Land Of The Buckeye

Person Page 4,320

Celester Lafayette Selby

M, #129571, b. 21 August 1901, d. 3 January 1981
Pedigree Link

Family: L. Merle Pettigrew (b. 24 December 1914, d. 11 May 1992)

DaughterGlenda Sue Selby+ (b. 14 April 1935, d. 1 June 2017)


Celester Lafayette Selby was born on 21 August 1901. He married L. Merle Pettigrew. He died on 3 January 1981.

He was buried in January 1981 in Glendale Baptist Church, Booneville, Logan Co., AR, Findagrave #31346074.
Last Edited 1 May 2019 00:00:00

L. Merle Pettigrew

F, #129572, b. 24 December 1914, d. 11 May 1992
Pedigree Link

Family: Celester Lafayette Selby (b. 21 August 1901, d. 3 January 1981)

DaughterGlenda Sue Selby+ (b. 14 April 1935, d. 1 June 2017)


L. Merle Pettigrew was born on 24 December 1914. She married Celester Lafayette Selby. She died on 11 May 1992.

She was buried in May 1992 in Glendale Baptist Church, Booneville, Logan Co., AR, Findagrave #31346150.
Last Edited 1 May 2019 00:00:00

Irene Case

F, #129573, b. 24 April 1905, d. 4 January 1958


FatherIra Lyman Case (b. 10 May 1862, d. 24 May 1932)
MotherMary Jane Alden (b. 25 November 1862, d. 22 June 1941)
Pedigree Link

Family: Ray Everett Cue (b. 28 September 1902, d. 2 October 1987)

DaughterMarilyn Jeanne Cue+ (b. 30 June 1932, d. 12 February 1995)


Irene Case was born on 24 April 1905 in Benton Co., IA. She married Ray Everett Cue, son of Leroy Cue and Maude Evelyn Wilt, on 3 November 1925 in the Baptist Church parsonage, Shellsburg, Benton Co., IA,

The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa); Wednesday, 28 October 1925; Page 10; (

Give Shower

SHELLSBURG, Oct. 28. -- Sixty invitations were issued for a miscellaneous shower given today in honor of Miss Irene Case, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Case, whose marriage to Ray Cue will take place soon. The affair was given at the John Alden home. A mock wedding was a feature. The hostesses were Mrs. Allie Alden, Mrs. Vernon Alden, Edith Alden, Mrs. John Mantor and Mrs. Charles Mullinex.

The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa); Wednesday, 24 Mar 1920; Page 6; (


SHELLSBURG. Nov. 4 -- Miss Irene Case, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Case, and Ray Everett Cue, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cue, were married Tuesday at the Baptist parsonage by the Rev. H. A. Essex. The attendants were Edith Alden, cousin of the bride, and Robert Daugherty. The bride wore a blue satin faced crepe gown with fur and applique trim.

Both bride and bridegroom were born and reared on farms in this vicinity and both are graduates of the Shellsburg?high school. The bridegroom has been associated with his father in farming for the last five years. He is an active worker in the Oak Grove church. The bride has been a faithful worker in the Parkers Grove church.

Mr. and Mrs. Cue will go to housekeeping at once on the Ira Case farm, south of town, as the bride's parents are to spend the winter in Florida.

Irene Case died on 4 January 1958 in Urbana, Benton Co., IA.

She was buried in January 1958 in Urbana Cemetery, Urbana, Benton Co., IA, Findagrave #79802147.


Newspaper article:

The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa); Tuesday, 22 February 1927; Page 10; (

Brindle Is Some Dog, Meets All Trains At Shellsburg, Knows Most Travelers

SHELLSBURG, Feb. 22-- His name is Brindle. He has no pedigree. He is a brindle bull dog; his age is ten years and his self-selected home is at the Rock Island station in Shellsburg. Beyond a doubt, he has the longest list of friends of any dog in this community.

Brindle was born on the Joe Alden farm, southwest of town, and when a small puppy was given to Mr. Alden's niece, Irene Case, who is now Mrs. Ray Cue. When the family moved to town in 1919, Brindle said farewell to county life and became a well behaved dog for five uneventful years.

Then the Case family moved back to the country, and times without number Brindle was taken to his old home, but the things that kept him happy in puppyhood days had lost their charm. His legs had become stiff but he would slowly walk the five miles back to town.

He formed a strong friendship for John Mantor, night operator, and took up his home at the station.

Brindle is everybody's friend. he meets both day and night passenger trains; he stands on the platform eagerly watching the through freights -- he likes the rumble of the wheels and the clanging bells, but best of all he likes to mingle with the people as they come and go. he knows the conductors and brakemen, and welcomes the traveling men on their weekly trips.

He makes the rounds of the passengers waiting in the station and if the eager look in his eyes for a bit of attention fails to attract, he wags his long bony tail and gives a sharp bark. A pat on the head or having his back scratched is complete satisfaction. He always notices children and does not object to their playful teasing.


The last year, Brindle has been thinking of his kind mistress for several times he has walked to the farm, made a short stay and returned to town.

Not knowing Brindle had an owner who would like to keep him at home, Mayor O. M. Johnson, last month gave notice to S. S. Worley, station agent, that the dog had but two weeks to live unless his 1927 license was obtained. There was talk of taking up a collection to procure the needed dollar, but when Ira Case heard of the situation, it was but a few days until Brindle was wearing a fine collar and a new tag. So he is privileges to stay with us another year and no doubt will continue to make acquaintances for his friendship list. One wonders if he ever has a longing to board a train and search for some far-away "land of dreams."

Last Edited 30 March 2021 00:00:00

Ira Lyman Case

M, #129574, b. 10 May 1862, d. 24 May 1932
Pedigree Link

Family: Mary Jane Alden (b. 25 November 1862, d. 22 June 1941)

DaughterIrene Case+ (b. 24 April 1905, d. 4 January 1958)


Ira Lyman Case was born on 10 May 1862 in Erie, Whiteside Co., IL. He married Mary Jane Alden. He died on 24 May 1932 in Canton, Jones Co., IA.

