Land Of The Buckeye

Person Page 692

Maria Price

F, #20731, b. 30 June 1750


FatherDaniel Preisz (b. 11 December 1723, d. 11 February 1804)
MotherJohanna Weicker (b. 14 October 1726, d. 6 July 1796)
Pedigree Link


Maria Price was born on 30 June 1750 in Lower Salford Twp., Montgomery Co., PA.
Last Edited10 February 2003 00:00:00

Rev. John Price

M, #20732, b. 5 December 1751, d. 7 September 1829


FatherDaniel Preisz (b. 11 December 1723, d. 11 February 1804)
MotherJohanna Weicker (b. 14 October 1726, d. 6 July 1796)
Pedigree Link

Family: Elizabeth Weidner (b. 30 October 1749, d. 10 April 1793)

DaughterSusannah Price+
DaughterElizabeth Price+ (b. 9 July 1784, d. 3 December 1871)
SonDaniel W. Price+ (b. 2 August 1785, d. 8 March 1862)
SonRev. John W. Price+ (b. 13 February 1787, d. 9 May 1871)
SonRev. William W. Price+ (b. 29 August 1789, d. 7 August 1849)
SonGeorge Price


Rev. John Price was born on 5 December 1751 in Lower Salford Twp., Montgomery Co., PA. He married Elizabeth Weidner, daughter of Rev. Lazarus Haass Weidner, in 1780. Rev. John Price married Barbara Andrew.1 He died on 7 September 1829 in Indian Creek, Lower Salford Twp., Montgomery Co., PA,

Will of John Price

Dated June 1, 1822 Proved Sept. 30, 1829

Norristown, Pa., Will Book No. 6, page 568.

Be it Remembered that I, John Price of Lower Salford township, in the county of Montgomery and State of Pennsylvania, Yeoman, being far advanced in years but of sound disposing mind, memory and understanding taking into serious consideration the uncertainty of this life and knowing that it is appointed unto all men to once die, have thought it necessary to make my last will and testament in manner and form as follows, that is to say First I direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses be carefully paid by my hereinafter named Executors. Secondly I give and bequeath unto my beloeved wife, Barbara, the use and possession of the lot or tract whereon I now dwell situate in said township of Lower Salford bounded by lands of Abraham Harley and others Containing about 22 acres with all the buildings and appurtenances thereunto belonging so long as she remains my widow; she to have the right of sowing or Planting one of the fields on said lot each year in regular rotation with some of those small pieces around the meadow with such grain as she chooses and upon such terms as she may find most advantageous either by hiring or upon shares and the right of getting the Grass in the Meadows made into hay in the like manner she shall have the right to cut (under the direction of said Executors) as much timber on said lot as will be sufficient for her firewood and to keep the fences and buildings on said premises in repair; also to take in as a tenant a Single Woman or Small family to reside with her but not to furnush such tenant with separate firewood off of said Lot without the consent of my said Executors. I do further give unto my said wife so long as she remains my Widow the use of the following articles (to wit): my clock, Cloaths, press, Dresser, the new Stove, Windmill, half bushel, Cutting box & Knife, flax brake, a wooden and Iron shovel, Spade, weeding and grubbing hoe, a large Copper Kettle. I aslo give and bequeath unto my said wife the following specified Articles and Items to be at her entire and absolute disposal forever (to wit): her bedsteads with as much bedding thereto of her choice as will make it in Comfortable and complete order and all such other goods as may then be found of those which she brought to me at the time of our marriage, also one cow at her choice out of my flock and half the swine, all of the grain that may be sown on said premises and also one half of what may be thereon whether threshed or unthreshed; all the straw and one-half the hay and second crop with all the meat meal and vegetables that may be on hand at the time of my decease; also all the Yarn, flax, and tow whether dressed or undressed; I also give in like manner one third of all the other or remainder of my household goods and Kitchen furniture to be taken by her choice of them after the same has been appraised in order to shew the equal third part thereof in value. I also give unto my said wife the sum of fifty Pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania to be paid her by my said Executors out of the first monies that may be at their command after my decease. It is further my will that my hereinafter named Executors shall place at interest the sum of three hundred pounds money aforesaid (to be drawn from my personal estate), the interest of which sum they shall pay to my said wife yearly and every year so long as she shall remain my widow and all the bequest given and provisions made for the support of my said wife as hereinbefore mentioned are instead in liiew of her right of dower.

