Land Of The Buckeye

Person Page 3,005

Frances F. DeBaun

F, #90122, b. 27 June 1915, d. 15 April 1997


FatherCharles E. DeBaun (b. 1 November 1883, d. 5 March 1917)
MotherMinnie E. Schonfield (b. 28 July 1886, d. 8 March 1961)
Pedigree Link

Family: Roy Allen DeVault (b. 22 March 1923, d. 21 February 2000)

DaughterJune Beth DeVault+
SonRobert Allen DeVault+


Frances F. DeBaun was born on 27 June 1915 in Shelby Co. (probably), IN. She married Roy Allen DeVault, son of William Walker DeVault and Estella Mae Pence, on 21 November 1951. Frances F. DeBaun died on 15 April 1997.

She was buried in April 1997 in Winchester Cemetery, Winchester, Shelby Co., IN, Findagrave #19772977.
Last Edited 9 May 2022 00:00:00

Betty Kathryn Johnson

F, #90126, b. 8 July 1924, d. 13 November 2008
Pedigree Link

Family: Verlin Weatherby DeVault (b. 16 December 1919, d. 8 October 1988)

SonRev. Larry Verlin DeVault
SonWilliam Lackey DeVault
SonJames DeVault
DaughterBarbara Marie DeVault
SonRichard Paul DeVault


Betty Kathryn Johnson was born on 8 July 1924 in Harlan Co., KY. She married Verlin Weatherby DeVault, son of Jesse Cleveland DeVault, Sr., and Lillie G. Carroll, on 1 July 1944,

MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT - The Kingsport Times, Sullivan Co., Tennessee, July 9, 1944:

Devault-Johnson Wedding is Announced

Miss Betty Kathryn Johnson of Harlan, Ky., became the bride of Verlin Devault in a beautiful ceremony performed July 1 at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. D. H. Brown, Kingsport, with the Reverand M. H. Currie, assistant pastor of the Presbyterian Church , officiating. The double ring ceremony was used.

Preceding the ceremony Miss Wanda - Zimmerman presented a program of wedding music at the piano, including the Lohengrin wedding march, "I Love You Truly,: "Because," "At Dawning," "I Love Your," "O Perfect Love," and " O Promise Me."

The house was decorated throughout with white gladioli and fern, and the vows were exchanged before the mantel banked with greenery, gladioli and tall crystal candelabra which held burning white tapers.

The bride wore a street length dress of eggshell white with blue accessories and carried a bouquet of pink roses and blue delphinium.

Miss Oneda Brown was maid of honor and William Frye served as the groom's best man.

Immediately following the ceremony an informal reception was held at the home of Mrs. Brown. The dining table was centered with a tiered wedding cake, which was tapped with a miniture bride and groom, which was cut and served to the guests.

The couple left for a short wedding trip, and since returning are at home at 410 West Sullivan Street.

Out of town guests for the wedding were Miss Dorothy Jean Johnson, sister of the bride, Mrs. John Lackey, Mr. and Mrs. John Landrum, Miss Mary Rachel Hoskins and Miss Mary Lou Burnside all of Harlan, Mrs. Chauncey Devault of Blountville and Miss Evelyn Brown of Bristol, Tennessee.

Mrs. Devault is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lackey of Harlan, Ky., and Mr. Devault is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Devault of Fordtown, Tennessee.

Betty Kathryn Johnson died on 13 November 2008 in Sullivan Co., TN,

OBITUARY - Bristol Herald Courier; November 16, 2008:

Betty DeVault

BLOUNTVILLE, Tenn. – Entombment services for Betty Katherine "Mama Pud" DeVault will be held in East Lawn Memorial Park's Mausoleum II on Sunday, Nov. 16, 2008, at 1 p.m. A celebration of her life will follow at Wheeler United Methodist Church on Sunday at 2 p.m.

Those wishing may make memorial contributions to Wheeler United Methodist Church, 211 Sanders St., Blountville, TN 37617. You may place a condolence to the DeVault family by visiting

Betty Katherine "Mama Pud" DeVault, age 84, went home to be with her beloved husband of 44 years on Thursday, Nov. 13, 2008, at Wellmont Holston Valley Medical Center following a brief illness.

East Lawn Funeral Home, your Dignity Memorial provider, is serving the DeVault family.

DEATH NOTICE - Kingport Times (TN); November 15, 2008; ( - cached result):

Betty DeVault, Blountville.