He was buried in May 1932 in Parkers Grove Cemetery, Shellsburg, Benton Co., IA, Findagrave #95325221.
Last Edited 1 May 2019 00:00:00

Mary Jane Alden

F, #129575, b. 25 November 1862, d. 22 June 1941
Pedigree Link

Family: Ira Lyman Case (b. 10 May 1862, d. 24 May 1932)

DaughterIrene Case+ (b. 24 April 1905, d. 4 January 1958)


Mary Jane Alden was born on 25 November 1862 in Hancock, Pulaski Co., MO. She married Ira Lyman Case. She died on 22 June 1941 in Urbana, Benton Co., IA.

She was buried in June 1941 in Parkers Grove Cemetery, Shellsburg, Benton Co., IA, Findagrave #48949902.
Last Edited 1 May 2019 00:00:00

Marilyn Jeanne Cue

F, #129576, b. 30 June 1932, d. 12 February 1995


FatherRay Everett Cue (b. 28 September 1902, d. 2 October 1987)
MotherIrene Case (b. 24 April 1905, d. 4 January 1958)
Pedigree Link

Family: Lavern Lawrence Kramer

DaughterLisa Kramer
DaughterJulie T. Kramer+
SonKevin L. Kramer
SonTimothy Paul Kramer+


Marilyn Jeanne Cue was born on 30 June 1932 in Shellsburg, Benton Co., IA. She married Lavern Lawrence Kramer, son of Clarence J. Kramer and Florence Irene Beshaw, on 2 May 1951 in Walker, Linn Co., IA,

The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Sunday, 22 April 1951; Page 31; (

URBANA -- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cue announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Marilyn Jean, to Lavern Kramer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kramer of Walker. The wedding will take place early in May. Miss Cue is employed in Cedar Rapids and Mr. Kramer is stationed in San Diego, Calif., with the marines.

The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Friday, 04 MAY 1951; Page 18; (

Marilyn Cue Wed To LaVern Kramer

URBANA -- Miss Marilyn Jeanne Cue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Cue, became the bride of LaVern Kramer, son of the Clarence Kramers of Walker, Wednesday in Walker, with the Rev. J. J. Olinger officiating at the double ring ceremony in the presence of the immediate families.

The bride's gown of white nylon marquisette over satin was trimmed in wide Chantilly lace. The fitted bodice was accented with a basque yoke of marquisette, and the long sleeves tapered to points at the wrists. The full skirt, paneled in lace, ended in a senior train, and her veil of nylon net was caught to a juliet cap of nylon trimmed in rows of pearls. She carried a bouquet of lilies of the valley centered with an orchid.

Miss Belinda Dingman, maid of honor, wore a floor-length gown of yellow organdy. Miss Carol France and Mrs. Robert Kramer, bridesmaids, wore identical gowns of orchid shade. Miss Judy Richart was junior bridesmaid. All the attendants carried bouquets of spring flowers.

Robert Kramer served as best man, with Robert Glass of Vinton and Raymond Kramer of St. Paul as groomsmen.

Mrs. Cue chose a navy blue ensemble, with Mrs. Kramer wearing a gown of navy blue. Both mothers wore corsages of gardenias.

Mrs. Paul France and Miss Janet Johnson provided the musical background for the reception, which was given at 8 p.m. in the Christian church of Urbana. One hundred guests attended.

Mrs. Kramer is employed in Cedar rapids. Mr. Kramer recently completed basic training with the marines at San Diego, and will return to Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, Calif.

Urbana News - The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Sunday, 06 MAY 1951; Page 38; (

Miss Marilyn Cue, bride-elect of Lavern (sic) Kramer, was honored Monday and Wednesday at miscellaneous showers. Hostesses Monday were Mrs. Birdie Moore, Mrs. Arden Roll, Mrs. Allan Richart, Mrs. Leo Liebsch and Mrs. Henry Rinderknecht.? ? Wednesday? ? hostesses were? ? Mrs. Loyd Hepker and Miss Dolores Reiss.

Marilyn Jeanne Cue and Lavern Lawrence Kramer were divorced in October 1965 in Brevard Co., FL. She married William Curtis Spahr on 14 February 1968 in Patrick Air Force Base, Brevard Co., FL; William was first married to Patricia Goodman. They had three children. She died on 12 February 1995 in Bossier City, Bossier Par., LA,

Obituary -- The Times, Shreveport, Louisiana, Wednesday, 15 FEB 1995, p.10 (

Mrs. Marilyn J. Spahr

BOSSIER CITY, LA -- Services for Mrs. Marilyn J. Spahr, 62, will be held at 2 p.m., Wednesday, February 15, 1995 at Boone Funeral Home, Bossier Chapel. Services will be conducted by Skip Wendling. Visitation will be Tuesday from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the funeral home.

Mrs. Spahr died Sunday, February 12, 1995 in Bossier City, La. She was born in Vinton, Iowa and was a resident of Bossier City, La. Mrs. Spahr was a medical transcriptionist.

She is survived by her husband, Mr. William C. Spahr, two daughters Lisa Kramer and Julie Roach; two sons, Kevin Kramer, Tim Kramer and his wife Shelley; three granddaughters, Amanda Roach, Krystal and Danielle Kramer.

The family requests that any memorials be made to the American Cancer Society.

She was buried in February 1995, Findagrave #138383089.
Marilyn Jeanne Cue lived in 1985 in Bossier City, Bossier Par., LA.
Last Edited 17 February 2022 00:00:00

William Curtis Spahr

M, #129578, b. 16 November 1938, d. 20 February 2017
Pedigree Link


William Curtis Spahr was born on 16 November 1938 in York Co., PA; son of Curtis and Mabel Estelle (Hess) Spahr of York, PA. He married Marilyn Jeanne Cue, daughter of Ray Everett Cue and Irene Case, on 14 February 1968 in Patrick Air Force Base, Brevard Co., FL; William was first married to Patricia Goodman. They had three children. William Curtis Spahr died on 20 February 2017 in York, York Co., PA.


The York Dispatch, York, Pennsylvania; Tuesday, 09 SEP 1958; Page 18; (

William C. Spahr, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Spahr, 559 Atlantic avenue, has been promoted to airman second class while assigned to the 604th (Air University) band, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.? ? A 1958 graduate of William Penn Senior High School, Spahr is residing with his wife, Patricia, at Montgomery, Ala.

