Land Of The Buckeye

Person Page 445

Jane Ellen Rodgers

F, #13321, b. 1840


FatherDr. Robert Rodgers (b. 24 September 1807, d. 14 February 1880)
MotherEffie Harrison (b. 8 January 1811, d. 12 June 1887)
Pedigree Link


Jane Ellen Rodgers was born in 1840.
Last Edited 29 September 2002 00:00:00

James Godman Rodgers

M, #13322, b. 14 August 1843


FatherDr. Robert Rodgers (b. 24 September 1807, d. 14 February 1880)
MotherEffie Harrison (b. 8 January 1811, d. 12 June 1887)
Pedigree Link

Family: Ella Mary Ryerson (b. 23 January 1856, d. 9 July 1899)

SonFrancis Ryerson Rodgers (b. 7 September 1894)
DaughterEleanor Rodgers (b. 20 August 1896)


James Godman Rodgers was born on 14 August 1843 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH. He married Ella Mary Ryerson, daughter of Martin Ryerson and Mary Conklin, on 5 October 1893.
Last Edited 29 September 2002 00:00:00

Sarah Elizabeth Rodgers

F, #13323, b. 9 May 1847


FatherDr. Robert Rodgers (b. 24 September 1807, d. 14 February 1880)
MotherEffie Harrison (b. 8 January 1811, d. 12 June 1887)
Pedigree Link


Sarah Elizabeth Rodgers was born on 9 May 1847.
Last Edited 29 September 2002 00:00:00

Jane Mitchell Sturgeon

F, #13324, b. 19 October 1836, d. 20 October 1869
Pedigree Link

Family: Dr. John Harrison Rodgers (b. 19 August 1834)

SonAddison Sturgeon Rodgers+ (b. 15 November 1859, d. 25 June 1933)
SonRobert Rodgers (b. 9 January 1866, d. 14 July 1866)
SonWilliam Bower Rodgers+ (b. 26 June 1867, d. 8 May 1934)


Jane Mitchell Sturgeon was born on 19 October 1836 in Churchtown, Cumberland Co., PA. She married Dr. John Harrison Rodgers, son of Dr. Robert Rodgers and Effie Harrison, on 21 May 1857 in Carlisle, Cumberland Co., PA. Jane Mitchell Sturgeon died on 20 October 1869.

Last Edited 29 September 2002 00:00:00

Addison Sturgeon Rodgers

M, #13325, b. 15 November 1859, d. 25 June 1933


FatherDr. John Harrison Rodgers (b. 19 August 1834)
MotherJane Mitchell Sturgeon (b. 19 October 1836, d. 20 October 1869)
Pedigree Link

Family: Ann Trigg Payne Hargis (b. 8 September 1871, d. 20 April 1954)

DaughterJane C. P. Rodgers (b. about 1905)
DaughterAnn Frances H. Rodgers (b. about 1907)
SonAddison Sturgeon Rodgers, Jr. (b. 29 December 1909, d. 15 April 1964)


Addison Sturgeon Rodgers was born on 15 November 1859 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH. He married Ann Trigg Payne Hargis, daughter of Judge Thomas Frazier Hargis and Lucy Stewart Norvell, on 27 June 1901. Addison Sturgeon Rodgers died on 25 June 1933

Obituary, Springfield Daily News, Monday, June 26, 1933 (via


Former Factory Executive, Member of Pioneer Clark County Family, Succumbs

Following a brief illness, Addison S. Rodgers, 74, of 1209 N. Limestone st., a member of the pioneer families of Clark County, and formerly affiliated with The Foos Gas Engine Co., now the Fulton Iron Works, in an executive capacity, died Sunday at 7 p.m. at the City Hospital. News of Mr. Rodgers death comes as a distinct shock to his many friends in this and other cities. He was a man of genial character, making and holding friends easily.

Two weeks ago, in an effort to save Mr. Rodgers' life, he submitted to a major operation at the hospital, and since that time had been in a state of coma.

Mr. Rodgers was born in a house on S. Limestone st., near High st., in what is now the business district of the city. He lived in the old Rodgers homestead, the present site of The Springfield Daily News and Sun building, until his marriage in 1901. He was the son of Dr. and Mrs. John Rodgers, who were among the early settlers of Springfield, coming here in 1833.