Betty Katherine "Mama Pud" DeVault, 84, of Blountville, died Thursday at Wellmont Holston Valley Medical Center. The family will receive friends from 4 to 7 p.m. today at East Lawn Funeral Home Funeral Home. Services will follow at 7 p.m. today in the chapel. Entombment will be in East Lawn Funeral Home Memorial Park's Mausoleum II at 1 p.m. Sunday. A celebration of her life will follow at Wheeler United Methodist Church on Sunday at 2 p.m.

She was buried in November 2008 in East Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery, Kingsport, Sullivan Co., TN, Findagrave #87435074.
Last Edited 13 May 2022 00:00:00

Marie Bridwell

F, #90133, d. before 21 May 1992
Pedigree Link

Family: Jesse Cleveland DeVault, Jr., (b. 4 May 1925, d. 31 May 1992)

DaughterHelen DeVault


Marie Bridwell married Jesse Cleveland DeVault, Jr., son of Jesse Cleveland DeVault, Sr., and Mamie Deakins. Marie Bridwell died before 21 May 1992 in Washington Co. (probably), TN.

Last Edited 24 September 2012 00:00:00

Augustus Lincoln Breeding

M, #90136, b. 23 February 1921, d. 23 September 1991


FatherJames Kemper Breeding (b. 11 August 1873, d. 1948)
MotherLucy Aston Moore (b. 19 April 1882, d. 17 November 1968)
Pedigree Link

Family: Zelda Lee DeVault (b. 17 July 1926, d. 12 January 1986)

DaughterBeverly Ann Breeding
SonKemp Breeding


Augustus Lincoln Breeding was born on 23 February 1921 in Sullivan Co., TN. He married Zelda Lee DeVault, daughter of Jesse Cleveland DeVault, Sr., and Mamie Deakins, on 15 July 1947 in Rossville, Walker Co., GA,

MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT - Kingsport, Tennessee Times News; Sunday, July 27, 1947; page 3-B column 6; (

Miss Zelda DeVault Is Bride Of Augustus Breeding , July 16

The marriage of Miss Zelda Lee DeVault, daughter of Jesse C. DeVault, Rock Springs, and Augustus L. Breeding, son of J. K. Breeding, Route 2, Kingsport, was solemnized Wednesday July 16 at 11 o'clock in the morning in the First Baptist Church in Rossville, Ga. The Rev. E. V. Shivers officiated, using the double-ring ceremony.

The bride wore a street-length dress of egg shell crepe with brown accessories and a picture hat of brown straw with an open crown. Her corsage was a single yellow orchid.

The bride is a graduate of Sullivan High School and has been an employee of the Credit Service Bureau for the past 21 months.

Mr. Breeding attended Sullivan High School and served for three years in the U.S. Army, including 2 years in the E.T.O. He is now employed by Tennessee Eastman Corporation.

Mr. and Mrs. Breeding are making their home at 720 Fairview Avenue.

Augustus Lincoln Breeding died on 23 September 1991 in Sullivan Co., TN.

Augustus Lincoln Breeding began military service WW II service, U.S. Army -- served three years including two years in the European Theater.


NEWSPAPER ARTICLE - Kingsport, Tennessee News; Tuesday, June 22, 1943; page 5 column 7; (

Gus Breeding, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Breeding, a former employe of Tennessee Eastman has been promoted from private first class to the class of corporal in the 652 Engineer Topographic Battalion at Camp Livingston, La., his commanding officer announced Monday.

NEWSPAPER ARTICLE - Kingsport Tennessee News; Sunday, 28 Aug 1955; page 1, by Bill Huff (


Two Others Hospitalized

BOONES CREEK -- Two men were fatally injured, one was critically injured and a fourth man was less seriously hurt in a head-on collision at the Boones creek-Jonesboro roads intersection here Saturday afternoon.

Dead Were:

James V. Breeding, 37, RFD Jonesboro and his brother-in-law Elon DeVault, about 25, Route 10, Kingsport. Breeding died of chest and head injuries about half an hour after reaching Memorial Hospital, Johnson City. DeVault also suffered head and chest injuries and died about six hours after being admitted to the hospital.


See picture of smashed automobile on page 8-A


In critical condition late Saturday night was John W. Correll, about 42, 128 Boone St., Jonesboro, who suffered chest injuries and head lacerations.

Less seriously hurt was Gus Breeding, 34, Bloomingdale Rd., Kingsport, brother of James and driver of the car, according to investigating officers. He was admitted to Memorial Hospital for treatment of small head lacerations.

The Washington County Sheriff's Department at Johnson City said a manslaughter charge had been placed against Breeding.

