Land Of The Buckeye

Person Page 3,879

Judge Samuel Francis Steele

M, #116341, b. 5 July 1837, d. December 1913
Pedigree Link

Family: Mary Fowler Poor (b. May 1847, d. 1916)

DaughterMay Steele+ (b. 1 July 1881, d. 9 July 1969)


Judge Samuel Francis Steele was born on 5 July 1837 in Highland Co., OH.1 He married Mary Fowler Poor. He died in December 1913 in Columbus, Franklin Co., OH,

Obituary (

The News-Herald. (Hillsboro, Highland Co., Ohio) 1886-1973, December 25, 1913, Image 1 & Image 4


And Member of the Highland County Bar Forty-nine Years

Resident of Hillsboro Seventy-six Years. After forty-nine years' service at the bar of Highland county, Judge S. F. Steele passed away at a sanitarium in Columbus early Tuesday morning. The body was brought to the residence that night. Funeral services conducted by Rev G. B. Beecher were held from the home yesterday afternoon interment was made in the Hillsboro cemetery. Judge Steele was one of the oldest residents of Hillsboro. He was born in this city in 1837 and lived here all his life. The following obituary prepared by Judge Newby was read at the funeral services yesterday afternoon. Circumstances and the occasion forbid that sufficient time be now taken to pay a full tribute to the memory of him whose taking away has called us together to-day. It is but a little over 24 hours since the sad intelligence was brought me by wire while in a neighboring county that Judge Steele was dead. And besides, his long life in our midst, coupled with the fact that owing to his prominence and his intimate relations with the public has served to bring, around him a large circle of admiring friends, to whom to recount all his many high standards of character and manhood would be a work of supererogation. So when a life so useful and so exemplary has come to a close, a part of these services should be devoted to a testimonial due from the living to its virtues and teachings, not alone as a mark of respect to the dead, but as a thanksgiving from the living for the lessons his life has taught. His life is done, his story is told, his book is closed and it is for us, the living, to draw from these inspiration and courage. For Judge Steele was one of those men who, though dead, will continue to speak. Judge Samuel F Steele, the son of Rev. Dr. Samuel Steele, for more than thirty years, and up to the time of his death, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Hillsboro, was born in Hillsboro July 5, 1837. He attended in his native town the school of Prof. Isaac Sams, a noted educator of that day, from which school he entered the sophomore class of Miami University at Oxford, Ohio. From Miami he entered Center College at Danville, Ky , and graduated from that institution in 1850. Following his graduation he served as a tutor in Kentucky until he returned to Hillsboro in 1862. Upon his return to Hillsboro he took up the study of law in the office of the late Judge James Sloane, at that time one of the leaders of the bar of Southern Ohio. Judge Sloane early recognized the high order of legal talent possessed by his pupil and upon Judge Steele's admission to the bar in 1864 testified his appreciation of young Steele's ability and his entire confidence in his future as an attorney, by forming a partnership with him in the practice of the law. This partnership continued under the name of Sloane & Steele until the election of Judge Steele to the Common Pleas Judgeship in this district in the autumn of 1871. April 7, 1875, at Washington D. C., Judge Steele was married to Miss. Mary Poor, who with five daughters are left to mourn the loss of a loving and indulgent husband and father. In this community where Judge Steele enjoyed a wide acquaintance and a large circle of close friendships, it is unnecessary, I deem It, to elaborate upon his pleasing social qualities. Suffice it to say that his pleading social qualities, marked politeness, courtesy and kindness of manner and speech were felt and noted alike by all who came into his company and particularly by those who associated closely with him though kindness was the ruling element of his nature, he was not disposed to look lightly upon wrong-doing nor to apologize for the evil acts of others willfully done, but on the contrary, in such a case, his sense of right would rebel and he would condemn where he thought condemnation was deserved. But all Judgments of others were stamped with a generosity and charity tested by few men. And amongst Judge Steele's friends and acquaintances, two subjects were constantly remarked upon; one was his gentility toward and lack of criticism of all and the other, the universal respect of others for him. No man in the community had fewer harsh words to regret and none possessed more highly the contidence and esteem in the county and town where his long and active life was spent. Judge Steele was a gentleman, not of the old school alone, but of every school in every time. He was not one who paraded himself as a gentleman, but by his conduct and demeanor, he forced from all who knew him the acknowledgement that he was a gentleman. But whatever could be said of Judge Steele from a social point of view, and much more could be said, it was in his chosen profession of a lawyer that he proved his greatest usefulness and value to the community and county in which he lived. The work of a lawyer. In the discharge of his duties to his clients and the public may be compared to a dangerous weapon or a high explosive, in that its use is very valuable in the bands of one who can and will properly and intelligently control and employ it and very destructive when ignorantly, carelessly or improperly used. Judge Steele had drunk deep of the fountain of the law and was noted for his great knowledge of its underlying principles. And coupled with this wide range of knowledge was a ready and accurate mental perception which enabled him at a glance to see with remarkable clearness the complete legal bearings of a question, all of which combined to place him at the head of the column and give his advice and judgment on intricate points of law, the weight of authority. And, when there were added to these qualities, his high ideals of personal and professional integrity, his strong sense of justice and absolute and never falling impartiality of judgment, he became the ideal, the honorable lawyer, who sheds luster upon and bring to his noble profession the confidence and respect of the people. These qualities Judge Steele was universally known to posess and their practice undoubtedly made his opinions and advice more generally sought than those of any other member of the local bar, especially during the latter half of his professional life, a position he held at the bar until falling health removed him from the ranks. Judge Steele's mind was naturally of an analytical and investigative turn. He was a law scholar and while none surpassed him in the breadth and thoroughness of his professional knowledge, others there were more adept in the presentation and conduct of cases to juries, or as is frequently expressed, were better trial lawyers. But the best support that a trial lawyer could have in the trial of a case and valuable above his own brilliancy, however great, would be the wise, clear headed, sincere suggestions of Judge Steele. But in cases presented to the court alone, Judge Steele was pre-eminent, not alone because of his great knowledge of the law, but also because of his known sincerity and perfect frankness with courts that he would not urge on the court any proposition of law which did not have the fair and impartial endorsement of his own judgment. But it was as a judge that Judge Steele performed his greatest service and that was the place where he signalized his great power as an expounder of the law and proved the far-reaching thoroughness of his understanding of the law as well as the possession of those invaluable qualities of temperament: Patience, justice and impartiality, which form the indisputable proof of strong moral character and convictions. Judge Steele served approximately 10 years upon the Common Pleas bench of this district, from Feb. 1872, to Oct , 1881, and long before the close of his service, was looked upon as one of the fairest and most thoroughly equipped members of the Ohio bench. It was while serving on the bench that he was thrown much with the late Judge R. A. Harrison, of Columbus, who for years before his death, was considered the head of the Ohio bar. Mr. Harrison was so impressed with Judge's