A Republican by party affiliation, Mr. Rodgers was a candidate for the Republican nomination as county recorder in the May, 1932, primary election. Years ago, he served as a member of the police and firemen's board, which was superseded by the civil service commission. He was a member of this board at the time the Wittenberg av. fire engine house was built.

Mr. Rodgers was one of the early members of the Literary Club, which his father helped to found. At one time, he also was a member of the Clark County Historical Society. He was an elder in the Northminster Presbyterian Church and had been active in work of the church for many years.

Educated in the local public schools, Mr. Rodgers attended Wittenberg College for one year, going from there to Wooster College for a second year. He was graduated from Princeton University in 1881. He received his Doctor of Law degree at the Cincinnati Law School and practiced law in Springfield for six years.

Mr. Rodgers was one of the three surviving members of an organization known as the "Old Guard" at Wooster College.

After leaving the active practice of law, Mr. Rodgers organized and operated The Springfield Gas Engine Co. until 1914, when he became identified with The Foos Gas Engine Co., now The Fulton Iron Works Co.

His widow, Mrs. Ann Payne Trigg Rodgers; one son, Addison S. Rodgers, Jr.; two daughters, Jane Rodgers, at home, and Frances Rodgers, of Baltimore, Md., and one brother, William B. Rodgers, of Springfield, survive. The brother is seriously ill at this time.

The body was removed to the Herr and Craver funeral home. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. at the residence in charge of the Rev. John Bamford, pastor of the Northminster Presbyterian Church. Burial will be made in Ferncliff Cemetery. The pallbearers will be: E. S. Kelly, John L. Zimmerman, Sr., J. B. Cartmell, Chase Stewart, R. C. Bancroft, Arthur J. Todd, John L. Dorst, H. C. Blake, Ned Crain, Arthur D. Hosterman, W. W. Keifer, Maxwell McKnight, Dr. A. Richard Kent, Judge Frank W. Geiger, William H. Robbins, Harve Stuart and Charles McCloskey.

Assisting in the funeral services will be a group of Mr. Rodgers' college friends from Wooster College, Dan List, of Wheeling, W. Va.; John West, of Bellefontaine; C. F. M. Niles, of Toledo; John J. Chester, of Columbus.

He was buried in June 1933 in Ferncliff Cemetery, Springfield, Clark Co., OH, Find A Grave Memorial# 35717024.
Addison Sturgeon Rodgers was graduated in 1881. He lived in 1905 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH. He lived on 27 April 1910 in 1209 North Limestone Street, Springfield, Clark Co., OH.1
Last Edited 25 June 2017 00:00:00


  1. [S419] Springfield Ward 1, Dist. 0026, sheet 14A, Dwelling 428, Family 432, 1910 Federal Census, Clark County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T624, Roll 1158; FHL #1375171.

Robert Rodgers

M, #13326, b. 9 January 1866, d. 14 July 1866


FatherDr. John Harrison Rodgers (b. 19 August 1834)
MotherJane Mitchell Sturgeon (b. 19 October 1836, d. 20 October 1869)
Pedigree Link


Robert Rodgers was born on 9 January 1866 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH. He died on 14 July 1866 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH.

Last Edited 29 September 2002 00:00:00

William Bower Rodgers

M, #13327, b. 26 June 1867, d. 8 May 1934


FatherDr. John Harrison Rodgers (b. 19 August 1834)
MotherJane Mitchell Sturgeon (b. 19 October 1836, d. 20 October 1869)
Pedigree Link

Family: Katherine Hall Pringle (b. 3 November 1871, d. 28 July 1926)

SonJohn Thomas Rodgers (b. 5 August 1899, d. 22 December 1961)


William Bower Rodgers was born on 26 June 1867 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH. He married Katherine Hall Pringle on 12 April 1898 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH. He died on 8 May 1934 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH,

Obituary, Springfield Daily News, Tuesday, May 8, 1934 (via


William B. Rodgers Succumbs Following Long Illness From Paralysis

William B. Rodgers, 67, for many years affiliated with the early newspaper history of Springfield, died at 3:45 a.m. Tuesday at his apartment, 935 N. Limestone st.

