was born on 7 November 1905 in Hagerstown, Washington Co., MD.1
Last Edited 11 January 2009 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 424. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Walter Thomas1

M, #69278, b. 15 June 1907


FatherJacob M. Thomas (b. 12 July 1879)
MotherAnna Rowland (b. 6 October 1878)
Pedigree Link


Walter Thomas was born on 15 June 1907 in Hagerstown, Washington Co., MD.1
Last Edited 11 January 2009 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 424. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Raymond Thomas1

M, #69279, b. 15 March 1913


FatherJacob M. Thomas (b. 12 July 1879)
MotherAnna Rowland (b. 6 October 1878)
Pedigree Link


Raymond Thomas was born on 15 March 1913 in Hagerstown, Washington Co., MD.1
Last Edited 11 January 2009 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 424. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

John Thomas1

M, #69280, b. 5 May 1917


FatherJacob M. Thomas (b. 12 July 1879)
MotherAnna Rowland (b. 6 October 1878)
Pedigree Link


John Thomas was born on 5 May 1917 in Hagerstown, Washington Co., MD.1
Last Edited 11 January 2009 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 424. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Florence Brown1

F, #69281, b. 7 June 1886


FatherEzra Brown
Pedigree Link

Family: Rev. Joseph Walter Thomas (b. 5 March 1882)

DaughterElizabeth Thomas (b. 9 April 1909)
SonWilliam Thomas (b. 2 March 1912)


Florence Brown was born on 7 June 1886.1 She married Rev. Joseph Walter Thomas, son of Joseph Long Thomas and Susan F. Miller, on 20 November 1906.1
Last Edited 11 January 2009 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 424. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Elizabeth Thomas1

F, #69282, b. 9 April 1909


FatherRev. Joseph Walter Thomas (b. 5 March 1882)
MotherFlorence Brown (b. 7 June 1886)
Pedigree Link


Elizabeth Thomas was born on 9 April 1909.1
Last Edited 11 January 2009 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 424. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

William Thomas1

M, #69283, b. 2 March 1912


FatherRev. Joseph Walter Thomas (b. 5 March 1882)
MotherFlorence Brown (b. 7 June 1886)
Pedigree Link


William Thomas was born on 2 March 1912.1
Last Edited 11 January 2009 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 424. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Ezra Brown1

M, #69284
Pedigree Link

Family: Elizabeth

DaughterFlorence Brown+ (b. 7 June 1886)


Ezra Brown married Elizabeth.1
Last Edited 11 January 2009 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 424. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.


F, #69285
Pedigree Link

Family: Ezra Brown

DaughterFlorence Brown+ (b. 7 June 1886)


Elizabeth married Ezra Brown.1
Last Edited 11 January 2009 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 424. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Mary O. Long1

F, #69286, b. 10 February 1891


FatherMcClellan Long (b. 19 March 1862, d. 16 August 1932)
MotherLaura Agnes Line (b. 19 December 1859, d. 5 March 1946)
Pedigree Link

Family: Daniel M. Thomas (b. 30 December 1886)

DaughterLorraine Thomas (b. 1 June 1921)


Mary O. Long was born on 10 February 1891 in Washington Co. (probably), MD.1,2 She married Daniel M. Thomas, son of Joseph Long Thomas and Susan F. Miller, on 28 November 1911.1
Last Edited 11 January 2009 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 424. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.
  2. [S932] District 20, Downsville, sheet 7B, Dwelling 121, Family 125, 1900 Federal Census, Washington County, Maryland. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T623, Roll 629; FHL #1240629.

McClellan Long1

M, #69287, b. 19 March 1862, d. 16 August 1932


FatherSimon Long (b. 18 July 1826, d. 4 January 1914)
MotherHadassa Brown (b. December 1815, d. 28 March 1901)
Pedigree Link

Family: Laura Agnes Line (b. 19 December 1859, d. 5 March 1946)

SonFred McClellan Long (b. 19 January 1886, d. 13 July 1955)
SonHarry L. Long+ (b. April 1888, d. 1942)
SonBrown Cushwa Long (b. 10 October 1889, d. December 1967)
DaughterMary O. Long+ (b. 10 February 1891)
SonRay M. Long (b. June 1892)
SonJesse M. Long+ (b. 18 October 1902, d. 26 August 1989)


McClellan Long was born on 19 March 1862 in Washington Co., MD.2 He married Laura Agnes Line, daughter of Henry Line and Mary Ann Middlekauff, on 29 January 1884 in Washington Co., MD.1,2 McClellan Long died on 16 August 1932

Biographical sketch (

Born just North of Antietam battlefield. A southern spy, spying in the area, heard of the birth and commented that they would probably call him McClellan. The idea was adopted. Handy with wood, stone and metal working tools. Church deacon and noted Sunday School teacher. Had a weakness for alcohol. Farm was put in Agnes' name to protect it from his excesses. He was advertised "No Loans". When he died, storekeepers had loaned him money despite the warning, claiming that they couldn't say "No" to Mac Long.