Thirdly. It is my will that my hereinafter named executors shall as soon as it can conveniently be done after my decease, sell all the residue of my moveable effects (not herein otherwise disposed of) at public Sale.

Fourthly. It is my will and I do hereby direct that my hereinafter named Executors as soon -- they shall have paid all my just debts and other reasonable expenses also the aforesaid Legacy to my wife and provided for the payment of the said annuity to her out of my estate that they shall proceed to make a division of all the residue of my estate whether arising from the sale of the moveables or from any and all monies due or or to become due on bonds, notes, books, debts or otherwise to and among my children, namely: Daniel, John, William, George, Susannah, and Elizabeth, their heirs or legal representatives, share and share alike. Nevertheless it is my will that in the aforesaid division or distribution of said residue each of my said children shall be charged with the amount of what I have advanced to them in my lifetime an account of which will be found in my family book kept for that purpose and the division of the first monies that may come to be made by my said Executors after fulfilling the foregoing provisions of this will shall be made in such manner as to make all my children or their heirs equal as far as practible taking into each ones Account what he or she might have had in advance as aforesaid and afterwards each one to take an equal share of the monies as they shall become due from the persons to whom I may have sold land. Nevertheless it is my will that if the dividend of my son John or in case of his decease of what would descend to his children shall not amount to so much as the bond or bonds that may remain in my hands against him that in that case my said Executors shall not demand the balance that might appear to be due to my estate but the same shall be cancelled and forgiven.

Fifthly. It is my will that my hereinafter named Executors to take charge of the division which becomes due to my Daughter Susannah and I do hereby give and bequeath unto my two sons Daniel and William and to the survivor of them all monies that may become due to my said daughter in case she shall survive me in trust and with full confidence thta they or the survivor of them shall and will well and truly pay and apply the interest thereof at the rate of five per cent per Annum for her use and for the use and Suport of her family as the case may require and if in the judgment of said Trustees or the Survivor of them it shall appear necessary at any time they or he shall have the right to apply from time to time any part or the whole of the prinicpal sum or dividend to the use and support of my said daughter as her Circumstances may require and Shall pay over after her decease any balance of said dividend that may remain in her hands or in the hands of the survivor of them to the children of my said daughter share and share alike and it is further my will that if my said Executors shall be called upon to pay any money for which I have become Security for my Son-in-law Henry Moyer that they shall deduct the amount of the monies so paid out of my daughter Susannah share of my estate.

Sixtly. I do hereby order and direct my herinafter named Executors without any unnecessary delay after the decease or marriage of my said wife to sell at public vendue to the best bidder as well all the moveable effects hereinbefore bequeathed to her during her widowhood as the before mentioned lot of land bequeathed to her use with all the buildings and appurtenances thereunto belonging and I do hereby impower my said Executors or the survivor of them to execute a good lawful deed of Conveyance to the purchaser of the same and in case that one of the said Executors shall become the purchaser of said land I do hereby impower the other Executor to make & execute a deed for the same to the one so purchasing, hereby declaring that it is my will that the deed so made shall be held and taken to be as valid in Law as if made by both Executors under the first provision of this item.

[ Seventhly. It is my will that the monies arising from the Sale of the before mentioned lot of land and its appurtenances and the moveable goods left to the use of my said wife together with the before mentioned three hundred pounds which was placed at interest for her use shall be equally divided between all my before named children their heirs or legal representatives share and share alike nevertheless my daughter Susannah's share to be held by my said Executors in trust in the same manner for the same purposes and with the same discretionary power as is before mentioned in the fifth item of this Instrument of Writing with respect to her first dividend.

Lastly. I do hereby Nominate, Constitute, and Appoint my two sons Daniel and William to be Executors of this my last will and testament (desiring that they do not charge any more Commissions for executirng the same than will be a reasonable compensation for their risk and trouble) and I do hereby revoke all other will or wills by me heretofore made verbally or in writing, declaring this to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the first day of June in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two. John Price, Sr. (SEAL)


Jacob Price

John Harley.

Rev. John Price was also known as Johannes Preisz.

Note: Birth order of children is partially uncertain -- this version is derived from the will of Rev. John Price, written in 1822, in which he listed first his sons Daniel, John, William and George, and then his daughters Susannah and Elizabeth. I therefore place Susannah's birth before Elizabeth -- she was probably the firstborn child of the marriage. No date is given for Susannah or George in the Wanger book. Wanger's birth order is clearly not correct, based on the stated dates that he gives. DLB 2008.2 He was baptized on 4 January 1773 in Montgomery Co., PA.3 Occupation: Farmer and Bishop, Church of the Brethren, Indian Creek Congregation.
Last Edited25 January 2021 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), p. 11. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.
  2. [S82] Price Genealogy, p. 16.
  3. [S82] Price Genealogy, p. 14.