Last June he sustained a stroke of paralysis. For some time he was a patient in the City Hospital, and then so far recovered as to be able to be up and around. However, for the last four or five weeks, his condition became serious, necessitating an almost daily visit from his physician.

Mr. Rodgers's death will be regretted by a wide following of friends both in this and other cities where he was popular because of his kindly and genial personality.

At one time, Mr. Rodgers was affiliated with the former Springfield Gas Engine Co. with his brother, the late Addison S. Rodgers. He was the secretary and treasurer of that company which was his last business affiliation.

Mr. Rodgers was born in Springfield, the son of the late Dr. and Mrs. John H. Rodgers, pioneer residents of this city. He was the last of his family, and leaves no immediate relatives in Springfield, except a cousin, Francis. He leaves a son, John T. Rodgers, who is a professor of the St. John College in Annapolis, Md. Miss Eleanor Rodgers of Boston, is a cousin.

Mrs. Rodgers, who was Miss Katherine Pringle, died in 1926. But one child, John, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers. Until his marriage, Mr. Rodgers lived at the family homestead, which stood on the site of what is now The Springfield Daily News and Sun bldg.

Mr. Rodgers was educated in the public schools of Springfield and then attended the Lawrenceville Academy in New Jersey, which is a preparatory school for Princton University, which he later attended.

After leaving Princeton, Mr. Rodgers went to Kansas City, Kan., where he was employed for a number of years as a feature writer on the Kansas City Star. It was while a member of the editorial staff of that paper that he made the acquaintance of such celebrities as O. O. McIntyre and James Whitcomb Riley, the Hoosier poet.

Some years ago, when Will Rogers, the writer and radio and motion picture star, visited Springfield, Mr. Rodgers escorted him about the city and the two became firm friends.

After leaving the Kansas City Star, Mr. Rodgers went to New York, where he did feature work on the New York World. HIs newspaper work also included affiliation with the old Daily Press Republic as a reporter.

The body was taken to the Herr and Craver Funeral Parlors. Complete funeral arrangements will not be made until the arrival of the son from Annapolis.


Final Rites for William B. Rodgers are Arranged

Funeral services for William B. Rodgers, 67, former newspaper man, who died at 3:45 a.m. Tuesday at his apartment, 935 N. Limestone st., will be held at the Herr and Craver Funeral Home at 10 a.m. Friday. Friends are invited to the funeral, but the burial in Ferncliff Cemetery will be private.

Mr. Rodgers' son, John T. Rodgers, who is a teacher in St. John College, Annapolis, Md., arrived in the city Wednesday morning.

Mr. Rodgers; death is regretted by a wide circle of friends. The Rev. John Bamford, pastor of the Northminster Presbyterian Church, will have charge of the funeral services.

Springfield is the birthplace of Mr. Rodgers. He was the son of the late Dr. and Mrs. John H. Rodgers, who formerly lived in a house on the present site of The Springfield News and Sun bldg. Mr. Rodgers was connected with editorial staffs of Springfield, Kansas City, Kans., and New York newspapers.

At one time he was affiliated in business with his brother, the late Addison S. Rodgers, in the former Springfield Gas Engine Co. as the secretary-treasurer.

Pallbearers will be Charles R. Rabbitts, Lewis P. Matthews, Thomas A. Matthews, Francis R. Rodgers, Fred A. Remsberg, William W. Keifer, Robert C. Bancroft and Arthur J. Todd.

He was buried in May 1934 in Ferncliff Cemetery, Springfield, Clark Co., OH, Find A Grave Memorial# 35716915.
William Bower Rodgers lived in 1905 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH. Occupation: Manufacturing of gas and gasoline engines in 1905.
Last Edited 25 June 2017 00:00:00

Ann Trigg Payne Hargis

F, #13328, b. 8 September 1871, d. 20 April 1954


FatherJudge Thomas Frazier Hargis (b. 24 June 1842, d. 3 August 1903)
MotherLucy Stewart Norvell (b. April 1848, d. 27 November 1916)
Pedigree Link

Family: Addison Sturgeon Rodgers (b. 15 November 1859, d. 25 June 1933)

DaughterJane C. P. Rodgers (b. about 1905)
DaughterAnn Frances H. Rodgers (b. about 1907)
SonAddison Sturgeon Rodgers, Jr. (b. 29 December 1909, d. 15 April 1964)


Ann Trigg Payne Hargis was born on 8 September 1871 in Carlisle, Nicholas Co., KY. She married Addison Sturgeon Rodgers, son of Dr. John Harrison Rodgers and Jane Mitchell Sturgeon, on 27 June 1901. Ann Trigg Payne Hargis died on 20 April 1954.