Steele's legal attainments and his broad and ready grasp of legal questions that he offered Judge Steele a partnership with him in the practice of law in Columbus, which was as high a compliment to Judge Steele's ability as is seldom received by any one. Judge Steele never sought polltical office. On numerous occasions political preferment was his for asking, aye, for the acceptance, but he was so devotedly wedded to his profession and its duties were so agreeable to him that he steadfastly refused to step out of his profession, though only temporarily, for political official life. Though busily engaged with professional duties, Judge Steele's was always ready with a helping hand for the betterment of the town and the advancement of it's interests. He served for a time on two or three occasions, I believe as a member of the village school board, and in other ways identified himself with the interests of the town and its forward movements. Though not active in the membership of any church, Judge Steele was a religious man. But his religion was not of the kind that proved itself only in pretense or even adherence to creed, it was manifested in action, in conduct. His religion was positive, not negative, he lived his religion according to the Golden Rule and by rendering unto Ceasar the things which were Caesar's. He was the up right man whose end, the scriptures tell us, in peace. Judge Steele leaves us after a spotless life covering a span of nearly four score years. Others may have passed him in the line of success which consists in the accumulation of vast wealth or the attainment of high political place, but none will leave a richer heritage to those he has left behind. He passed with the great satisfaction that comes from consciousness of a life well spent and duties well preformed.

