Justin C. Copp
M, #25321, b. 6 June 1899, d. September 1966
Family: Geraldine Closser
Son | Justin C. Copp |
Son | Billie Copp |
Daughter | Jane Copp |
Justin C. Copp was born on 6 June 1899. He married Geraldine Closser. He died in September 1966 in Johnson City, Washington Co., TN.
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29 September 2002 00:00:00 |
- [S89] U. S. Social Security Death Index, online www.ancestry.com,. Hereinafter cited as Social Security Death Index.
Ruth Copp
F, #25322, b. 5 April 1912
Family: A. Klassen Broyles
Ruth Copp was born on 5 April 1912. She married A. Klassen Broyles.
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29 September 2002 00:00:00 |
William McCoy McClellan
M, #25323, b. 28 September 1909, d. 24 July 1994
Son | Larry Gene McClellan |
Son | James Allen McClellan |
William McCoy McClellan was born on 28 September 1909. He married
Jennie Mildred DeWald, daughter of
James Daniel DeWald and
Bessie Mauck, on 27 March 1940 in Tennessee. William McCoy McClellan died on 24 July 1994 in Sullivan Co., TN, Dates per SSDI, last residence Bluff City.
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13 March 2016 00:00:00 |
Nina Julia Charnock
F, #25326, b. 10 October 1893, d. 26 May 1968
Nina Julia Charnock was born on 10 October 1893 in Woonsocket, Sanborn Co., SD. She married
Earl Valentine DeWald, son of
William Montgomery DeWald and
Myrtella Delilah Gage, on 26 August 1914 in Sioux Falls, Minnehaha Co., SD. Nina Julia Charnock died on 26 May 1968 in Culver City, Los Angeles Co., CA.
She was buried in 1968 in Pomona Mausoleum, Pomona, Los Angeles Co., CA.
Note: Nina was a fine pianist and gave piano lessons to many wherever she lived. When she lived on the farm at Valley Springs, South Dakota she would hop on their pony Ginger and go from farm to farm giving lessons at $.25 per lesson. She had three boys, Earl Jr., Charles Billy, and Clive. She almost died with him, and so did he at birth. She died at the age of 74 years.
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29 September 2002 00:00:00 |
Earl Charnock DeWald
M, #25327, b. 13 December 1916
Daughter | Nianne Claire DeWald+ |
Daughter | Rosemary Lynn DeWald |
Daughter | Jane Valentine DeWald+ |
Earl Charnock DeWald was born on 13 December 1916 in Montrose, McCook Co., SD. He married
Mildred Irene Jacobsen on 26 August 1940 in Rock Rapids, Lyon Co., IA.
Note: Earl was married on his parents and grandparents (Charnock) wedding anniversary. Lived in South Dakota until 1941 and migrated to Los Angeles, California. They had three girls, Nianne, Rosemary, and Jane Valentine. Moved to Gresham, Oregon.
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17 April 2014 00:00:00 |
Charles Billy DeWald
M, #25328, b. 23 April 1918, d. 17 October 2001
Son | Donald Ray DeWald+ |
Daughter | Constance Kay DeWald+ |
Son | Robert Dale DeWald+ |
Son | Bryan Thomas DeWald+ |
Daughter | Rene' Sue DeWald |
Charles Billy DeWald was born on 23 April 1918 in Sioux Falls, Minnehaha Co., SD. He married
Genevieve Angeline Parkinson on 31 May 1942 in Las Vegas, Clark Co., NV. He died on 17 October 2001 in Lyon Co., IA, Dates per SSDI, last residence Larchwood.
Note: Charles lived in South Dakota until August of 1941 when he gave his newly married brother, Clive, and wife Ethel a ride to Los Angeles, California in his Model A Ford along with a friend (later to become his brother-in-law) Marvin Parkinson. Settled in Hawthorne, California and lived there until he retired at which time, he moved to the Parkinson Homestead, northwest of Larchwood, Iowa. They had four children, twins Donald and Constance, Robert, Bryan, and then adopted one of their foster children, Rene'.
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17 April 2014 00:00:00 |
Clive Edwin DeWald
M, #25329, b. 20 June 1920, d. 1 July 2011
Son | Clive Eddy DeWald+ |
Son | Jerry Michael DeWald+ |
Daughter | Cheri Suzanne DeWald+ |
Daughter | Yvonne Renee DeWald+ |
Son | Earl Valentine DeWald |
Clive Edwin DeWald was born on 20 June 1920 in Sioux Falls, Minnehaha Co., SD. He married
Ethel Emma Stanley on 26 August 1941 in Valley Springs, Minnehaha Co., SD. He died on 1 July 2011 in Codington Co., SD, Dates per SSDI, last residence Watertown.