The York Dispatch, York, Pennsylvania;Wednesday, 18 OCT 1961; Page 26; (

Airman First Class William C. Spahr, husband of Mr. (sic) Patricia G. Spahr, 2627 Crestview drive, and son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Spahr, 559 Atlantic avenue, was recently promoted to his present rank while serving with the 686th Air Force Band, known as the United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) Band.

Airman Spahr is a graduate of the William Penn Senior High School, and was a member of its band. Although the primary mission of the USAFE Band is support of military units, a portion of its effort is devoted to furthering public relations with the people of 24 countries. In addition to touring Europe, Scandinavia, North Africa and the Middle East, the band occasionally plays behind the Iron Curtain. The band members are based at Wiesbaden air Base, Germany.

Photo caption - The Gazette and Daily, York, Pennsylvania; Wednesday, 27 DEC 1961; Page 19; (

WITH BAND -- Airman First class William C. Spahr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis A, Spahr, 559 Atlantic avenue, played with the Air Force in Europe Band when it performed at Brandenburg fate for the West Berlin civilian police show. The musician is a graduate of William Penn Senior High school, and entered the service in March 1957. He and his wife, the former Patricia Goodman of Dallastown, have two children.

The Gazette and Daily, York, Pennsylvania; Monday, 08 JUL 1963; Page 17; (

Airman first class William C. Spahr, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Spahr, 559 Atlantic avenue, completed in the instrumental group category of the week-long Air Force world-wide talent contest at Edwards Air Force base, Calif.

Spahr's group had previously won in base level competition at Patrick Air Force base, Fla.

Spahr is a graduate of William Penn High School.

The York Dispatch, York, Pennsylvania; Friday, 07 AUG 1964, Page 21; (

Airman First Class William C. Spahr, 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis A. Spahr, of 559 Atlantic avenue, recently re-enlisted in the air force for four years.

Spahr, whose wife is the former Patricia Goodman, daughter of Mrs. Genevieve Montgomery, of 15 South Duke street, Dallastown, is a member of the band at Patrick Air Force Base, Fla., the support base for Cape Kennedy.

A graduate of William Penn Senior High School, Spahr was a drum major for the band that greeted the late president Kennedy on his visit to the Cape in mid-November, a week before his death.

The York Dispatch, York, Pennsylvania; Monday, 13 FEB 1967, Page 12; (

A York man served as drum major with the Patrick Air Force Base Band as Cape Kennedy bade farewell recently to three astronauts killed in the Apollo spacecraft fire.

Staff Sergeant William C. Spahr, 28, in a letter to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Spahr, 559 Atlantic avenue, called it "a tragic day."

Spahr has been with the air force for 10 years since graduation from William Penn Senior High School. His wife, Mrs. Patricia Spahr, and their three children, Vicki, Deborah and John, reside at 15 South Duke street, Dallastown.

York Daily Record, York, Pennsylvania; Saturday, 27 MAY 1972,; Page 16; (;

UNIT CITED -- Tech. Sgt. William C. Spahr, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Spahr, 559 Atlantic ave., is a clarinetist in the 746th Air Force Band, stationed at Fuchu Air Station, Japan, which has earned the U.S. Air Force Outstanding Unit Award. Sgt. Spahr will wear a distinctive service ribbon to mark his affiliation with the unit. ......."

Last Edited 17 February 2022 00:00:00

Clarence J. Kramer1

M, #129579, b. 24 July 1900, d. 14 April 1969
Pedigree Link

Family: Florence Irene Beshaw (b. 9 March 1901, d. 22 July 1975)

SonLavern Lawrence Kramer+


Clarence J. Kramer was born on 24 July 1900 in Iowa.1 He married Florence Irene Beshaw in 1920. He died on 14 April 1969 in Urbana, Benton Co., IA.

He was buried in April 1969 in Saint Marys Cemetery, Benton Co., IA, Findagrave #53362201.
Clarence J. Kramer lived in April 1940 in Polk Twp., Benton Co., IA.1
Last Edited 1 May 2019 00:00:00


  1. [S4756] Polk Twp., ED 6-30, sheet 5B, Household 106, 1940 Federal Census, Benton County, Iowa. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T627, Roll 1138.

Florence Irene Beshaw1

F, #129580, b. 9 March 1901, d. 22 July 1975
Pedigree Link

Family: Clarence J. Kramer (b. 24 July 1900, d. 14 April 1969)

SonLavern Lawrence Kramer+


Florence Irene Beshaw was born on 9 March 1901 in Fontanet, Vigo Co., IN.1 She married Clarence J. Kramer in 1920. She died on 22 July 1975 in Vinton, Benton Co., IA.

She was buried in July 1975 in Saint Marys Cemetery, Benton Co., IA, Findagrave #53362210.
Last Edited 1 May 2019 00:00:00


  1. [S4756] Polk Twp., ED 6-30, sheet 5B, Household 106, 1940 Federal Census, Benton County, Iowa. Microfilm Image, NARA Series T627, Roll 1138.

Leland Laverne Cantonwine

M, #129587, b. 11 March 1904, d. 26 September 1954


FatherHerbert Ullin Cantonwine (b. 1 May 1873, d. 19 May 1953)
MotherOra Ketchum Culp (b. 26 May 1883, d. 30 January 1972)
Pedigree Link

Family: Ida Marie Moubry (b. 24 March 1905, d. 7 October 1993)

SonDonald Herbert Cantonwine, Sr.+ (b. 14 September 1927, d. 6 May 1994)
SonDale Leland Cantonwine+ (b. 2 October 1930, d. 5 January 2014)
SonRaymond S. Cantonwine+ (b. 1 March 1937, d. 31 October 2018)


Leland Laverne Cantonwine was born on 11 March 1904 in Vinton, Benton Co., IA. He married Ida Marie Moubry, daughter of James Clifford Moubry and Dora Mae Johnson, on 5 August 1925 in Benton Co., IA. Leland Laverne Cantonwine died on 26 September 1954 in Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., IA,

Obituary -- (

Vinton News [Benton Co., IA], September (?), 1954

Leland Cantonwine, 50, Benton Farmer, Dies at St. Luke's

Leland L. Cantonwine, Benton township farmer and lifelong resident of this community, died Sunday evening at 9:50 p.m. at St. Luke's hospital in Cedar Rapids. Cantonwine, ill for a year, had been admitted to the hospital Saturday afternoon. He was 50. Mr. Cantonwine was born March 11, 1904, near Vinton, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Cantonwine. He married Marie Moubry near Shellsburg on Aug. 5, 1925. The couple lived all their life in this community and farmed on their Benton township place for the last 17 years. He was a member of the Oak Grove Christian church. Surviving are his widow, his mother, Mrs. David [Herbert] Cantonwine three sons, Donald H. (l927-1994) . . . five grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. Lucille Sanders (1902-1989) and a brother, Ullin (1909-1981) Cantonwine of Vinton. Funeral services . . . .Fry Holland funeral home Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery.