Contributed by DKT, 23 Nov. 2013.

He was buried in December 1913 in Hillsboro Cemetery, Hillsboro, Highland Co., OH, Find A Grave Memorial# 118865914.
Last Edited 16 July 2017 00:00:00


  1. [S549] Hillsboro, Dist. 0118, sheet 5A, Dwelling 102, Family 122, 1900 Federal Census, Highland County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T623, Roll 1286; FHL #1241286.

Mary Beecher1

F, #116342, b. about 1903


FatherLyman O'Hara Beecher (b. 4 April 1875, d. 14 December 1977)
MotherMay Steele (b. 1 July 1881, d. 9 July 1969)
Pedigree Link


Mary Beecher was born about 1903 in Hillsboro, Highland Co., OH.1
Last Edited 16 July 2017 00:00:00


  1. [S3866] Hillsboro, Dist. 92, sheet 18B, Dwelling 208, Family 212, 1920 Federal Census, Highland County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T625, Roll 1399.

George B. Beecher1

M, #116343, b. 2 February 1906, d. 6 February 2006


FatherLyman O'Hara Beecher (b. 4 April 1875, d. 14 December 1977)
MotherMay Steele (b. 1 July 1881, d. 9 July 1969)
Pedigree Link

Family: Irene Florence May Dean (b. 31 May 1902, d. 19 May 1978)

DaughterEllen D. Beecher
SonLyman Beecher


George B. Beecher was born on 2 February 1906 in Hillsboro, Highland Co., OH.1 He married Irene Florence May Dean on 30 August 1932 in Highland Co., OH. He died on 6 February 2006.

He was buried in February 2006 in Hillsboro Cemetery, Hillsboro, Highland Co., OH, Find A Grave Memorial# 118762772.
George B. Beecher lived on 8 April 1940 in Elon College, Alamance Co., NC.2
Last Edited 18 July 2017 00:00:00


  1. [S3866] Hillsboro, Dist. 92, sheet 18B, Dwelling 208, Family 212, 1920 Federal Census, Highland County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T625, Roll 1399.
  2. [S4141] Elon College, ED 1-3, sheet 4A, Household 71, 1940 Federal Census, Alamance County, North Carolina. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T627, Roll 286B.

Katherine Steele Beecher1

F, #116344, b. 21 June 1913, d. 3 January 1969


FatherLyman O'Hara Beecher (b. 4 April 1875, d. 14 December 1977)
MotherMay Steele (b. 1 July 1881, d. 9 July 1969)
Pedigree Link


Katherine Steele Beecher was born on 21 June 1913 in Hillsboro, Highland Co., OH.1 She died on 3 January 1969.

Last Edited 18 July 2017 00:00:00


  1. [S3866] Hillsboro, Dist. 92, sheet 18B, Dwelling 208, Family 212, 1920 Federal Census, Highland County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T625, Roll 1399.

Irene Florence May Dean

F, #116345, b. 31 May 1902, d. 19 May 1978
Pedigree Link

Family: George B. Beecher (b. 2 February 1906, d. 6 February 2006)

DaughterEllen D. Beecher
SonLyman Beecher


Irene Florence May Dean was born on 31 May 1902 in Scotland. She married George B. Beecher, son of Lyman O'Hara Beecher and May Steele, on 30 August 1932 in Highland Co., OH. Irene Florence May Dean died on 19 May 1978 in Pinellas Co., FL.