The accident occurred about 5 p.m. at a dangerous intersection about one forth mile off Route 23. Correll, a worker in heating units and guttering was alone in his 1948 model car and apparently driving towards Jonesboro.

The 1950 model car in which two were to be fatally hurt evidently was traveling towards Gray Station.

The roads leading to the intersection are straight.

The right front of the Breeding car struck the left front of Correll's vehicle, knocking it about 20 feet from the point of impact, according to the first person on the scene after the accident, Clarence Mattingly, an auto repairman from Jonesboro.

The Breeding car had stopped after breaking through a panel fence to the left of the road, Mattingly said, and two men lay near it, one whose feet were in the car and his head on the ground. He did not see a third man near or in the car, he said.

Correll was lying in the road curled up, Mattingly stated.

As others arrived and stopped, Mattingly advised Mrs. B. D. Young, whose home is nearby, to call an ambulance and the Highway Patrol. He said he also advised against moving any of the victims until an ambulance came.

Saturday's fatal crash was investigated by Sheriff John R. Deakins, Deputies Ed Phillips, Milt Sluder, and Chief Deputy Bill Taylor and Highway patrol Cpl. Jim Long.

James Breeding was a native of Sullivan County and an Air Force veteran of World War II. He owned and operated Williams Machine Shop at Litz Manor. He leaves his widow, Mrs. Janie Breeding; two children, Carolyn and Jimmy; his mother, Mrs. J. K. Breeding, Route 2, Kingsport; three brothers in addition to Gus - Ernest, Sydney and Kemper, all of Route 2, Kingsport; three sisters, Mrs. I. E. Bevins, Bristol, Mrs. Mabel Peters, San Diego, Calif. and Mrs. Parker Lovelace, Route 1, Kingsport.

NEWSPAPER ARTICLE - Kingsport News (Kingsport, Tennessee); Monday, 29 Aug 1955; page 1 column 4; (

One Survivor Of Fatal Car Wreck 'Poor'

The two survivors of Saturday afternoon's fatal auto collision at he Boones Creek-Gray Station roads intersection in Washington County were reported "poor" and "fair" respectively at Memorial Hospital at Johnson City late Sunday.

The accident was fatal to Elon H. DeVault, 37, of Rock Springs Community, and James V. Breeding, 37, RFD Jonesboro. Both were passengers in a car driven by Gus Breeding, 34, Bloomingdale Road, listed Sunday in fair condition. He suffered head lacerations.

Still in poor condition was John W. Correll, about 42, 128 Boone Street, Jonesboro, driver and lone occupant of the second vehicle. Correll suffered chest and head injuries.

The Washington County Sheriff's Department reported a manslaughter charge would be placed against Breeding.

NEWSPAPER ARTICLE - Kingsport News (Kingsport, Tennessee); Friday, January 13, 1956; page 1 column 1; (

Is Indicted In Manslaughter

JOHNSON CITY, Tenn., Jan. 12 -- Augustus L. Breeding, Route 1, Kingsport, today was indicted by the Washington County Grand Jury on a charge of manslaughter in connection with the traffic deaths last August of two men.

A warrant was issued Aug. 29 charging Breeding with manslaughter in the deaths of his brother, James V. Breeding, Rt. 5, Jonesboro, and Elon Devault, Rt. 10, Kingsport.

Augustus Breeding and John W. Correll, Johnson City, were injured in the accident.

Last Edited 13 November 2016 00:00:00

James Kemper Breeding

M, #90137, b. 11 August 1873, d. 1948
Pedigree Link

Family: Lucy Aston Moore (b. 19 April 1882, d. 17 November 1968)

SonAugustus Lincoln Breeding+ (b. 23 February 1921, d. 23 September 1991)


James Kemper Breeding was born on 11 August 1873 in Sullivan Co., TN.1 He married Lucy Aston Moore. He died in 1948 in Kingsport, Sullivan Co., TN.

Last Edited 13 November 2016 00:00:00


  1. [S3855] Civil District 11, Dist. 0015, sheet 31A, Dwelling 641, Family 641, 1930 Federal Census, Sullivan County, Tennessee. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T626, Roll 1181; FHL #2342015.

Lucy Aston Moore

F, #90138, b. 19 April 1882, d. 17 November 1968
Pedigree Link

Family: James Kemper Breeding (b. 11 August 1873, d. 1948)

SonAugustus Lincoln Breeding+ (b. 23 February 1921, d. 23 September 1991)


Lucy Aston Moore was born on 19 April 1882 in Virginia.1 She married James Kemper Breeding. She died on 17 November 1968 in Kingsport, Sullivan Co., TN.