He was buried in 1954 in Evergreen Cemetery, Vinton, Benton Co., IA, Findagrave #12068607.
Last Edited 15 January 2022 00:00:00

Herbert Ullin Cantonwine

M, #129588, b. 1 May 1873, d. 19 May 1953
Pedigree Link

Family: Ora Ketchum Culp (b. 26 May 1883, d. 30 January 1972)

SonLeland Laverne Cantonwine+ (b. 11 March 1904, d. 26 September 1954)


Herbert Ullin Cantonwine was born on 1 May 1873 in Benton Co., IA; son of David and Eliza (Elson) Cantonwine. He married Ora Ketchum Culp on 27 February 1901 in Benton Co., IA. He died on 19 May 1953 in Vinton, Benton Co., IA,

Obituary -- (

Vinton News, Vinton, Iowa; 19 MAY 1953:


Herb Cantonwine, 79, died at his home in Vinton this morning following a heart attack. He had been ill only a short time. Cantonwine was born May 1, 1873, in Benton township, a son of Mr. and Mrs. David Cantonwine. He married Ora Culp in Eden township Feb. 27, 1901. A retired farmer, Mr. Cantonwine farmed most of his life in Benton township. He moved to Vinton in 1947. He is survived by his wife and three children. Mrs. Joe (Lucille) Sanders, Leland and Ullin Cantonwine, of Vinton, five grandchildren, four great-grandchildren and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Eva Woodruff of Hackensack, Minn., E. B. Cantonwine of Vinton, Mrs. Blanche Spicer, Vinton, Claude Cantonwine of El Monte, Cal., and C. C. Cantonwine of Vinton. Funeral services will be held at the Fry-Holland funeral home at a time to be announced later. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery.

He was buried in May 1953 in Evergreen Cemetery, Vinton, Benton Co., IA,

Findagrave #12091257. Further Cantonwine ancestry, from the David Cantonwine (1844 - 1917) memorial, #12068373:

Charles, the patriarch of the Cantonwine family, immigrated to America from Prussia in 1806, arriving in Philadelphia, Penn., aboard the ship Orlando. The ship's passenger list shows "Chr. Kuntentwine, single man." The name Kuntentwine later evolved to Cantonwine, and Charles appears to be the only surnamed Kuntentwine/Cantonwine to immigrate to America. Eight or so years after his arrival in Philadelphia, in about 1814, Charles married Mary Magdalena Scholl, daughter of Charles Jacob & Margaret (Fuhr) Scholl, in Bedford county, Pennsylvania.

Last Edited 15 January 2022 00:00:00

Ora Ketchum Culp

F, #129589, b. 26 May 1883, d. 30 January 1972
Pedigree Link

Family: Herbert Ullin Cantonwine (b. 1 May 1873, d. 19 May 1953)

SonLeland Laverne Cantonwine+ (b. 11 March 1904, d. 26 September 1954)


Ora Ketchum Culp was born on 26 May 1883 in Eden, Benton Co., IA. She married Herbert Ullin Cantonwine on 27 February 1901 in Benton Co., IA. She died on 30 January 1972 in Benton Co., IA,

Obituary -- (

Benton Times News, January 31, 1972

Services pending for Ora Cantonwine

Mrs. Herbert U. (Ora K.) Cantonwine, 88, died Sunday evening at the Lutheran Home for the Aged following a long illness. She is survived by a son, Ullin, of Vinton, and a daughter, Mrs. Joe (Lucille) Sanders of Santa Clara, Calif. Funeral services are pending at the Campbell Funeral Home, where friends may call after 1 p.m. Tuesday. The services will be conducted by the Rev. Robert Phillips and burial will be at Evergreen cemetery. Mrs. Cantonwine was a member of the Methodist church. Mrs. Cantonwine was born May 26, 1883, in Eden township, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Culp. She was married in Vinton in 1901 to Mr. Cantonwine, who died in 1953. In addition to her children, she is survived by a brother, Leslie Culp of Long Beach, Calif.; five grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a son, five brothers and four sisters.

She was buried in February 1972 in Evergreen Cemetery, Vinton, Benton Co., IA, Findagrave #12091250.
Last Edited 1 May 2019 00:00:00

Donald Herbert Cantonwine, Sr.

M, #129590, b. 14 September 1927, d. 6 May 1994


FatherLeland Laverne Cantonwine (b. 11 March 1904, d. 26 September 1954)
MotherIda Marie Moubry (b. 24 March 1905, d. 7 October 1993)
Pedigree Link

Family 1: Mary Jeanne Parmater (b. 9 March 1928, d. 2 November 2006)

SonDavid Leland Cantonwine (b. 28 August 1948, d. 25 July 1972)
DaughterSusan Janeen Cantonwine+

Family 2: Darlene Margaret Jensen (b. 22 October 1937, d. 20 January 2011)

SonDonald Herbert Cantonwine, Jr.+ (b. 14 May 1960, d. 24 November 2014)
SonDarwin Arthur Cantonwine (b. 5 December 1962, d. 11 September 2014)
SonDouglas Charles Cantonwine (b. 14 December 1963, d. 4 August 2012)
SonDaniel Thomas Cantonwine+ (b. 4 December 1964, d. 18 January 2021)


Donald Herbert Cantonwine, Sr., was born on 14 September 1927 in Shellsburg, Benton Co., IA. He married Mary Jeanne Parmater, daughter of Clifford Earl Parmater and Elizabeth Ross, on 2 November 1946 in Leesville, Vernon Par., LA,

Marriage Announcement -- Waterloo Daily Courier, Waterloo, Iowa, Sunday, 10 Nov 1946:

Vinton -- The marriage of Maryeanne Parmater, daughter, Vinton, and Donald H. Cantonwine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Cantonwine, Vinton, was solemnized at Leesville, La., on Nov. 2, at 11 a.m. it has been announced. The groom is stationed with the army at nearby Camp Polk.