~Excerpt from "The Descendants of Isaac Long" by Omer M. Long.

He was buried in August 1932 in Manor Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Tilghmanton, Washington Co., MD, Findagrave #69568377.
Last Edited 18 June 2020 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 424. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.
  2. [S932] District 20, Downsville, sheet 7B, Dwelling 121, Family 125, 1900 Federal Census, Washington County, Maryland. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T623, Roll 629; FHL #1240629.

Laura Agnes Line1,2

F, #69288, b. 19 December 1859, d. 5 March 1946


FatherHenry Line (b. 11 June 1833, d. 6 October 1863)
MotherMary Ann Middlekauff (b. November 1837, d. 4 April 1937)
Pedigree Link

Family: McClellan Long (b. 19 March 1862, d. 16 August 1932)

SonFred McClellan Long (b. 19 January 1886, d. 13 July 1955)
SonHarry L. Long+ (b. April 1888, d. 1942)
SonBrown Cushwa Long (b. 10 October 1889, d. December 1967)
DaughterMary O. Long+ (b. 10 February 1891)
SonRay M. Long (b. June 1892)
SonJesse M. Long+ (b. 18 October 1902, d. 26 August 1989)


Laura Agnes Line was born on 19 December 1859 in Washington Co., MD.2 She married McClellan Long, son of Simon Long and Hadassa Brown, on 29 January 1884 in Washington Co., MD.1,2 Laura Agnes Line died on 5 March 1946 in Washington Co., MD.

She was buried in March 1946 in Manor Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Tilghmanton, Washington Co., MD, Findagrave #68779072.
Last Edited 18 June 2020 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 424. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.
  2. [S932] District 20, Downsville, sheet 7B, Dwelling 121, Family 125, 1900 Federal Census, Washington County, Maryland. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T623, Roll 629; FHL #1240629.

Fred McClellan Long1

M, #69289, b. 19 January 1886, d. 13 July 1955


FatherMcClellan Long (b. 19 March 1862, d. 16 August 1932)
MotherLaura Agnes Line (b. 19 December 1859, d. 5 March 1946)
Pedigree Link


Fred McClellan Long was born on 19 January 1886 in Downsville, Washington Co., MD.1 He died on 13 July 1955 in Hagerstown, Washington Co., MD.

Last Edited 18 June 2020 00:00:00


  1. [S932] District 20, Downsville, sheet 7B, Dwelling 121, Family 125, 1900 Federal Census, Washington County, Maryland. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T623, Roll 629; FHL #1240629.

Harry L. Long1

M, #69290, b. April 1888, d. 1942


FatherMcClellan Long (b. 19 March 1862, d. 16 August 1932)
MotherLaura Agnes Line (b. 19 December 1859, d. 5 March 1946)
Pedigree Link

Family: Elizabeth M. Robertson (b. 1891, d. 1935)

DaughterVirginia Margaret Long+ (b. 18 September 1913, d. 3 February 1999)


Harry L. Long was born in April 1888 in Washington Co. (probably), MD.1 He married Elizabeth M. Robertson. He died in 1942 in Washington Co., MD.

He was buried in 1942 in Manor Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Tilghmanton, Washington Co., MD, Findagrave #69564855.
Last Edited 18 June 2020 00:00:00


  1. [S932] District 20, Downsville, sheet 7B, Dwelling 121, Family 125, 1900 Federal Census, Washington County, Maryland. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T623, Roll 629; FHL #1240629.

Brown Cushwa Long1

M, #69291, b. 10 October 1889, d. December 1967


FatherMcClellan Long (b. 19 March 1862, d. 16 August 1932)
MotherLaura Agnes Line (b. 19 December 1859, d. 5 March 1946)
Pedigree Link


Brown Cushwa Long was born on 10 October 1889 in Washington Co., MD.1 He married Reba Exzomia Slifer, daughter of Otho Slifer and Laura Jeanette Fahrney, after April 1910. Brown Cushwa Long died in December 1967 in Williamsport, Washington Co., MD.