Last Edited 18 July 2017 00:00:00

Charles Julian Snyder

M, #116348, b. 16 November 1885, d. 11 July 1965


FatherSimon Snyder (b. June 1842, d. 1921)
MotherElecta Coates (b. 24 May 1847, d. 4 April 1907)
Pedigree Link


Charles Julian Snyder was born on 16 November 1885 in Randolph Co., IN. He married Treva Windle, daughter of William Sherman Windle and Mary A. Baker, no children. Charles Julian Snyder died on 11 July 1965 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., OH.

He was buried in July 1965 in Sugar Grove Cemetery, West Alexandria, Preble Co., OH, Find A Grave Memorial# 24788011.
Last Edited 22 July 2017 00:00:00

Simon Snyder

M, #116349, b. June 1842, d. 1921
Pedigree Link

Family: Electa Coates (b. 24 May 1847, d. 4 April 1907)

SonCharles Julian Snyder (b. 16 November 1885, d. 11 July 1965)


Simon Snyder was born in June 1842 in Ohio.1 He married Electa Coates on 11 November 1865 in Randolph Co., IN. He died in 1921.

Last Edited 22 July 2017 00:00:00


  1. [S4142] Wayne Twp., Dist. 0130, sheet 4B, Dwelling 96, Family 99, 1900 Federal Census, Randolph County, Indiana. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T623, Roll 399; FHL #1240399.

Electa Coates1

F, #116350, b. 24 May 1847, d. 4 April 1907
Pedigree Link

Family: Simon Snyder (b. June 1842, d. 1921)

SonCharles Julian Snyder (b. 16 November 1885, d. 11 July 1965)


Electa Coates was born on 24 May 1847 in Indiana.1 She married Simon Snyder on 11 November 1865 in Randolph Co., IN. She died on 4 April 1907 in Harrisville, Randolph Co., IN.

Last Edited 22 July 2017 00:00:00


  1. [S4142] Wayne Twp., Dist. 0130, sheet 4B, Dwelling 96, Family 99, 1900 Federal Census, Randolph County, Indiana. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T623, Roll 399; FHL #1240399.

Ephraim Baker1

M, #116351, b. August 1842, d. 6 May 1905
Pedigree Link

Family: Susan Hammel (b. 31 May 1844, d. 8 February 1924)

DaughterMary A. Baker+ (b. 18 October 1873, d. 13 June 1942)


Ephraim Baker was born in August 1842 in Ohio.1 He married Susan Hammel about 1865.2 He died on 6 May 1905.

He was buried in May 1905 in Sugar Hill Cemetery, West Alexandria, Preble Co., OH, Find A Grave Memorial# 14149305.
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  1. [S130] Twin Twp., Dist. 203, p.211A, Dwelling 224, Family 224, 1880 Federal Census, Preble County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T9, Roll 1060; FHL #1255060.
  2. [S287] Lanier Twp., Dist. 0109, sheet 4A, Dwelling 65, Family 67, 1900 Federal Census, Preble County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T623, Roll 1285; FHL #1241315.

Susan Hammel1

F, #116352, b. 31 May 1844, d. 8 February 1924
Pedigree Link

Family: Ephraim Baker (b. August 1842, d. 6 May 1905)

DaughterMary A. Baker+ (b. 18 October 1873, d. 13 June 1942)


Susan Hammel was born on 31 May 1844 in Ohio.1 She married Ephraim Baker about 1865.1 She died on 8 February 1924 in Preble Co., OH.

She was buried in February 1924 in Sugar Hill Cemetery, West Alexandria, Preble Co., OH, Find A Grave Memorial# 14149312.
Last Edited 22 July 2017 00:00:00


  1. [S287] Lanier Twp., Dist. 0109, sheet 4A, Dwelling 65, Family 67, 1900 Federal Census, Preble County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T623, Roll 1285; FHL #1241315.