Clive Edwin DeWald lived in 704 N. Broadway, Watertown, SD.
Note: Clive attended 7th & 8th grades in the country school, Sunnyside #38, located a half mile east of the DeWald farm, 4 1/2 miles south and 1/2 mile west of Valley Springs, South Dakota. Graduated from Valley Springs High School in l938, attended one year at Sioux Falls College, one year in the Civilian Conservation Corp at Lightning Creek camp west of Custer, South Dakota, Attended South Dakota State College in l940-41, was married on his brother Earl's, parents, and grandparents anniversary, left for California the same day with brother Charles, and settled in Los Angeles working in Experimental at Lockheed Aircraft Corp for 2 years. Entered the USN-CBs in Sept-l943, boot camp at Williamsburg, Virginia, advanced training at Oakland, California. Spent 22 months in the Pacific at Hawaii, Tinian, and Eniwetok. Discharged in Dec-1945, worked in Los Angeles for almost two years, entered South Dakota State University in l947 and was graduated in l949. Taught Vocational Agriculture for three years at Parker, South Dakota, three years at Monroe, South Dakota, 2 years as school representative for "Successful Farming" magazine, was a partner in a Purina Feed business and raised broilers (5000 at a time), and in l959 started working for DeKalb AgResearch, Inc as District Sales Manager at Watertown, South Dakota for 23 years. After retiring was DeKalb dealer in the Watertown and Florence, South Dakota areas until l990.
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17 April 2014 00:00:00 |
Mayme Woods
F, #25330, b. 11 November 1897, d. 7 December 1980
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28 March 2019 00:00:00 |
Everett Francis DeWald
M, #25331, b. 14 July 1919, d. 5 July 1982
Son | Francis Thayne DeWald+ |
Daughter | Wilma Linea DeWald+ |
Daughter | Bonnie Ann DeWald |
Son | Edwin Alan DeWald+ |
Everett Francis DeWald was born on 14 July 1919 in Montrose, McCook Co., SD. He married
Margaret Linea Nylund on 15 September 1941. He died on 5 July 1982 in Eureka, Humboldt Co., CA.
He was buried in July 1982 in Eureka, Humboldt Co., CA.
Everett Francis DeWald began military service Army Air Corps, WW II.
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2 February 2003 00:00:00 |
Wilma DeWald
F, #25332, b. 20 February 1921, d. 29 September 1942
Wilma DeWald was born on 20 February 1921 in Montrose, McCook Co., SD. She married
Stanley Oulman in October 1941. She died on 29 September 1942 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA.
Cause of death: on 29 September 1942 Perotonitus resulting from child birth.
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29 September 2002 00:00:00 |
Darwin Bryce DeWald
M, #25333, b. 14 April 1923
Daughter | Suzanne Marie DeWald+ |
Daughter | Andrea Yvonne DeWald+ |
Son | Brian Adrian DeWald |
Darwin Bryce DeWald was born on 14 April 1923 in Montrose, McCook Co., SD. He married
Doris Ann Miller on 15 January 1944.
Darwin Bryce DeWald lived in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA.
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29 September 2002 00:00:00 |
Howard Raymond Ward
M, #25335, b. 19 November 1897, d. 18 May 1966
Family: Alvira DeWald (b. 17 August 1900, d. 23 January 2000)
Son | James Howard Ward+ |
Son | Arthur Milton Ward+ |
Son | William Dean Ward+ |
Daughter | Alice Lea Ward+ |
Howard Raymond Ward lived on 21 June 1900 in Gettysburg Twp., Potter Co., SD.
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27 August 2016 00:00:00 |
- [S3743] Gettysburg Twp., Dist. 0281, sheet 7B, Dwelling 157, Family 159, 1900 Federal Census, Potter County, South Dakota. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T623, Roll 1553; FHL #1241553.
Mabel McCullough
F, #25340, b. 10 February 1906, d. 3 February 1984
Family: Everett Raymond DeWald (b. 14 April 1903, d. 5 November 1997)
Daughter | Ila Lavonne DeWald+ |
Daughter | Doris Igene DeWald+ |
Son | Kenneth Lee DeWald |
Son | Loren Eli DeWald+ |
Daughter | Mabel Marie DeWald+ |
Son | Adrian Wayne DeWald |
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29 September 2002 00:00:00 |
Edward Stanley Harper
M, #25347, b. 27 April 1904, d. 10 September 1977
Son | Robert Edward Harper+ |
Daughter | Bonnie Jean Harper+ |
Occupation: Worked in construction (Los Angeles, California - late 1930's); later personnel supervisor of non-certified employes in a 12-school system.
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29 September 2002 00:00:00 |