She was buried in April 1954 in Ferncliff Cemetery, Springfield, Clark Co., OH, Find A Grave Memorial# 60432410.
Last Edited 25 June 2017 00:00:00

Alice Kilgore

F, #13329, b. 10 August 1842, d. 12 February 1884


FatherHon. Daniel Kilgore (b. 25 May 1793, d. 12 December 1851)
MotherEllen Downey (b. 1811, d. 1869)
Pedigree Link

Family: Richard Henry Rodgers (b. 23 September 1836)

SonCharles Kilgore Rodgers+ (b. 28 August 1867, d. 27 October 1902)
SonRobert Sinclair Rodgers+ (b. 9 July 1874, d. 3 October 1926)
DaughterEffie Stanton Rodgers (b. 12 August 1876, d. 15 January 1881)


Alice Kilgore was born on 10 August 1842 in Steubenville, Jefferson Co., OH. She married Richard Henry Rodgers, son of Dr. Robert Rodgers and Effie Harrison, on 21 June 1866. Alice Kilgore died on 12 February 1884 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH.

Last Edited 29 September 2002 00:00:00

Hon. Daniel Kilgore

M, #13330, b. 25 May 1793, d. 12 December 1851
Pedigree Link

Family: Ellen Downey (b. 1811, d. 1869)

DaughterAlice Kilgore+ (b. 10 August 1842, d. 12 February 1884)


Hon. Daniel Kilgore was born on 25 May 1793 in King's Creek Plantation, James City Co., VA. He married Ellen Downey on 5 April 1831. He died on 12 December 1851 in New York City, NY.

Occupation: Judge.
Last Edited 18 October 2015 00:00:00

Charles Kilgore Rodgers

M, #13331, b. 28 August 1867, d. 27 October 1902


FatherRichard Henry Rodgers (b. 23 September 1836)
MotherAlice Kilgore (b. 10 August 1842, d. 12 February 1884)
Pedigree Link

Family: Florence Mast (b. 22 September 1871, d. 26 April 1901)

SonRichard Mast Rodgers (b. 16 December 1896)


Charles Kilgore Rodgers was born on 28 August 1867 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH. He married Florence Mast, daughter of Phineas P. Mast, on 3 March 1896. Charles Kilgore Rodgers died on 27 October 1902 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH.

Last Edited 29 September 2002 00:00:00

Robert Sinclair Rodgers

M, #13332, b. 9 July 1874, d. 3 October 1926


FatherRichard Henry Rodgers (b. 23 September 1836)
MotherAlice Kilgore (b. 10 August 1842, d. 12 February 1884)
Pedigree Link

Family: Edith Ann Winwood (b. 16 November 1874, d. 30 June 1936)

DaughterAlice Kilgore Rodgers+ (b. 4 August 1904, d. 16 June 1970)
DaughterLucinda Winwood Rodgers+ (b. 4 November 1908, d. 28 December 1954)


Robert Sinclair Rodgers was born on 9 July 1874 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH. He married Edith Ann Winwood, daughter of George Moody Winwood and Kate Haines Cox, on 5 June 1900 in Clark Co., OH. Robert Sinclair Rodgers died on 3 October 1926 in Baltimore, MD.

He was buried in October 1926 in Ferncliff Cemetery, Springfield, Clark Co., OH.
Occupation: General Manager, American Seeding Machine Co. in 1905. Robert Sinclair Rodgers lived in 1905 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH. He lived in January 1920 in 830 Limestone Street, Springfield, Clark Co., OH.1
Last Edited 17 October 2015 00:00:00


  1. [S1359] Springfiled Ward 3, Dist. 68, sheet 9A, Dwelling 214, Family 219, 1920 Federal Census, Clark County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T625, Roll 1353-4; FHL #1821353-4.

