George Windle was born on 18 November 1841 in Shenandoah Co., VA, Per "Ogle County Portrait and Biographical Album" by Chapman Bros., Chicago, IL, 1886.
, on 20 September 1865 in Ogle Co., IL, 6 children born, 4 living, as of 1900 census. 6 children born, 4 living, as of 1900 census.
"Biographical Record of Ogle Co." by S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, IL, 1899, pp. 116-118
GEORGE WINDLE, a thoroughly progressive farmer and stock raiser, residing on section 15, Mt. Morris township, was born in Shenandoah County, Virginia, November 18, 1841, and is the son of William and Mary (Kretsinger) Windle, the former a native of the same county and state, born in 1807, and the latter in 1806. His father was the son of George Windle, a wagon manufacturer, also a native of Shenandoah county, Virginia. His father, the great-grandfather of our subject, was a native of Germany, who emigrated to this country, located in the Shenandoah valley, and there spent the remainder of his life. George Windle died at the age of eighty-nine years in Shenandoah County. He was the father of nine children—William, Samuel, Joseph, Amos, Richard, Branson, George, Elizabeth and Margaret.
William Windle received his education in the common schools of his native county, and after leaving school took his regular place upon his father’s farm and assisted in its cultivation. Later he became the possessor of a farm known as the “Cedar Creek farm,” which he continued to cultivate until his removal to Ogle county in 1855. On coming to this county he rented land for about nine years, and in 1864 purchased two hundred acres of Mrs. Hess, in Pine Creek Township, and there resided until his death in 1879. To William and Mary Windle, ten children were born, all of whom are yet living—John, Cornelius, Lydia, Maggie, George, William, Joseph, L. W., Jackson and Isaiah. The father died in July, 1879, and the mother in 1875. They were both members of the Lutheran church. In politics he was a Jacksonian Democrat.
In his native state the subject of this sketch began his education in the common schools, attending during the winter terms. He accompanied the family to Ogle County, arriving here at the age of fourteen years. Here he also attended the district schools during the winter and in the summer giving his entire time to his father in the cultivation of the farm. After attaining his majority, he entered Rock River Seminary, which he attended three terms, closing his school life in that institution. At the age of eighteen years he commenced to learn the carpenter’s trade under Isaiah Speaker, and served an apprenticeship of two years. He then worked at the trade as a journeyman until 1866. In 1863, in company with twelve others, he started from Mt. Morris for Pike’s Peak, Colorado, going overland with a team, being thirty days en route. Arriving at Denver, he commenced work at his trade and continued there about ten months. He then concluded to return home, and started back with a mule team. Arriving at the Missouri river, he took the stage for State Center, Iowa, and from the latter place he came as far as Polo by railroad, and from there to his home in Mt. Morris township in a buggy. During the winter of 1865-6 he taught school in Mt. Morris township, and in the fall of 1866 he purchased eighty acres of Mrs. Annie Rine, and to that farm he removed and there lived until 1872, when he went into the mercantile business at Mt. Morris, in which he continued two years. He then traded his stock of goods and his eighty-acre farm for his present farm of two hundred and forty acres, on which he has since continued to live.
On the 20th of September, 1865, Mr. Windle was united in marriage with Miss Mary E. Sprecher, born in Ogle county, Illinois, June 6, 1843, and the daughter of Philip and Catherine (Houk) Sprecher, natives of Washington county, Maryland. Her father was a farmer by occupation, and came by teams to Ogle County, Illinois, in 1839, settling on section 25, Mt. Morris township, where he purchased three hundred and sixty acres of land, to which he later added one hundred and sixty acres, giving him a valuable farm of five hundred and twenty acres. Philip and Catherine Sprecher were the parents of eleven children, five of whom died in early childhood, the remainder reaching years of maturity—Daniel, George, John, Adasale, Ann and Mary E. Both parents are now deceased.
In politics he was a Democrat. Both were reared in the Lutheran faith, but later united with the Advent church.
To Mr. and Mrs. Windle six children have been born: Charles Elmer died August 24, 1881, his death resulting from an accident, being injured by a traction engine, and only living thirtysix hours after the accident occurred. Mary Catherine married J. H. Harnly, of Auburn, Illinois, and they are now living in Eldora, Iowa, where both are employed as teachers in the Industrial school; Addie married Prof. Ira R. Hendrickson, by whom she had two children, one, Ruth Mary, now living. He is engaged in teaching in Lamar, Missiouri; Orpha Irene is teaching in Mt. Morris township; William, teaching in Mt. Morris township; Philip W. is living at home; Thurlow died at the age of sixteen days. Mr. and Mrs. Windle have adopted a little boy, taking, when but five months old, Clifford Neff Windle. They have also made a home for a young miss from Chicago, Clara Fallaskson, thirteen years old. These deeds speak well for the kindly disposition of Mr. and Mrs. Windle.
In politics Mr. Windle is a Democrat, and as a member of the Democratic party he has taken an active interest in its well being, attending the various local conventions and giving of his time to advance the cause. He has served as a delegate to the state convention of his party, and is now serving as a member of the congressional committee. Interested in educational affairs, he served for twelve years as a member of the school board. Religiously he is identified with the Methodist Episcopal church, being one of the trustees. He takes an active interest in the work of the church, and does his full duty in maintaining its services.
In his business relations Mr. Windle has been quite successful, and in addition to the home farm he owns one hundred and seven acres southwest of Mt. Morris, and also three hundred and twenty acres in Buena Vista County, Iowa. His farm is well stocked and is kept in excellent condition and under a high state of cultivation. In 1876 he set out a large number of shade and ornamental trees which add to the attractive appearance of the place. His dwelling house has been remodeled, making it a fine country residence. In stock he is making a specialty of Durham shorthorn cattle, Chester white hogs and Norman horses. In addition to his farm work, he is agent for the Aultman & Taylor Company, and the Rumely Company, manufacturers of steam engines and threshers, and is also dealing to some extent in real estate. He is a very busy man, very industrious, and it is no wonder that success has crowned his efforts. While he is not numbered among those who claim to be pioneers, he has yet resided in Ogle County for about forty-four years, and it is but just to say that in that time he has done what he could to advance the business and commercial interests of the county, and is deserving of the high honor and respect in which he is held.
He was buried in February 1920 in Oakwood Cemetery, Mt. Morris, Ogle Co., IL.