Rev. George Price1

M, #20733, b. 1 November 1753, d. 25 September 1823


FatherDaniel Preisz (b. 11 December 1723, d. 11 February 1804)
MotherJohanna Weicker (b. 14 October 1726, d. 6 July 1796)
Pedigree Link

Family: Sarah Harley (b. 20 June 1750, d. 25 September 1799)

DaughterHannah Price+ (b. about 1773)
SonDaniel Price+ (b. 18 October 1775, d. 20 August 1810)
DaughterMary Price+ (b. 21 October 1777, d. 10 January 1853)
SonRev. John Price+ (b. 6 August 1782, d. 12 April 1850)
SonJacob Price (b. 23 September 1784, d. 23 January 1786)
SonGeorge Price+ (b. 13 November 1786, d. 13 January 1833)
SonRudolph Price (b. 13 March 1791, d. November 1794)
DaughterElizabeth Price (b. 27 December 1793, d. June 1794)
DaughterSarah Price+ (b. 11 October 1796, d. 11 October 1885)


Rev. George Price was born on 1 November 1753 in Lower Salford Twp., Montgomery Co., PA.1 He married Sarah Harley, daughter of Rudolph Harley and Maria Becker, about 1772 in Montgomery Co., PA.2 Rev. George Price died on 25 September 1823 in North Coventry Twp., Chester Co., PA.1
Rev. George Price was Church of the Brethren minister, at Coventry church, which was organized 7 Nov 1724 at the house of Martin Urner, Elder Peter Becker presiding.3
Last Edited7 December 2008 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), p.62. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.
  2. [S82] Price Genealogy, p. 62.
  3. [S82] Price Genealogy, p. 64.

Philip Price

M, #20734, b. January 1755


FatherDaniel Preisz (b. 11 December 1723, d. 11 February 1804)
MotherJohanna Weicker (b. 14 October 1726, d. 6 July 1796)
Pedigree Link


Philip Price was born in January 1755 in Lower Salford Twp., Montgomery Co., PA.1 He died Died young.1
Last Edited28 December 2008 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 214. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Henry Price

M, #20735, b. 10 March 1757


FatherDaniel Preisz (b. 11 December 1723, d. 11 February 1804)
MotherJohanna Weicker (b. 14 October 1726, d. 6 July 1796)
Pedigree Link

Family: Magdalena Lederach (b. 9 August 1760, d. 15 February 1841)

SonDaniel Price
SonJacob Price
DaughterCatharine Price+ (b. 13 September 1789, d. 1 November 1820)
DaughterMaria Lederach Price+ (b. 5 September 1793, d. 11 September 1869)
SonWilliam Lederach Price+ (b. 30 August 1795, d. 25 July 1869)
SonJoseph Price
SonGeorge Price


Henry Price was born on 10 March 1757 in Lower Salford Twp., Montgomery Co., PA.1 He married Magdalena Lederach, daughter of Henry Lederach and Catharine Clemmer.1
Last Edited28 December 2008 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 214. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

{ Infant } Price

F, #20736, b. April 1758, d. April 1758


FatherDaniel Preisz (b. 11 December 1723, d. 11 February 1804)
MotherJohanna Weicker (b. 14 October 1726, d. 6 July 1796)
Pedigree Link


{ Infant } Price was born in April 1758 in Lower Salford Twp., Montgomery Co., PA.1 She died in April 1758 in Lower Salford Twp., Montgomery Co., PA, Not named.1
Last Edited28 December 2008 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 234. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

William Price

M, #20737, b. 1 March 1760, d. 4 November 1805


FatherDaniel Preisz (b. 11 December 1723, d. 11 February 1804)
MotherJohanna Weicker (b. 14 October 1726, d. 6 July 1796)
Pedigree Link

Family: Catherine Reiff (b. 8 November 1761, d. 25 December 1840)

DaughterHannah Price+ (b. 7 September 1784, d. 9 July 1852)
DaughterCatharine Price+ (b. 1 July 1786, d. 12 November 1869)
DaughterSarah Price+
SonRev. Jacob Price+ (b. 9 June 1791, d. 12 September 1868)
DaughterElizabeth Price+ (b. 22 August 1793, d. 29 September 1842)
DaughterAnna Price+ (b. 16 February 1798, d. 13 August 1887)
DaughterRachel Price (b. 12 April 1804, d. 27 November 1812)