Richard Hall

M, #116353, b. 19 July 1852, d. 30 August 1906
Pedigree Link

Family: Mary Jones (b. 15 January 1853, d. 6 June 1893)

DaughterMartha Ellen Hall+ (b. 1 July 1881, d. 2 May 1953)


Richard Hall was born on 19 July 1852. He married Mary Jones. He died on 30 August 1906.

He was buried in September 1906 in Sugar Grove Cemetery, West Alexandria, Preble Co., OH, Find A Grave Memorial# 24806262.
Last Edited 22 July 2017 00:00:00

Mary Jones

F, #116354, b. 15 January 1853, d. 6 June 1893
Pedigree Link

Family: Richard Hall (b. 19 July 1852, d. 30 August 1906)

DaughterMartha Ellen Hall+ (b. 1 July 1881, d. 2 May 1953)


Mary Jones was born on 15 January 1853. She married Richard Hall. She died on 6 June 1893.

She was buried in June 1893 in Sugar Grove Cemetery, West Alexandria, Preble Co., OH, Find A Grave Memorial# 24806261.
Last Edited 22 July 2017 00:00:00

Clyde Morand Windle

M, #116355, b. 31 December 1910, d. 26 August 1913


FatherChelsea Tillson Windle (b. 6 August 1886, d. 10 January 1953)
MotherJeanette Brown Morand (b. 18 January 1893, d. 26 December 1943)
Pedigree Link


Clyde Morand Windle was born on 31 December 1910 in Ohio. He died on 26 August 1913 in Preble Co., OH.

He was buried in August 1913 in Sugar Grove Cemetery, West Alexandria, Preble Co., OH, Find A Grave Memorial# 24788628.
Last Edited 22 July 2017 00:00:00

Charles Sherman North1

M, #116360, b. February 1899, d. 7 January 1960
Pedigree Link


Charles Sherman North was born in February 1899 in Kentucky.1 He married Jeanette Brown Morand, daughter of William H. Morand and Mary Bertha Batche, before April 1930.1 Charles Sherman North died on 7 January 1960 in Kenton, Boone Co., KY.

Last Edited 22 July 2017 00:00:00


  1. [S4144] Florence, Dist. 0012, sheets 3B-4A, Dwelling 74, Family 74, 1930 Federal Census, Boone County, Kentucky. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T626, Roll 734; FHL #2340469.

Emeline Baker

F, #116361, b. March 1841, d. 1902
Pedigree Link

Family: Annanias Windle (b. December 1833, d. 1905)

SonCharles V. Windle+ (b. June 1865, d. 1926)
DaughterCarrie Maude Windle (b. 28 January 1868, d. 24 December 1911)
DaughterNettie M. Windle+ (b. 18 May 1870, d. 19 December 1943)
SonJohn C. Windle+ (b. September 1873, d. 1951)
SonRobert Windle (b. 1878)
SonThomas J. Windle (b. December 1881)


Emeline Baker was born in March 1841 in Preble or Montgomery Co., OH.1 She married Annanias Windle, son of Elias Wendel and Elizabeth Borden, on 8 May 1862, Seven children born, five living as of the 1900 census.1 Emeline Baker died in 1902.

She was buried in 1902 in Parish Cemetery, Arlington, Montgomery Co., OH, Find A Grave Memorial# 50602616.
Last Edited 22 July 2017 00:00:00


  1. [S288] Clay Twp., Dist. 0033, sheet 13A, Dwelling 288, Family 298, 1900 Federal Census, Montgomery County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T623, Films 1306 - 8; FHL #1241306-8.

Carrie Maude Windle1,2

F, #116362, b. 28 January 1868, d. 24 December 1911


FatherAnnanias Windle (b. December 1833, d. 1905)
MotherEmeline Baker (b. March 1841, d. 1902)
Pedigree Link


Carrie Maude Windle was born on 28 January 1868 in Preble or Montgomery Co., OH.2 She married Harvey Mote about 1903, One child born, none living as of 1910 census. She died on 24 December 1911 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., OH.