Last Edited 13 November 2016 00:00:00


  1. [S3855] Civil District 11, Dist. 0015, sheet 31A, Dwelling 641, Family 641, 1930 Federal Census, Sullivan County, Tennessee. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T626, Roll 1181; FHL #2342015.

John Vincent Contini

M, #90141, d. before 29 June 1974
Pedigree Link

Family: Evelyn

SonJohn Vincent Contini, Jr.


John Vincent Contini married Evelyn. He died before 29 June 1974.

Last Edited 24 September 2012 00:00:00

Roberta Bellamy

F, #90144, b. 8 June 1932, d. 1 March 2012


FatherClaude Titus Bellamy
MotherGrace Nevada Collier
Pedigree Link

Family: Elon Horace DeVault (b. 13 February 1928, d. 27 August 1955)

SonJason Earl DeVault+
DaughterEvelyn Hope DeVault+


Roberta Bellamy was born on 8 June 1932. She married Elon Horace DeVault, son of Jesse Cleveland DeVault, Sr., and Mamie Deakins. Roberta Bellamy died on 1 March 2012

Dates per SSDI.



Prior to her marriage to Elon, Roberta was married to Harold Loyd Light. Roberta and Harold had two children. It appears that she was married four more times after Elon died. In a genealogy prepared by Rudy Taylor, Roberta had two more children with the "DeVault" surname. One of these additional children, Hope (DeVault) Niel (identified as Evelyn Niel in the following obituary), is listed as a daughter of Elon. Roberta's last marriage was to George Wasdin and they were still living in Houma, Louisana in 2010.

OBITUARY - Irving Claude "Bill" Aucoin (son of Roberta), The Tri-Parish Times, Houma, Louisiana, February 22, 2010


Irving "Bill" Claude Aucoin, 46, a native of Bourg, La., and resident of Hahnville, La., died Monday, Feb. 15, 2010.

Mr. Aucoin was a parishioner of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church in Hahnville. He worked as a shipfitter for 32 years at Northrop Grumman Ship Systems in Avondale.

He is survived by his wife of 17 years, Julie C. Aucoin of Hahnville; father, Richard C. Aucoin; mother, Roberta Bellamy (George) Wasdin; brother, Jason Earl DeVault; sisters, Phyllis Aucoin, Evelyn Niel, Paula Aucoin, Betty DeVault and Kathy Smith; nine stepbrothers and sisters; as well as nieces, nephews, family and friends.

He was preceded in death by his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Irving J. Aucoin; and brother, Michael Light.

Visitation will be held from 9 to 11 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 23, at St. Ann Catholic Church. Funeral services will follow at 11 a.m. at the church.

He will be buried at St. Ann Catholic Church Cemetery.

Chauvin Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

Last Edited 24 September 2012 00:00:00

Schreiber Lucian Oakley1

M, #90149, b. 22 February 1905, d. 27 May 1954


MotherLeota Eleanor DeVault (b. 1 February 1886, d. 25 May 1925)
Pedigree Link

Family: Katherine Bazer (b. 15 November 1906, d. 22 January 1990)

DaughterJudith Lynn Oakley (b. 14 April 1936, d. 3 December 2016)
SonStephen Gordon Oakley+


Schreiber Lucian Oakley was born on 22 February 1905 in Pittsfield, Pke Co., IL.1 He married Katherine Bazer, daughter of Bolen Everett Bazer and Mary Elizabeth Pugh. Schreiber Lucian Oakley died on 27 May 1954 in Beaumont, Jefferson Co., TX,


S. L. Oakley, Local Movie Official, Dies

S. L. Oakley, 49, widely-known motion picture executive and a resident of this city for nine years, died at this home, 2325 Long avenue, at 7:02 a.m. Thursday following a lingering illness.

Mr. Oakley was vice-president and general manager of the Jefferson Amusement company and was also vice-president and general manager of that company's chain of east Texas theaters. He had been connected with the company for 27 years.

MR. OAKLEY went to work for the Jefferson Amusement company April 27, 1927, as a Beaumont theater manager. In November of that year the Jefferson theater was opened and he became assistant manager of it.

Later he served as city manager of east Texas theaters working in Nacogdoches, Marshall and Jacksonville. Later he became district manager of the east Texas chain with headquarters in Nacogdoches.

FROM THAT POSITION he was transferred to the Dallas office of the company where he took over the booking department.