William Price was born on 1 March 1760 in Lower Salford Twp., Montgomery Co., PA.1 He married Catherine Reiff, daughter of Jacob Reiff and Catherine Schneider, on 20 May 1783,

Ceremony by Rev. Christopher Sower

Wanger book says "eight children" and mentions a son William, on p.241, but there is no further description of this William Price, son of William and Catharine (Reiff) Price. DLB 2008.1

William Price died on 4 November 1805 in Lower Salford Twp., Montgomery Co., PA.1


From "Price Genealogy", pp. 234-236:

To William Price was deeded by his parents, July 12, 1787, the old homestead and 165 acres of land in three tracts, for 1400 pounds; one tract with the buildings contained 120 acres; another adjacent, containing 8 acres was on the Upper Salford side of the township line and the third, also adjacent, contained 37 acres. (Vidi Deed Book 16, page 5.)

On Aug. 2, 1790 he purchased from Catharine Greenleaf, widow, and Samuel Morris and his wife Rebecca, 131 acres and 26 perches, the other 10 acres and 4 perches, for 1015 pounds (Vidi D. B. No. 5, page 405), part of this was in and on both sides of the Branch Creek. On the same day in 1790 the same grantors conveyed to Jacob Alderfer 25 acres and 100 perches and two years later, May 28, 1792 the latter and his wife Elizabeth granted the same tract to William Price.

He afterward sold the 37 acre tract to Jacob Kolp for 222 pounds (Vidi D. B. 6 p. 574) and on April 27, 1791, conveyed the 10 acre and 4 perch tract to his father for 90 punds (Vidi D.B. 9, p.208).

He built the first saw-mill on the property, says Heckler; he purchased a water right, dug the race and built a dam in his brother John's meadow in 1790 and received a deed from him dated Aug. 24th of that year, for a consideration of 8 shillings (Vidi D. B. 16, p. 1). He also received another deed from John, dated Sept. 24, 1791 for 76 perches of land for and in consideration of 2 pounds, 5 shillings or 6 Spanish Dollars (Not recorded).

He took an active part in the affairs of the township, being one of the Auditors in 1784, 1786, 1787, 1788, 1792 and then every year until 1804.

William Price died intestate and at an Orphan's Court held at an Orphan's Court held at Norristown, Nov. 18, 1811, his property then consisting of 283 acres, with buildings, improvements, valued at $14,716 was confirmed to his oldest son Jacob, although he was not yet of legal age.

The old burying ground on the property was a part of the 120 acre tract and in order to dedicate it to such uses and to set it apart, William Price gave the following deed to his father:


William Preiss et Catherine ux Dated Aug. 30, 1803

to Consideration 5 pds.

Daniel Priess

(his father) Deed Book 17, page 287.

For a certain Grave Yard lot of piece of land lying and being in the township of Lower Salford for an Internment of Burying ground forever.

Beginning at the Gate Post of said Grave Yard for a corner thence by William Preiss' other land the four following courses and distances, to wit; N. 53-15 W. 6.4 P. to a post for a corner; thence N. 35-45 E. 6.4 P. to a post; thence S. 53-15 E. 6.4 P. to a post; thence 2. 36-45 W. 6.4 P. to the place of beginning. Containing 40.9 Perches.

Part of 120 A. which Daniel Price et ux by deed dated July 12, 1787, granted and conveyed to their son William Price.

"For the use of a Burying Place or Grave yard forever in Trust never the less to him the said Daniel Preiss for the use of a grave yard for his Relations and Kinsfolks to Bury their Dead. And as it had hither to been for the use aforesaid only on suffering without any conveyance or confirmation being made to them that said privilege should remain firm and stable forever. Therefor Know Ye that whom it may concern that the said described lot of ground by these presents granted and confirmed to the said Daniel Preiss his heirs and assigns to and for the use of said Relation and their Posterity forever and also to have free agress and regress in Traviling to and from the said Grave Yard and at such places as the said Preiss or his successors shall direct."

The following graves are marked with tomb stones, no doubt there were other graves which possibly had ordinary field stones that have now disappeared. * (Published in the National Genealogical Society's Quarterlies, January and April, 1920.)2

William Price was baptized on 16 October 1774 in Germantown, Philadelphia Co. (now), PA.1
Last Edited27 December 2008 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 234. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.
  2. [S82] Price Genealogy, 234-240.