NOTE: Mary remarried, after the 1954 divorce, to Carroll "Ky" Walter.

Donald Herbert Cantonwine, Sr., and Mary Jeanne Parmater were divorced before June 1957. He married Darlene Margaret Jensen, daughter of George Walter Jensen and Marvel Bernice Snyder, on 12 June 1959 in Macon, Macon Co., MO; Darlene was first married to Anthony Lorenc in 1955, and divorced in 1958. Donald Herbert Cantonwine, Sr., died on 6 May 1994 in Clinton, Clinton Co., IA,

Obituary -- (

The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; 8 MAY 1994, page 14:


Donald Cantonwine Sr., 66, of 1131 10th St. SE, died Friday, May 6, 1994, in Mercy Medical Center [Clinton, IA] after a brief illness.

Services: 11 a.m. Tuesday, Turner Chapel East, where friends may call from 4 to 8 p.m. Monday. The Rev. William Harnish will officiate. Burial: Cedar Memorial Park Cemetery.

Survivors include his wife, Darlene; four sons, . . . ; a daughter, . . . ; and two brothers . . . Also surviving are six grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents and a son, David.

Donald was born Sept. 14, 1927, in Shellsburg and married Darlene Jensen on June 12, 1957, in Macon, Mo. He was a mechanic at Farmstead for 30 years, retiring in 1989; a member of Local P3; and served in the Army during World War II. Don was a lover of the outdoors and will be truly missed by his family and friends.

He was buried in May 1994 in Cedar Memorial Park, Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., IA, Findagrave #18112396.
Donald Herbert Cantonwine, Sr., began military service on 24 May 1946 WW II service, U.S. Army, enlisted. Stationed at Camp Polk, Leesville, Vernon Par., LA.


Waterloo Daily Courier, 14 JUN 1945:


Des Moines, Ia. -- (AP) -- The Iowa Association of Future Farmers of America has elected its 1945-46 officers ... Vice presidents chosen were Donald Cantonwine, Vinton, first...

Waterloo Daily Courier, Waterloo, Iowa; 1945 NOV 19; page 19 column 4; ( ?

Vinton Boys Win State Honors in 4-H Competition

Vinton, Ia. - Donald Cantonwine .... Donald won a $25 victory bond in the Dairy achievement activities sponsored by the Kraft Cheese Co. He was one of eight winners in the state.

Last Edited 14 March 2022 00:00:00

Mary Jeanne Parmater

F, #129591, b. 9 March 1928, d. 2 November 2006


FatherClifford Earl Parmater (b. 25 March 1895, d. 17 July 1970)
MotherElizabeth Ross (b. 13 November 1893, d. 12 October 1968)
Pedigree Link

Family: Donald Herbert Cantonwine, Sr., (b. 14 September 1927, d. 6 May 1994)

SonDavid Leland Cantonwine (b. 28 August 1948, d. 25 July 1972)
DaughterSusan Janeen Cantonwine+


Mary Jeanne Parmater was born on 9 March 1928 in Vinton, Benton Co., IA. She married Donald Herbert Cantonwine, Sr., son of Leland Laverne Cantonwine and Ida Marie Moubry, on 2 November 1946 in Leesville, Vernon Par., LA,

Marriage Announcement -- Waterloo Daily Courier, Waterloo, Iowa, Sunday, 10 Nov 1946:

Vinton -- The marriage of Maryeanne Parmater, daughter, Vinton, and Donald H. Cantonwine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Cantonwine, Vinton, was solemnized at Leesville, La., on Nov. 2, at 11 a.m. it has been announced. The groom is stationed with the army at nearby Camp Polk.

NOTE: Mary remarried, after the 1954 divorce, to Carroll "Ky" Walter.

Mary Jeanne Parmater and Donald Herbert Cantonwine, Sr., were divorced before June 1957. She died on 2 November 2006 in Vinton, Benton Co., IA,

Obituary -- (

VINTON: Mary Jeanne Parmater Walter, age 78, died peacefully at her home Thursday, November 2, 2006 following a short illness. Her family will receive friends from 2:00 to 4:00 PM on Saturday, November 4, 2006 at Phillips Family Center, 605 2nd Avenue, in Vinton. Private committal services will be held at Maplewood Cemetery in Vinton. A memorial fund has been established.

Mary was born on March 9, 1928 in Vinton, the daughter of Earl and Elizabeth "Bessie" (Ross) Parmater. She graduated from Lincoln High School in 1946 and on November 28, 1960 Mary was united in marriage to Carroll "Ky" Walter in Missouri. She was a longtime employee of the Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School in Vinton.

Mary is survived by her daughters, Susan (Steve) White and Terri Jo Walter all of Cedar Rapids, son, Doug Walter of Hastings, NE, two grandchildren, Wally of Scottsdale, AZ and Danyell of Hastings, NE. Also surviving are her sisters, Lois Pennington of OR, Ginny Heath of Cedar Rapids, Vel Blough of Branson, MO, Jo (Frank) Warner, Pat Salger, and a sister-in-law, Viola Vaupel all of Vinton.

In addition to her parents, Mary was preceded in death by her husband "Ky", son David, sister, Nan Mussman, and brothers, Cliff, Ross, Russ, Bill and Vern Parmater.

She was buried in November 2006 in Maplewood Cemetery, Vinton, Benton Co., IA, Findagrave #58934700.
Last Edited 22 February 2022 00:00:00

David Leland Cantonwine

M, #129592, b. 28 August 1948, d. 25 July 1972


FatherDonald Herbert Cantonwine, Sr. (b. 14 September 1927, d. 6 May 1994)
MotherMary Jeanne Parmater (b. 9 March 1928, d. 2 November 2006)
Pedigree Link


David Leland Cantonwine was born on 28 August 1948. He died on 25 July 1972.