Effie Stanton Rodgers

F, #13333, b. 12 August 1876, d. 15 January 1881


FatherRichard Henry Rodgers (b. 23 September 1836)
MotherAlice Kilgore (b. 10 August 1842, d. 12 February 1884)
Pedigree Link


Effie Stanton Rodgers was born on 12 August 1876 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH. She died on 15 January 1881 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH.

Last Edited 29 September 2002 00:00:00

Ella Mary Ryerson

F, #13334, b. 23 January 1856, d. 9 July 1899


Pedigree Link

Family: James Godman Rodgers (b. 14 August 1843)

SonFrancis Ryerson Rodgers (b. 7 September 1894)
DaughterEleanor Rodgers (b. 20 August 1896)


Ella Mary Ryerson was born on 23 January 1856 in Bloomingdale, Passaic Co., NJ. She married James Godman Rodgers, son of Dr. Robert Rodgers and Effie Harrison, on 5 October 1893. Ella Mary Ryerson died on 9 July 1899 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH.

Last Edited 29 September 2002 00:00:00

Martin Ryerson

M, #13335
Pedigree Link

Family: Mary Conklin

DaughterElla Mary Ryerson+ (b. 23 January 1856, d. 9 July 1899)


Martin Ryerson married Mary Conklin.
Last Edited 29 September 2002 00:00:00

Mary Conklin

F, #13336
Pedigree Link

Family: Martin Ryerson

DaughterElla Mary Ryerson+ (b. 23 January 1856, d. 9 July 1899)


Mary Conklin married Martin Ryerson.
Last Edited 29 September 2002 00:00:00

Francis Ryerson Rodgers

M, #13337, b. 7 September 1894


FatherJames Godman Rodgers (b. 14 August 1843)
MotherElla Mary Ryerson (b. 23 January 1856, d. 9 July 1899)
Pedigree Link


Francis Ryerson Rodgers was born on 7 September 1894.
Last Edited 29 September 2002 00:00:00

Eleanor Rodgers

F, #13338, b. 20 August 1896


FatherJames Godman Rodgers (b. 14 August 1843)
MotherElla Mary Ryerson (b. 23 January 1856, d. 9 July 1899)
Pedigree Link


Eleanor Rodgers was born on 20 August 1896.
Last Edited 29 September 2002 00:00:00

Katherine Hall Pringle

F, #13339, b. 3 November 1871, d. 28 July 1926
Pedigree Link

Family: William Bower Rodgers (b. 26 June 1867, d. 8 May 1934)

SonJohn Thomas Rodgers (b. 5 August 1899, d. 22 December 1961)


Katherine Hall Pringle was born on 3 November 1871 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH. She married William Bower Rodgers, son of Dr. John Harrison Rodgers and Jane Mitchell Sturgeon, on 12 April 1898 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH. Katherine Hall Pringle died on 28 July 1926 in Tupper Lake, Franklin Co., NY.

She was buried on 31 July 1926 in Ferncliff Cemetery, Springfield, Clark Co., OH, Find A Grave Memorial# 35717291.
Last Edited 25 June 2017 00:00:00

John Thomas Rodgers

M, #13340, b. 5 August 1899, d. 22 December 1961


FatherWilliam Bower Rodgers (b. 26 June 1867, d. 8 May 1934)
MotherKatherine Hall Pringle (b. 3 November 1871, d. 28 July 1926)
Pedigree Link


John Thomas Rodgers was born on 5 August 1899 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH. He died on 22 December 1961 in Washington, District of Columbia,

Obituary, Springfield Daily News, Saturday, December 23, 1961 (via


John Thomas Rodgers, 62, of Washington, D. C., died in a hospital there at 2:30 a.m. Friday.

Mr. Rodgers was an employe of the Library of Congress. He was graduated from Springfield High School and received his bachelor's degree in 1921 from Princeton University.

A native of Springfield, he was born Aug. 5, 1899, the son of William B. and Katherine Pringle Rodgers. He was the grandson of Dr. John Rodgers and great-grandson of Dr. Robert Rodgers, early residents of Springfield.

Survivors are five cousins, Mrs. Alice Bahman and Richard Rodgers of Springfield, Miss Eleanor Rodgers of Cambridge, Mass., Francis Rodgers with Princeton University and William Pringle of Ohio.