Last Edited 16 June 2013 00:00:00


  1. [S932] District 20, Downsville, sheet 7B, Dwelling 121, Family 125, 1900 Federal Census, Washington County, Maryland. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T623, Roll 629; FHL #1240629.

Ray M. Long1

M, #69292, b. June 1892


FatherMcClellan Long (b. 19 March 1862, d. 16 August 1932)
MotherLaura Agnes Line (b. 19 December 1859, d. 5 March 1946)
Pedigree Link


Ray M. Long was born in June 1892 in Washington Co. (probably), MD.1
Last Edited 11 January 2009 00:00:00


  1. [S932] District 20, Downsville, sheet 7B, Dwelling 121, Family 125, 1900 Federal Census, Washington County, Maryland. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T623, Roll 629; FHL #1240629.

Simon Long1

M, #69293, b. 18 July 1826, d. 4 January 1914


FatherIsaac Long (b. 26 April 1789, d. 16 May 1854)
MotherElizabeth Slifer (b. 22 November 1797, d. 12 November 1868)
Pedigree Link

Family: Hadassa Brown (b. December 1815, d. 28 March 1901)

SonIsaac S. Long+ (b. 23 October 1854, d. 21 March 1918)
SonJoshua Long (b. about 1857)
SonMcClellan Long+ (b. 19 March 1862, d. 16 August 1932)


Simon Long was born on 18 July 1826 in Washington Co., MD.2,1 He married Hadassa Brown, daughter of George Brown and Esther Morrison, in August 1853 in Washington Co., MD, Hadassa first married Lewis Downey, August 1834 Washington County, MD, and relocaed with him to Ogle County, IL. After Lewis died in 1849, she returned to Washington County with her children and married Simon Long in August, 1853.2,1 Simon Long died on 4 January 1914 in Fairplay, Washington Co., MD.

He was buried in January 1914 in Manor Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Tilghmanton, Washington Co., MD, Findagrave #58179888.
Last Edited 29 July 2021 00:00:00


  1. [S881] District 2, p.40, Dwelling 89, Family 93, 1870 Federal Census, Washington County, Maryland. Microfilm Image, NARA Series M593, Roll 596; FHL #552095.
  2. [S870] Williamsport District, p.107, Dwelling 701, Family 791, 1860 Federal Census, Washington County, Maryland. Microfilm Image, NARA Series M653, Roll 483; FHL #803483.

Hadassa Brown1

F, #69294, b. December 1815, d. 28 March 1901


FatherGeorge Brown (b. 19 August 1775, d. 14 December 1828)
MotherEsther Morrison (b. 3 June 1773, d. 21 April 1829)
Pedigree Link

Family 1:

DaughterElizabeth Downey (b. about 1842)
DaughterAnna Downey (b. about 1843)
DaughterCatharine Downey (b. about 1844)
SonGeorge Downey (b. about 1846)
DaughterEleanor Downey (b. about 1848)
SonLewis Downey (b. about 1850)

Family 2: Simon Long (b. 18 July 1826, d. 4 January 1914)

SonIsaac S. Long+ (b. 23 October 1854, d. 21 March 1918)
SonJoshua Long (b. about 1857)
SonMcClellan Long+ (b. 19 March 1862, d. 16 August 1932)


Hadassa Brown was born in December 1815 in Washington Co. (probably), MD.2,1 She married Simon Long, son of Isaac Long and Elizabeth Slifer, in August 1853 in Washington Co., MD, Hadassa first married Lewis Downey, August 1834 Washington County, MD, and relocaed with him to Ogle County, IL. After Lewis died in 1849, she returned to Washington County with her children and married Simon Long in August, 1853.2,1 Hadassa Brown died on 28 March 1901.

Last Edited 29 July 2021 00:00:00


  1. [S881] District 2, p.40, Dwelling 89, Family 93, 1870 Federal Census, Washington County, Maryland. Microfilm Image, NARA Series M593, Roll 596; FHL #552095.
  2. [S870] Williamsport District, p.107, Dwelling 701, Family 791, 1860 Federal Census, Washington County, Maryland. Microfilm Image, NARA Series M653, Roll 483; FHL #803483.