She was buried in December 1911 in Parish Cemetery, Arlington, Montgomery Co., OH, Find A Grave Memorial# 50594530.
Last Edited 22 July 2017 00:00:00


  1. [S129] Clay Twp., Dist. 149, p.52C-D, Dwelling 580, Family 617, 1880 Federal Census, Montgomery County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T9, Roll 1051/1052; FHL #1255051/1255052.
  2. [S288] Clay Twp., Dist. 0033, sheet 13A, Dwelling 288, Family 298, 1900 Federal Census, Montgomery County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T623, Films 1306 - 8; FHL #1241306-8.

John C. Windle1

M, #116363, b. September 1873, d. 1951


FatherAnnanias Windle (b. December 1833, d. 1905)
MotherEmeline Baker (b. March 1841, d. 1902)
Pedigree Link

Family: Eleanor (b. 1867, d. 1954)

DaughterChristine E. Windle (b. about September 1909, d. 1977)


John C. Windle was born in September 1873 in Preble or Montgomery Co., OH.1 He married Eleanor about 1902.2 He died in 1951.

He was buried in 1951 in Parish Cemetery, Arlington, Montgomery Co., OH, Find A Grave Memorial# 50303478.
John C. Windle lived on 20 April 1910 in 24 Mathison Street, Dayton, Montgomery Co., OH.2
Last Edited 22 July 2017 00:00:00


  1. [S288] Clay Twp., Dist. 0033, sheet 13A, Dwelling 288, Family 298, 1900 Federal Census, Montgomery County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T623, Films 1306 - 8; FHL #1241306-8.
  2. [S572] Dayton Ward 5, Dist. 0082, sheet 7A, Dwelling 146, Family 157, 1910 Federal Census, Montgomery County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T624, Rolls 1215 - 18; FHL #1375228-31.

Thomas J. Windle1

M, #116364, b. December 1881


FatherAnnanias Windle (b. December 1833, d. 1905)
MotherEmeline Baker (b. March 1841, d. 1902)
Pedigree Link


Thomas J. Windle was born in December 1881 in Preble or Montgomery Co., OH.1
Last Edited 22 July 2017 00:00:00


  1. [S288] Clay Twp., Dist. 0033, sheet 13A, Dwelling 288, Family 298, 1900 Federal Census, Montgomery County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T623, Films 1306 - 8; FHL #1241306-8.

Charles V. Windle1

M, #116365, b. June 1865, d. 1926


FatherAnnanias Windle (b. December 1833, d. 1905)
MotherEmeline Baker (b. March 1841, d. 1902)
Pedigree Link

Family: Emma O. Henn (b. 3 October 1865, d. 20 August 1962)

DaughterBlanche Windle+ (b. 14 February 1890, d. 18 June 1979)


Charles V. Windle was born in June 1865 in Preble or Montgomery Co., OH, per headstone, or 1866 per 1900 census.1 He married Emma O. Henn, daughter of Francis M. Henn and Mary Siebert, on 18 February 1890 in Montgomery Co., OH. Charles V. Windle died in 1926.

He was buried in 1926 in Parish Cemetery, Arlington, Montgomery Co., OH, Find A Grave Memorial# 50303448.
Charles V. Windle lived on 11 June 1900 in 1016 May Street, Dayton, Montgomery Co., OH.2
Last Edited 9 June 2019 00:00:00


  1. [S129] Clay Twp., Dist. 149, p.52C-D, Dwelling 580, Family 617, 1880 Federal Census, Montgomery County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T9, Roll 1051/1052; FHL #1255051/1255052.
  2. [S288] Dayton Ward 10, Dist. 0083, sheet 17B, Dwelling 363, Family 378, 1900 Federal Census, Montgomery County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T623, Films 1306 - 8; FHL #1241306-8.