His body was taken to the Robert Lee funeral home in Washington, D. C., for services at 10 a.m. Tuesday. It will then be held in Ferncliff Cemetery at 2 p.m. Wednesday with the Rev. William Meyer of Northminster Presbyterian Church officiating.

He was buried on 26 December 1961 in Ferncliff Cemetery, Springfield, Clark Co., OH, Find A Grave Memorial# 35717365.
John Thomas Rodgers began military service on 16 October 1918 in Princeton, Mercer Co., NJ, Students' Army Training Corps, Private. He lived on 4 April 1930 in Princeton, Mercer Co., NJ. Occupation: Teacher, St. in 1934 in Annapolis, Anne Arundel Co., MD.
Last Edited 25 June 2017 00:00:00

Florence Mast

F, #13341, b. 22 September 1871, d. 26 April 1901


Pedigree Link

Family: Charles Kilgore Rodgers (b. 28 August 1867, d. 27 October 1902)

SonRichard Mast Rodgers (b. 16 December 1896)


Florence Mast was born on 22 September 1871. She married Charles Kilgore Rodgers, son of Richard Henry Rodgers and Alice Kilgore, on 3 March 1896. Florence Mast died on 26 April 1901 in Tucson, Pima Co., AZ.

Last Edited 29 September 2002 00:00:00

Phineas P. Mast

M, #13342
Pedigree Link


DaughterBelle Mast+ (b. 4 July 1862)
DaughterFlorence Mast+ (b. 22 September 1871, d. 26 April 1901)


Phineas P. Mast married.
Last Edited 29 September 2002 00:00:00

Richard Mast Rodgers

M, #13343, b. 16 December 1896


FatherCharles Kilgore Rodgers (b. 28 August 1867, d. 27 October 1902)
MotherFlorence Mast (b. 22 September 1871, d. 26 April 1901)
Pedigree Link


Richard Mast Rodgers was born on 16 December 1896 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH.
Last Edited 29 September 2002 00:00:00

Edith Ann Winwood

F, #13344, b. 16 November 1874, d. 30 June 1936


FatherGeorge Moody Winwood (b. 2 February 1843, d. 26 July 1921)
MotherKate Haines Cox (b. 1847, d. 23 May 1908)
Pedigree Link

Family: Robert Sinclair Rodgers (b. 9 July 1874, d. 3 October 1926)

DaughterAlice Kilgore Rodgers+ (b. 4 August 1904, d. 16 June 1970)
DaughterLucinda Winwood Rodgers+ (b. 4 November 1908, d. 28 December 1954)


Edith Ann Winwood was born on 16 November 1874 in Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH. She married Robert Sinclair Rodgers, son of Richard Henry Rodgers and Alice Kilgore, on 5 June 1900 in Clark Co., OH. Edith Ann Winwood died on 30 June 1936 in Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH.

She was buried in July 1936 in Ferncliff Cemetery, Springfield, Clark Co., OH.
Last Edited 17 October 2015 00:00:00

Alice Kilgore Rodgers

F, #13345, b. 4 August 1904, d. 16 June 1970


FatherRobert Sinclair Rodgers (b. 9 July 1874, d. 3 October 1926)
MotherEdith Ann Winwood (b. 16 November 1874, d. 30 June 1936)
Pedigree Link

Family: Jonathan Harshman Winters (b. 27 November 1898, d. November 1975)

SonJonathan Harshman Winters+ (b. 11 November 1925, d. 11 April 2013)


Alice Kilgore Rodgers was born on 4 August 1904 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH. She married Jonathan Harshman Winters, son of Valentine Winters and Helen Wood Clegg, on 6 January 1924 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH. Alice Kilgore Rodgers married Richard W. Bahman on 19 September 1935 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH. She died on 16 June 1970 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH,



Mrs. Alice Bahman, 65, a Springfield Radio personality and mother of the television, movie, stage and night club comedian Jonathan Winters, died in Mercy Medical Center at 8 a.m. Tuesday following four months of failing health.

Mrs. Bahman, who lived at 2324 St. Paris Pike, began her career with Radio Station WIZE early in 1941 with a half hour interview program called "For Women Only." The program highlighted local interviews, including music and women's news features.