Hannah Price

F, #20738, b. 4 May 1763, d. 24 July 1824


FatherDaniel Preisz (b. 11 December 1723, d. 11 February 1804)
MotherJohanna Weicker (b. 14 October 1726, d. 6 July 1796)
Pedigree Link

Family: John Clemens (b. 26 October 1760, d. 25 March 1831)

SonJacob Clemens+ (b. 1 April 1782, d. 9 April 1853)
SonGeorge Clemens


Hannah Price was born on 4 May 1763 in Lower Salford Twp., Montgomery Co., PA.1 She married John Clemens, son of Jacob Clemens and Barbara, about 1781.1 Hannah Price died on 24 July 1824 in Lower Salford Twp., Montgomery Co., PA.1
Last Edited28 December 2008 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 314. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Elizabeth Preiss

F, #20739, b. 27 March 1765, d. 4 July 1857


FatherDaniel Preisz (b. 11 December 1723, d. 11 February 1804)
MotherJohanna Weicker (b. 14 October 1726, d. 6 July 1796)
Pedigree Link

Family: Jacob Weidner (b. 29 March 1756, d. 2 March 1800)

DaughterHannah P. Weidner+ (b. 18 June 1786, d. 30 May 1867)
SonJoseph Weidner+
DaughterCatherine P. Weidner+ (b. 19 June 1798, d. 6 June 1875)
SonWilliam Weidner+ (b. 3 May 1799, d. 15 October 1877)
SonLazarus Weidner


Elizabeth Preiss was born on 27 March 1765 in Lower Salford Twp., Montgomery Co., PA.1 She married Jacob Weidner, son of Rev. Lazarus Haass Weidner, on 30 March 1784 in Oley Twp., Berks Co., PA,

Pennsylvania, Church Records - Adams, Berks, and Lancaster Counties, 1729-1881 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.

She died on 4 July 1857 in Lower Salford Twp., Montgomery Co., PA, or 22 JUL 1852, per memorial. She was buried in Weidner Cemetery #1 (probably), Maxtawny Twp., Berks Co., PA, Findagrave #156629624 , no documentation.
Last Edited25 January 2021 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 320. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Catherine Price

F, #20740, b. 30 March 1773


FatherDaniel Preisz (b. 11 December 1723, d. 11 February 1804)
MotherJohanna Weicker (b. 14 October 1726, d. 6 July 1796)
Pedigree Link


Catherine Price was born on 30 March 1773 in Montgomery Co., PA.1 She died in Montgomery Co., PA, Died young.2
Last Edited10 January 2009 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), p.396. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.
  2. [S82] Price Genealogy, 396.

Elizabeth Weidner

F, #20741, b. 30 October 1749, d. 10 April 1793


FatherRev. Lazarus Haass Weidner (b. 1 July 1723, d. 16 November 1802)
Pedigree Link

Family: Rev. John Price (b. 5 December 1751, d. 7 September 1829)

DaughterSusannah Price+
DaughterElizabeth Price+ (b. 9 July 1784, d. 3 December 1871)
SonDaniel W. Price+ (b. 2 August 1785, d. 8 March 1862)
SonRev. John W. Price+ (b. 13 February 1787, d. 9 May 1871)
SonRev. William W. Price+ (b. 29 August 1789, d. 7 August 1849)
SonGeorge Price


Elizabeth Weidner was born on 30 October 1749. She married Rev. John Price, son of Daniel Preisz and Johanna Weicker, in 1780. Elizabeth Weidner died on 10 April 1793.
Last Edited7 November 2004 00:00:00

Rev. John W. Price

M, #20742, b. 13 February 1787, d. 9 May 1871


FatherRev. John Price (b. 5 December 1751, d. 7 September 1829)
MotherElizabeth Weidner (b. 30 October 1749, d. 10 April 1793)
Pedigree Link

Family: Mary Detwiler (b. 13 November 1783, d. 19 March 1856)

SonJoel Price+ (b. 12 May 1813, d. 9 April 1887)
DaughterMary D. Price (b. 16 May 1814, d. 5 January 1861)
SonJohn Price (b. about 1816)
SonDaniel S. Price+ (b. 20 December 1821, d. 2 August 1894)
SonWilliam W. Price+ (b. 26 November 1823, d. 17 June 1895)
SonIsaiah J. Price (b. 21 November 1826, d. 12 August 1884)
DaughterElizabeth Price


Rev. John W. Price was born on 13 February 1787 in Lower Salford Twp., Montgomery Co., PA.1 He married Mary Detwiler, daughter of Martin Detwiler and Maria Meyer. Rev. John W. Price died on 9 May 1871 in Fitzwatertown, Montgomery Co., PA.2
Occupation: Minister.
Last Edited6 March 2009 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), p. 18. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.
  2. [S82] Price Genealogy, 18.