He was buried in July 1972 in Evergreen Cemetery, Vinton, Benton Co., IA, Findagrave #46242383.
Last Edited 20 June 2019 00:00:00

Darlene Margaret Jensen

F, #129593, b. 22 October 1937, d. 20 January 2011


FatherGeorge Walter Jensen (b. 20 August 1906, d. 4 November 1939)
MotherMarvel Bernice Snyder (b. 10 October 1913, d. 23 May 1982)
Pedigree Link

Family: Donald Herbert Cantonwine, Sr., (b. 14 September 1927, d. 6 May 1994)

SonDonald Herbert Cantonwine, Jr.+ (b. 14 May 1960, d. 24 November 2014)
SonDarwin Arthur Cantonwine (b. 5 December 1962, d. 11 September 2014)
SonDouglas Charles Cantonwine (b. 14 December 1963, d. 4 August 2012)
SonDaniel Thomas Cantonwine+ (b. 4 December 1964, d. 18 January 2021)


Darlene Margaret Jensen was born on 22 October 1937 in Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., IA. She married Donald Herbert Cantonwine, Sr., son of Leland Laverne Cantonwine and Ida Marie Moubry, on 12 June 1959 in Macon, Macon Co., MO; Darlene was first married to Anthony Lorenc in 1955, and divorced in 1958. Darlene Margaret Jensen died on 20 January 2011 in Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., IA,

Obituary -- The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Sunday, 23 JAN 2011; Page M4; (

Darlene M. Cantonwine, 73 of Cedar Rapids, died peacefully at ManorCare Nursing Home on Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011. Services: 11 a.m. Tuesday at Cedar memorial Westside Chapel, where friends may call on Monday from 4 until 8 p.m. Burial: Cedar Memorial park Cemetery. The Rev. William B. Harnish will officiate.

Survivors include her sons, Donald Cantonwine Jr., Darwin Cantonwine, Douglas Cantonwine and Daniel (Julie) Cantonwine, all of Cedar Rapids; her siblings, Jim (Lillian) Jensen, Joe Steinke, Tom (Nancy) Stienke, George (Chris) Steinke, Catherine (Alva) Williams, Myrna (Carter) Smith and Elizabeth (Frank) Kindl; a stepdaughter, Susie (Steve) White, and a sister-in-law, Addie Jensen, all of Cedar Rapids; six grandchildren, Amanda, Audra, Ann, Angelia, Andrew and Joey; and seven great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her parents, George Jensen and Marvel Steinke; Step-father, Art Steinke Sr.,; husband, Donald Cantonwine Sr.; two brothers, Robert Jensen and Bill Steinke; daughter-in-law, Jean Cantonwine; and a grandson, Daniel Cantonwine Jr.

Darlene was born Oct. 22, 1937, in Cedar Rapids, the daughter of George and marvel (Snyder) Jensen. She married Donald H, Cantonwine on? ? June 2, 1957, in Macon, MO. Darlene was a member of Trinity Lutheran Church. She loved to play Bingo, go gambling, fishing and cook for her family.

She will be greatly missed by her family and friends.

Please leave a message for the family on the Web page under obituaries.

Memorials may be directed to the American Diabetic or American Heart associations.

She was buried in January 2011 in Cedar Memorial Park, Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., IA, Findagrave #64599932.
Last Edited 22 February 2022 00:00:00

Donald Herbert Cantonwine, Jr.

M, #129594, b. 14 May 1960, d. 24 November 2014


FatherDonald Herbert Cantonwine, Sr. (b. 14 September 1927, d. 6 May 1994)
MotherDarlene Margaret Jensen (b. 22 October 1937, d. 20 January 2011)
Pedigree Link

Family: Jean Marie Zach (b. 5 August 1959, d. 14 June 2004)

DaughterAmanda Kay Cantonwine
DaughterAudra J. Cantonwine-Zach
DaughterAnn Cantonwine
SonAndrew S. Cantonwine
DaughterAngela Cantonwine


Donald Herbert Cantonwine, Jr., was born on 14 May 1960. He married Jean Marie Zach, daughter of Garfield William Zach, Jr., and Kay Carol Schneider. Donald Herbert Cantonwine, Jr., died on 24 November 2014 in Linn Co., IA,

Obituary -- The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Friday, 28 NOV 2014, page P10 (


Cedar Rapids

Donald Herbert Cantonwine, Jr., 54, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, died Monday, Nov. 24, 2014, at St. Luke's Hospital, Cedar Rapids, following a long illness.

A Celebration of Life will be held at 1 p.m. Monday, Dec. 1, at the Elks Lodge, 801 33rd Ave. SW, Cedar Rapids.

Arrangements are being handled by Stewart Baxter Funeral & Memorial Services, Cedar Rapids.

Donnie is survived by his children, Amanda, Audra, Ann, Angela and Andrew Cantonwine-Zach; brother, Daniel (Julie) Cantonwine; sister, Susie (Steven) White; grandchildren, Alivia, Amira, Alycia, Adison, Avery, Alexandria, Amariana and three babies on the way; nephew, Joseph Cantonwine, and many aunts, uncles and cousins.

He was preceded in death by his wife, Jean Zach; parents, Donald and Darlene Cantonwine; brothers, David, Darwin, and Doug and nephew, Daniel Cantonwine, Jr.

Donnie loved hunting, fishing, and camping. He was a great jokester. He adored his grandchildren and loved his family unconditionally. He will be greatly missed by family and friends.

Memorials may be directed to Donnie's family.

The family would like to thank St. Luke's Continuing Care and Hospice.


The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Tuesday, 26 DEC 1978; Page 10; (

Got Her Wish

A Cedar Rapids woman was arrested Monday on charges of intoxication, interfering with official acts and criminal mischief after she insisted that police arrest her along with a friend.

Events began when police were called to the Joseph Mara residence, 921 16th Ave. SE, on a complaint of damage to a wooden fence. According to the police report, two men were sliding on ice in a driveway adjacent to the Mara fence, crashing into the fence and breaking it.