In the early 1960s, Mrs. Bahman became a newscaster for the radio station, the first woman newscaster to broadcast in the Springfield area. At this time she was chosen to speak before several radio clinics in different parts of the country as an outstanding woman broadcaster.

She appeared on the Jack Parr Show with her son, Jonathan, in 1958, and was said to have shared his adeptness with voice impersonations, perhaps being the inspiration for some.

Mrs. Bahman was born in Springfield Aug. 4, 1904, the daughter of Robert and Edith Winwood Rodgers, and had lived in Springfield most of her life. She was a member of the Christ Episcopal Church.

Survivors include her husband, Richard; her son, who lives in North Hollywood, Calif.; and two grandchildren, Lucinda and Jay Winters, both of North Hollywood.

Funeral arrangements are being made by the Richards Memorial Home. Her body will be cremated with private graveside services in Ferncliff Cemetery, at 3 p.m. Friday in charge of the Rev. George Marshall, rector of Christ Episcopal Church.

Springfield Daily News, Wednesday, June 17, 1970.

She was buried in June 1970 in Ferncliff Cemetery, Springfield, Clark Co., OH, Findagrave #34553074.
Last Edited 8 January 2018 00:00:00

James Denny Rodgers

M, #13346, b. 20 December 1846, d. 11 April 1847


FatherRichard Rodgers (b. 13 November 1799, d. 20 August 1871)
MotherAlice Greene (b. 9 December 1815, d. 21 November 1886)
Pedigree Link


James Denny Rodgers was born on 20 December 1846 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH. He died on 11 April 1847 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH.

He was buried in April 1847 in Ferncliff Cemetery, Springfield, Clark Co., OH, Find A Grave Memorial# 35694904.
Last Edited 25 June 2017 00:00:00

George Greene Rodgers

M, #13347, b. 9 August 1848, d. 1 July 1926


FatherRichard Rodgers (b. 13 November 1799, d. 20 August 1871)
MotherAlice Greene (b. 9 December 1815, d. 21 November 1886)
Pedigree Link

Family: Sarah Bacon (b. 26 May 1856, d. 16 February 1938)

DaughterAlice Rodgers (b. 25 January 1885, d. 1 April 1976)
DaughterLouise Rodgers (b. 26 July 1886, d. 26 November 1993)


George Greene Rodgers was born on 9 August 1848 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH. He married Sarah Bacon on 24 April 1884. He died on 1 July 1926 in 728 Woodlawn Avenue, Springfield, Clark Co., OH,

Obituary, Springfield Daily News, Thursday July 1, 1926 (via


George G. Rodgers Succumbs Following Year's Illness

Lived Entire Life in City

Funeral Services to be held Saturday; Burial in Ferncliff

George G. Rodgers, 78, president and general manager of the Rodgers Tool Co., died at 11 a.m. Thursday at his home, 728 Woodlawn Ave. He had been ill for more than a year. Mr. Rodgers was highly respected by all who knew him and leaves a host of friends who will mourn their loss.

Mr. Rodgers celebrated his fiftieth anniversary in the machine industry on July 27, 1917. He was born and reared in Springfield where he had lived all of his life. He started to work with Ferrell, Ludlow and Rodgers more than 50 years ago in a shop where the Erie railroad freight house now stands. He was considered one of the best experts in machinery in this part of the country. His plant is located on E. Mulberry st., and in what was at one time the Trinity Baptist church.

Following the dissolution of the Ferrell, Ludlow and Rodgers Co., the name was changed to Thomas, Ludlow and Rodgers. Later this plant was acquired by the Superior Drill Co. Mr. Rodgers helped C. E. Patric of that plant on the first set of patterns for the first drill made by that firm. He also made the first steel mower invented by William Whitely about forty years ago. Mr. Rodgers was associated with Mr. Whitely in the old East Street shops.

The birthplace of Mr. Rodgers was at High and Limestone sts. in a colonial house. His father, Richard Rodgers was postmaster in Springfield during Lincoln's administration and the post office at that time was next to Pierce's book store.

Mr. Rodgers often said that the first money that he made was in 1859 when his father had quarries in N. Fountain Ave. He drove a cart with lime in it and had to ford the stream.