Isaac S. Long1

M, #69295, b. 23 October 1854, d. 21 March 1918


FatherSimon Long (b. 18 July 1826, d. 4 January 1914)
MotherHadassa Brown (b. December 1815, d. 28 March 1901)
Pedigree Link

Family: Esther Estella Hagerman (b. 18 August 1859, d. 29 September 1924)

DaughterLillian Viola Long (b. 11 November 1880, d. 5 March 1944)
SonWilliam H. Long (b. 18 August 1883, d. 7 April 1884)
DaughterMamie Susan Long (b. 1 November 1883, d. 1 October 1977)
DaughterCarrie L. V. Long (b. 15 July 1886, d. August 1893)
SonEdward D. Long (b. 10 January 1887, d. 7 May 1904)
SonHoward C. Long (b. 5 October 1889, d. 28 May 1955)
SonLeslie Keely Long (b. 21 April 1894, d. 19 June 1957)
DaughterGertrude Elizabeth Long+ (b. 27 September 1898, d. 31 May 1983)


Isaac S. Long was born on 23 October 1854 in Washington Co. (probably), MD.2,1 He married Esther Estella Hagerman, daughter of William Andrew Hagerman and Esther Mickley, in 1878. Isaac S. Long died on 21 March 1918 in Washington Co., MD.

He was buried in March 1918 in Manor Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Tilghmanton, Washington Co., MD, Findagrave #58183829.
Last Edited 29 July 2021 00:00:00


  1. [S881] District 2, p.40, Dwelling 89, Family 93, 1870 Federal Census, Washington County, Maryland. Microfilm Image, NARA Series M593, Roll 596; FHL #552095.
  2. [S870] Williamsport District, p.107, Dwelling 701, Family 791, 1860 Federal Census, Washington County, Maryland. Microfilm Image, NARA Series M653, Roll 483; FHL #803483.

Joshua Long1

M, #69296, b. about 1857


FatherSimon Long (b. 18 July 1826, d. 4 January 1914)
MotherHadassa Brown (b. December 1815, d. 28 March 1901)
Pedigree Link


Joshua Long was born about 1857 in Washington Co. (probably), MD.2,1
Last Edited 11 January 2009 00:00:00


  1. [S881] District 2, p.40, Dwelling 89, Family 93, 1870 Federal Census, Washington County, Maryland. Microfilm Image, NARA Series M593, Roll 596; FHL #552095.
  2. [S870] Williamsport District, p.107, Dwelling 701, Family 791, 1860 Federal Census, Washington County, Maryland. Microfilm Image, NARA Series M653, Roll 483; FHL #803483.

Elizabeth Downey1

F, #69297, b. about 1842


MotherHadassa Brown (b. December 1815, d. 28 March 1901)
Pedigree Link


Elizabeth Downey was born about 1842 in Washington Co. (probably), MD.1

Note: married John B. Coffman.
Last Edited 29 July 2021 00:00:00


  1. [S870] Williamsport District, p.107, Dwelling 701, Family 791, 1860 Federal Census, Washington County, Maryland. Microfilm Image, NARA Series M653, Roll 483; FHL #803483.

Catharine Downey1

F, #69298, b. about 1844


MotherHadassa Brown (b. December 1815, d. 28 March 1901)
Pedigree Link


Catharine Downey was born about 1844 in Washington Co. (probably), MD.1
Last Edited 29 July 2021 00:00:00


  1. [S870] Williamsport District, p.107, Dwelling 701, Family 791, 1860 Federal Census, Washington County, Maryland. Microfilm Image, NARA Series M653, Roll 483; FHL #803483.

Anna Downey1

F, #69299, b. about 1843


MotherHadassa Brown (b. December 1815, d. 28 March 1901)
Pedigree Link


Anna Downey was born about 1843 in Washington Co. (probably), MD.1
Last Edited 29 July 2021 00:00:00


  1. [S870] Williamsport District, p.107, Dwelling 701, Family 791, 1860 Federal Census, Washington County, Maryland. Microfilm Image, NARA Series M653, Roll 483; FHL #803483.

George Downey1

M, #69300, b. about 1846


MotherHadassa Brown (b. December 1815, d. 28 March 1901)
Pedigree Link


George Downey was born about 1846 in Washington Co. (probably), MD.1

Note: married Alice Highbarger.
Last Edited 29 July 2021 00:00:00


  1. [S870] Williamsport District, p.107, Dwelling 701, Family 791, 1860 Federal Census, Washington County, Maryland. Microfilm Image, NARA Series M653, Roll 483; FHL #803483.