He returned to Beaumont in 1945 as vice-president and general manager of the Jefferson Amusement company and of the East Texas Theaters, Inc.

Mr. Oakley was educated in the schools of his home town in Pittsfield, Ill., and later attended Columbia university.

HE WAS A member of the Beaumont club, the Town club, the Beaumont Country club. He also belonged to the Dallas Variety club, a national organization of showmen. He was active in the program of boys' work carried on on a national level by this club.

He also was an honorary member of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes and belonged to the First Baptist church.

HE WAS A director of both the Jefferson Amusement company and of the East Texas Theaters, Inc.

A moment of silence will be observed in all theaters of both corporations during the hour of the funeral services scheduled for Friday.

Funeral services will be held at the First Baptist church at 3 p.m. Friday. Dr. T. A. Patterson, pastor of the church, will officiate. Interment, under the direction of the Roberts and Pipkin-Brulin funeral home, will be in a local cemetery.

PALLBEARERS HAVE been designated as E. N. Armstrong, Max Wertheim, Fred Minton, Dr. Julian Fertitta, Irving Cohn, E. D. Hayle, Sam Landrum, Mortie Marks, L. C. Kyburz and Pete Navarro.

All friends of the family have been designated as honorary pallbearers.

MEMBERS OF THE family have requested that no flowers be sent but that money to be spent for these tributes be donated to the cancer fund.

Surviving are his wife; one son, Stephen Gordon Oakley, and one daughter, Judity Lynn Oakley, all of this city; two sisters, Mrs. Clifford Housh of Houston and Mrs. W. R. Barnes of Fort Worth and two uncles, Charles Oakley of Pittsfield, Ill., and Charles DeVault of Dallas.


Beaumont Rites Today for Oakley

BEAUMONT -- S. L. Oakley, 49, widely know theatre executive, died at his home here Thursday morning after a lengthy illness. He had undergone a throat operation about a year ago.

Oakley was vice president and general manager of the Jefferson Amusement Company and also was vice president and general manager of the East Texas Theatres, Inc.

Funeral service will be held at the First Baptist Church here at 3 PM Friday with Dr. T. A. Patterson officiating. Burial will be in a Beaumont cemetery.

Surviving are his widow; one son, Stephen Gordon Oakley; one daughter, Judity Lynn Oakley, who graduated from Beaumont High School Wednesday night, all of Beaumont; two sisters, Mrs. Clifford Housh of Houston and Mrs. W. R. Barnes of Fort Worth.

He was buried in 1954 in Forest Lawn Memorial Park and Funeral Home, Beaumont, Jefferson Co., TX, Findagrave #104653915.

Note: Samuel DeVault is shown on the 1910 Census for Pike County, Illinois as the grandson of Elbert DeVault. It is surmised that he was the son of Leota, and was the same individual as "Schrieber" Oakley, age 14, shown in the 1920 census. But it is also possible that Sam could have been the son of May or Margaret DeVault. Note that a Matthew Schreiber, age 26, single, appears in the 1910 census living with his brother John at Woodville, just east of Pike County, Illinois.
Last Edited 12 July 2019 00:00:00


  1. [S2057] Pittsfield, Dist. 0140, sheet 12B, line 92, 1910 Federal Census, Pike County, Illinois. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T624, Roll 318; FHL #1374331.

Ida May Tuttle1

F, #90150, b. 6 August 1896, d. 29 January 1956


FatherCharles Smith Tuttle (b. 4 January 1867, d. 7 October 1939)
MotherLillie M. French (b. 11 September 1879, d. 14 January 1901)
Pedigree Link

Family: Charles Harrison DeVault (b. 26 July 1889, d. 20 January 1973)

SonCharles Elbert DeVault+ (b. 6 November 1917, d. 1 September 2000)
SonDean Elmo DeVault+ (b. 30 July 1919, d. 19 August 1999)


Ida May Tuttle was born on 6 August 1896 in Paris, Monroe Co., MO.1 She married Charles Harrison DeVault, son of Elbert S. DeVault and Sarah Ellis Harrison, about 1915.1 Ida May Tuttle died on 29 January 1956 in Dallas Co., TX.

She was buried in February 1956 in Laurel Land Memorial Park, Dallas, Dallas Co., TX, Findagrave #195351749.
Last Edited 11 July 2019 00:00:00


  1. [S2058] Morton Twp., Dist. 172, sheet 5A, Dwelling 101, Family 101, 1920 Federal Census, Tazewell County, Illinois. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T625, Roll 410.