He was a member of the Northminster Presbyterian church and attended regularly until his illness. For many years he was an elder in that church and always took an active part in church affairs of the city.

He leaves his widow; two daughters, Mrs. Gano Muzzy and Miss Louise Rodgers, all of this city.

Funeral services will be held at the residence at 3 p.m. Saturday. Burial will be made in Ferncliff cemetery.

He was buried on 3 July 1926 in Ferncliff Cemetery, Springfield, Clark Co., OH, Find A Grave Memorial# 35692403.
George Greene Rodgers was Member, Third Presbyterian Church of Springfield, OH. Occupation: Owned and operated manufacturing businesses in Springfield. He lived in 1905 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH.
Last Edited 25 June 2017 00:00:00

Rachel Ellen Rodgers

F, #13348, b. 18 July 1852, d. 5 April 1864


FatherRichard Rodgers (b. 13 November 1799, d. 20 August 1871)
MotherAlice Greene (b. 9 December 1815, d. 21 November 1886)
Pedigree Link


Rachel Ellen Rodgers was born on 18 July 1852 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH. She died on 5 April 1864 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH.

She was buried in April 1864 in Ferncliff Cemetery, Springfield, Clark Co., OH, Find A Grave Memorial# 35694965.
Last Edited 25 June 2017 00:00:00

Sarah Bacon

F, #13349, b. 26 May 1856, d. 16 February 1938
Pedigree Link

Family: George Greene Rodgers (b. 9 August 1848, d. 1 July 1926)

DaughterAlice Rodgers (b. 25 January 1885, d. 1 April 1976)
DaughterLouise Rodgers (b. 26 July 1886, d. 26 November 1993)


Sarah Bacon was born on 26 May 1856 in Ohio. She married George Greene Rodgers, son of Richard Rodgers and Alice Greene, on 24 April 1884. Sarah Bacon died on 16 February 1938 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH,

Obituary, Springfield Daily News, Wednesday, February 16, 1938 (via


Woman, 81, Succumbs at Home of Daughter

Mrs. Sarah Bacon Rodgers, 81, died at 11:40 p.m. Tuesday after an illness of five weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Gano R. Muzzy, 728 Woodlawn av. She was a member of the Northminster Presbyterian Church.

Besides the daughter at whose home she died, she leaves another daughter, Miss Louise Rodgers, one sister, Miss Louise Bacon of this city.

The body was taken to the Herr and Fox Funeral Home.

Note: Descendant of Elder William Brewster.
Last Edited 25 June 2017 00:00:00

Alice Rodgers

F, #13350, b. 25 January 1885, d. 1 April 1976


FatherGeorge Greene Rodgers (b. 9 August 1848, d. 1 July 1926)
MotherSarah Bacon (b. 26 May 1856, d. 16 February 1938)
Pedigree Link


Alice Rodgers was born on 25 January 1885 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH. She married Gano Reeder Muzzy, son of Richard Hunt Muzzy and Hannah J. Scovel, on 15 November 1917. Alice Rodgers died on 1 April 1976 in Columbus, Franklin Co., OH,

Obituary, Springfield Daily News, Friday, April 2, 1976, (via


Mrs. Alice Rodgers Muzzy, 91, a former Springfield resident, died at 2 p.m. Thursday in Wesley Glen Retirement Center, Columbus, following a lengthly illness.

Mrs. Muzzy, a former member of Northminster Presbyterian Church and the Daughters of the American Revolution, was born Jan. 25, 1885, in Springfield, the daughter of George Greene and Sarah Bacon Rodgers. The Bacon and Rodgers families were early pioneers in Clark County.

She was married Nov. 15, 1917, to Gano Reeder Muzzy, who died in 1933.

She is survived by one sister, Miss Louise Rodgers of Columbus.

Her body will be brought to the Littleton Funeral Home. There will be no visitation.

Graveside services will be conducted at 11 a.m. Saturday in Ferncliff Cemetery by Dr. Michael Williams of North Olmsted, O.

She was buried on 3 April 1976 in Ferncliff Cemetery, Springfield, Clark Co., OH, Find A Grave Memorial# 35721114.
Last Edited 25 June 2017 00:00:00