Nettie M. Windle1

F, #116366, b. 18 May 1870, d. 19 December 1943


FatherAnnanias Windle (b. December 1833, d. 1905)
MotherEmeline Baker (b. March 1841, d. 1902)
Pedigree Link

Family: John O. Davis (b. January 1864, d. 5 December 1932)

DaughterDawn B. Davis (b. May 1897)


Nettie M. Windle was born on 18 May 1870 in Dodson, Montgomery Co., OH.1 She married John O. Davis on 26 November 1896 in Montgomery Co., OH. She died on 19 December 1943.

She was buried in December 1943 in Woodland Cemetery and Arboretum, Dayton, Montgomery Co., OH, Sec. 120, Lot 194 Find A Grave Memorial# 78503608.
Nettie M. Windle lived on 6 June 1900 in 1513 West Third Street, Dayton, Montgomery Co., OH.2
Last Edited 22 July 2017 00:00:00


  1. [S129] Clay Twp., Dist. 149, p.52C-D, Dwelling 580, Family 617, 1880 Federal Census, Montgomery County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T9, Roll 1051/1052; FHL #1255051/1255052.
  2. [S288] Dayton Ward 5, Dist. 0051, sheet 6B, Dwelling 122, Family 145, 1900 Federal Census, Montgomery County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T623, Films 1306 - 8; FHL #1241306-8.

Robert Windle1

M, #116367, b. 1878


FatherAnnanias Windle (b. December 1833, d. 1905)
MotherEmeline Baker (b. March 1841, d. 1902)
Pedigree Link


Robert Windle was born in 1878 in Montgomery Co., OH.1 He was buried in 1896.
Robert Windle was buried in 1896 in Parish Cemetery, Arlington, Montgomery Co., OH, Find A Grave Memorial# 50602626.
Last Edited 22 July 2017 00:00:00


  1. [S129] Clay Twp., Dist. 149, p.52C-D, Dwelling 580, Family 617, 1880 Federal Census, Montgomery County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T9, Roll 1051/1052; FHL #1255051/1255052.

Harvey Mote

M, #116368, b. 2 February 1872, d. 24 April 1943
Pedigree Link


Harvey Mote was born on 2 February 1872 in Ohio. He married Carrie Maude Windle, daughter of Annanias Windle and Emeline Baker, about 1903, One child born, none living as of 1910 census. Harvey Mote died on 24 April 1943 in Los Angeles Co., CA.

Last Edited 23 July 2017 00:00:00


F, #116369, b. 1867, d. 1954
Pedigree Link

Family: John C. Windle (b. September 1873, d. 1951)

DaughterChristine E. Windle (b. about September 1909, d. 1977)


Eleanor was born in 1867.1 She married John C. Windle, son of Annanias Windle and Emeline Baker, about 1902.1 Eleanor died in 1954.1

Last Edited 22 July 2017 00:00:00


  1. [S572] Dayton Ward 5, Dist. 0082, sheet 7A, Dwelling 146, Family 157, 1910 Federal Census, Montgomery County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T624, Rolls 1215 - 18; FHL #1375228-31.

Christine E. Windle1

F, #116370, b. about September 1909, d. 1977


FatherJohn C. Windle (b. September 1873, d. 1951)
MotherEleanor (b. 1867, d. 1954)
Pedigree Link


Christine E. Windle was born about September 1909 in Montgomery Co., OH.1 She died in 1977.

She was buried in 1977 in Parish Cemetery, Arlington, Montgomery Co., OH, Find A Grave Memorial# 50303508.
Last Edited 22 July 2017 00:00:00


  1. [S572] Dayton Ward 5, Dist. 0082, sheet 7A, Dwelling 146, Family 157, 1910 Federal Census, Montgomery County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T624, Rolls 1215 - 18; FHL #1375228-31.