Police arrested Donald N. Cantonwine, 18, of 1134 10th St. SE, on charges of intoxication and criminal mischief. The second man, unidentified, fled in a car.

In Cantonwine's company was Jean Marie Zach, 19, of 1026 15thSt. SE. The report said that as officers placed Cantonwine under arrest, Zach told officers she too was intoxicated and should be arrested.

She then leaned against the back door of the police car to prevent officers from putting Cantonwine into the car. Zach refused to move away from the door and was subsequently placed under arrest.

Police said she physically resisted arrest and had to be forced into the back seat of the vehicle for transportation to the Linn jail.

The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa) Wednesday, 24 JAN 1990; Page 18; (

District Court

Donald H. Cantonwine, Jr., of 1840 Higley Ave. SE, was fined $100. He was accused of punching Jean M. Zach in the face during an Aug. 25, argument.

The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Sunday, 20 MAR 1994; Page 22; (

District Court

Donald H. Cantonwine, Jr., 33, of 113110th St. SE, pleaded guilty to assault causing bodily injury (domestic abuse), penalty enhanced. He was accused of striking Jean Zach in the face during a July 12, 1993, incident at 1261 Fourth Ave. SE. The defendant was fined $250 and sentenced to 48 hours in jail.

The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Thursday, 29 NOV 2001; Page 18; (

Linn Court News

Donald H. Cantonwine, Jr., 41, of Cedar Rapids, pleaded guilty to possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance. Charge was filed in connection with an April 19 incident in the 1200 block of Fifth Avenue SE involving marijuana. The defendant was fined $750, given a five-year suspended sentence and placed on probation.

Last Edited 14 March 2022 00:00:00

Jean Marie Zach

F, #129595, b. 5 August 1959, d. 14 June 2004


FatherGarfield William Zach, Jr. (b. 21 January 1930, d. 17 May 2008)
MotherKay Carol Schneider (b. 30 December 1937, d. 9 September 1995)
Pedigree Link

Family: Donald Herbert Cantonwine, Jr., (b. 14 May 1960, d. 24 November 2014)

DaughterAmanda Kay Cantonwine
DaughterAudra J. Cantonwine-Zach
DaughterAnn Cantonwine
SonAndrew S. Cantonwine
DaughterAngela Cantonwine


Jean Marie Zach was born on 5 August 1959 in Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., IA. She married Donald Herbert Cantonwine, Jr., son of Donald Herbert Cantonwine, Sr., and Darlene Margaret Jensen. Jean Marie Zach died on 14 June 2004 in Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., IA,

Obituary -- The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Wednesday, 16 JUN 2004, p.14 (


Jean Marie Zach Cantonwine, 44, of 1636 Park Towne Pl. NE, died Monday, June 14, 2004, in Mercy Medical Center after a long illness. Services: 10 a.m. Thursday, Turner East Funeral Home & Crematory, by the Rev. Bill Harnish. Burial: Cedar Memorial Park Cemetery. Friends may call after 8:30 a.m. Thursday at the funeral home.

Survivors include her husband, Donnie; four daughters, Amanda, Audra, Ann and Angela, all of Cedar Rapids; a son, Andrew of Cedar Rapids; her father, Garfey Zach of Cedar Rapids; a brother, Matt Zach of Cedar Rapids; and two sisters, Kathy Meyers and Diane McMurrin, both of Cedar Rapids.

Jean was born Aug. 5, 1959, in Cedar Rapids, to Garfield and Kay Schneider Zach.

Jean was a loving wife and mother and will be missed by all who knew and loved her.

Memorials may be directed to the family.

She was buried in June 2004 in Cedar Memorial Park, Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., IA, Findagrave #18038054.


The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Tuesday, 26 DEC 1978; Page 10; (

Got Her Wish

A Cedar Rapids woman was arrested Monday on charges of intoxication, interfering with official acts and criminal mischief after she insisted that police arrest her along with a friend.

Events began when police were called to the Joseph Mara residence, 921 16th Ave. SE, on a complaint of damage to a wooden fence. According to the police report, two men were sliding on ice in a driveway adjacent to the Mara fence, crashing into the fence and breaking it.

Police arrested Donald N. Cantonwine, 18, of 1134 10th St. SE, on charges of intoxication and criminal mischief. The second man, unidentified, fled in a car.

In Cantonwine's company was Jean Marie Zach, 19, of 1026 15th St. SE. The report said that as officers placed Cantonwine under arrest, Zach told officers she too was intoxicated and should be arrested.

She then leaned against the back door of the police car to prevent officers from putting Cantonwine into the car. Zach refused to move away from the door and was subsequently placed under arrest.

Police said she physically resisted arrest and had to be forced into the back seat of the vehicle for transportation to the Linn jail.

The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Wednesday, 24 JAN 1990; Page 18; (

Dostroct Court

Donald H. Cantonwine, Jr., of 1840 Higley Ave. SE, was fined $100. He was accused of punching Jean M. Zach in the face during an Aug. 25, argument.

The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Sunday, 20 MAR 1994; Page 22; (

District Court

Donald H. Cantonwine, Jr., 33, of 1131 10th St. SE, pleaded guilty to assault causing bodily injury (domestic abuse), penalty enhanced. He was accused of striking Jean Zach in the face during a July 12, 1993, incident at 1261 Fourth Ave. SE. The defendant was fined $250 and sentenced to 48 hours in jail.

Last Edited 14 March 2022 00:00:00

Garfield William Zach, Jr.

M, #129596, b. 21 January 1930, d. 17 May 2008
Pedigree Link

Family: Kay Carol Schneider (b. 30 December 1937, d. 9 September 1995)

DaughterJean Marie Zach+ (b. 5 August 1959, d. 14 June 2004)


Garfield William Zach, Jr., was born on 21 January 1930 in Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., IA. He married Kay Carol Schneider on 9 April 1954 in Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., IA. He died on 17 May 2008 in Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., IA,

Obituary -- (

Garfey William Zach, Jr., 78, of the Dennis and Donna Oldorf Hospice House died Saturday, May 17, 2008 at the hospice house following a long illness.

Garfey was born January 21, 1930 in Cedar Rapids the son of Garfey William Zach Sr. and Esther DeShaw Zach. He married Kay Carol Schneider on April 9, 1954 in Cedar Rapids.

He was a fork-lift driver with Allis Chalmers and with Harnischfeger Corp. for 35 years. He loved everything about farms, and drove the gravel roads to look at the cows and horses. He served in the U.S. Army during the Korean Conflict.

Surviving are a daughter, Kathy Meyers Mark of Cedar Rapids; a son, Matthew Zach of Cedar Rapids; eight grandchildren, Amanda, Audra, Ann, Leif, Kallie, Angela, Andrew and Dillon; six great grandchildren, Alivia, Audriana, Amira, Alysia, Layla and Addison; two sisters, Kathleen Sexton and Judy Phillips Robert both of Cedar Rapids; and a brother, Marvin Zach Pat of Cedar Rapids.

He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife Kay, and two daughters, Jean Zach and Diane McMurrin.

Services: 11:00 A.M. Wednesday at Cedar Memorial Park Chapel of Memories. The Rev. William Harnish will officiate.

Military Rites by the American Legion Hanford Post #5.

He was buried in May 2008 in Cedar Memorial Park, Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., IA, Findagrave #30674419.
Garfield William Zach, Jr., was also known as "Garfey" Zach.
Last Edited 1 May 2019 00:00:00

Kay Carol Schneider

F, #129597, b. 30 December 1937, d. 9 September 1995
Pedigree Link

Family: Garfield William Zach, Jr., (b. 21 January 1930, d. 17 May 2008)

DaughterJean Marie Zach+ (b. 5 August 1959, d. 14 June 2004)


Kay Carol Schneider was born on 30 December 1937 in Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., IA. She married Garfield William Zach, Jr., on 9 April 1954 in Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., IA. She died on 9 September 1995.

She was buried in September 1995 in Cedar Memorial Park, Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., IA, Findagrave #139473122.
Last Edited 1 May 2019 00:00:00

Darwin Arthur Cantonwine

M, #129598, b. 5 December 1962, d. 11 September 2014


FatherDonald Herbert Cantonwine, Sr. (b. 14 September 1927, d. 6 May 1994)
MotherDarlene Margaret Jensen (b. 22 October 1937, d. 20 January 2011)
Pedigree Link


Darwin Arthur Cantonwine was born on 5 December 1962 in Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., IA. He died on 11 September 2014

Obituary -- The Gazette; Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Monday, 15 SEP 2014, page P10:


Cedar Rapids

Darwin Arthur Cantonwine, 51, of Cedar Rapids, died Thursday Sept. 11, 2014, at St. Luke's Hospital. Celebration of Life services: 11:30 a.m. Monday, Sept. 15, at Elks Lodge, 801 33rd Ave. SW, with luncheon following.

Survivors include his brothers, Donald Cantonwine Jr. and Daniel (Julie) Cantonwine; sister, Susan (Steve) White; nieces, Amanda, Audra, Ann and Angela; great-nieces, Alivia, Adriana, Amira, Alycia, Adison, Alexandria and Amariana; nephews, Andrew and Joe; and great-nephew, Avery. He is also survived by many aunts, uncles and cousins, and special friend, Ann Keil.

Darwin was preceded in death by his parents; brothers, David and Doug; and a nephew, Daniel Jr.

Darwin was born Dec. 5, 1962, in Cedar Rapids, to Donald and Darlene Cantonwine Sr. He left this world surrounded by his family.

Darwin loved his family unconditionally. He loved the outdoors, fishing, hunting deer and mushrooms and camping.

In lieu of flowers, a memorial fund has been establlished in Darwin's name.

The family wishes to express their gratitude to the staff of St. Luke's CCU and especially Michelle and Megan.

Last Edited 14 March 2022 00:00:00

Daniel Thomas Cantonwine

M, #129599, b. 4 December 1964, d. 18 January 2021


FatherDonald Herbert Cantonwine, Sr. (b. 14 September 1927, d. 6 May 1994)
MotherDarlene Margaret Jensen (b. 22 October 1937, d. 20 January 2011)
Pedigree Link

Family: Gertrude Julie Gates

Son"Joey" Cantonwine
SonDaniel Thomas Cantonwine (b. 12 December 1998, d. 7 February 1999)


Daniel Thomas Cantonwine was born on 4 December 1964 in Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., IA. He married Gertrude Julie Gates, daughter of Kenneth Joseph Gates and Barbara Jean Beals, on 22 October 1994 in Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., IA,

The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Sunday, 01 January 1995; Page 70; (


Gertrude Julie Gates and Daniel Thomas Cantonwine, both of Cedar Rapids, were married Oct. 22 in Cedar Rapids. The bride is the daughter of Kenneth and Barbara Gates, Cedar Rapids. The bridegroom's parents are Darlene Cantonwine, Cedar Rapids, and the late Donald Cantonwine.

The couple were married by the Rev. Willian Harnish.

Shantelle Ashlock was maid of honor. Bridesmaid was Lori Gates. Flower girl was Annie Cantonwine.

Calen Backstrom was best man. Groomsman was Darwin Cantonwine. Owen McGlynn was ring bearer. Ushers were Donnie Cantonwine and Len Todd.

Daniel Thomas Cantonwine died on 18 January 2021 in Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., IA,

Obituary -- The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Wednesday, 20 JAN 2021, p.P10 (

Daniel Thomas “Boonie” Cantonwine

Daniel Thomas “Boonie” Cantonwine of Marion passed away Jan. 18, 2021, at home with his family after a long illness. Cedar Valley Bible Church has been a great source of support and encouragement. A memorial service will be at the church starting at 4 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 23.

Daniel Thomas Cantonwine was born Dec. 4, 1964, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the son of Donald and Darlene Cantonwine. Dan worked for many years in the food industry. He loved his pets, fishing, especially in Minnesota, wrestling and sports.

He is survived by his wife of 26 years, Julie; his son, Joey; and many loving family members.

He was preceded in death by his parents; his brothers, Donnie, Darwin and Doug; and son, Daniel Jr.

He was buried in January 2021 in Cedar Memorial Park Cemetery, Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., IA.
Daniel Thomas Cantonwine was also known as "Boonie" Cantonwine.
Last Edited 16 March 2022 00:00:00