Rev. William W. Price

M, #20743, b. 29 August 1789, d. 7 August 1849


FatherRev. John Price (b. 5 December 1751, d. 7 September 1829)
MotherElizabeth Weidner (b. 30 October 1749, d. 10 April 1793)
Pedigree Link

Family: Mary Reiff (b. 25 July 1794, d. 16 October 1873)

DaughterCatherine R. Price (d. 10 August 1903)
DaughterLydia Price+ (b. 29 March 1817, d. 4 October 1853)
SonNathan Price (b. 1819)
DaughterMary R. Price (b. 28 March 1820, d. 3 December 1909)
DaughterElizabeth R. Price+ (b. 1 September 1821, d. 30 January 1895)
SonTimothy Price+ (b. about 1825, d. 1894)
DaughterSophia Price+ (b. 12 March 1830, d. 29 October 1915)
DaughterMagdalena Price+ (b. 12 December 1832, d. 2 July 1891)
SonBenjamin Reiff Price+ (b. 11 March 1835, d. 22 January 1898)


Rev. William W. Price was born on 29 August 1789 in Indian Creek, Lower Salford Twp., Montgomery Co., PA.1 He married Mary Reiff, daughter of Rev. John Reiff and Barbara Funk, in 1813. Rev. William W. Price died on 7 August 1849 in Indian Creek, Lower Salford Twp., Montgomery Co., PA.



Was elected minister of the Brethren Church in 1814 and advanced to the Bishop's office about 1830.1

Last Edited22 October 2008 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), p.45. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Mary Reiff

F, #20744, b. 25 July 1794, d. 16 October 1873


FatherRev. John Reiff (b. 5 December 1759, d. 6 February 1826)
MotherBarbara Funk (b. 22 January 1760, d. 27 July 1798)
Pedigree Link

Family: Rev. William W. Price (b. 29 August 1789, d. 7 August 1849)

DaughterCatherine R. Price (d. 10 August 1903)
DaughterLydia Price+ (b. 29 March 1817, d. 4 October 1853)
SonNathan Price (b. 1819)
DaughterMary R. Price (b. 28 March 1820, d. 3 December 1909)
DaughterElizabeth R. Price+ (b. 1 September 1821, d. 30 January 1895)
SonTimothy Price+ (b. about 1825, d. 1894)
DaughterSophia Price+ (b. 12 March 1830, d. 29 October 1915)
DaughterMagdalena Price+ (b. 12 December 1832, d. 2 July 1891)
SonBenjamin Reiff Price+ (b. 11 March 1835, d. 22 January 1898)


Mary Reiff was born on 25 July 1794.1,2 She married Rev. William W. Price, son of Rev. John Price and Elizabeth Weidner, in 1813. Mary Reiff died on 16 October 1873.1
Last Edited11 May 2006 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), p.45. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.
  2. [S629] Lower Salford Twp., p.26A, Dwelling 7, Family 7, 1850 Federal Census, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Microfilm Image, NARA Series M432, Roll 799.

Johann George Weicher

M, #20745, b. 1685
Pedigree Link

Family: Barbara Elizabeth Daecher (b. 1674)

DaughterJohanna Weicker+ (b. 14 October 1726, d. 6 July 1796)


Johann George Weicher was born in 1685.1 He married Barbara Elizabeth Daecher, daughter of Hermann Daecher and Anna Catharina.1
Johann George Weicher immigrated in 1724 to Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co. (probably), PA.1
Last Edited27 December 2008 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 3. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Barbara Elizabeth Daecher

F, #20746, b. 1674


Pedigree Link

Family: Johann George Weicher (b. 1685)

DaughterJohanna Weicker+ (b. 14 October 1726, d. 6 July 1796)


Barbara Elizabeth Daecher was born in 1674. She married Johann George Weicher.1
Last Edited27 December 2008 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 3. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Sarah Harley

F, #20747, b. 20 June 1750, d. 25 September 1799


FatherRudolph Harley (b. 14 July 1719, d. 9 July 1809)
MotherMaria Becker (b. 1 September 1720, d. 1 January 1813)
Pedigree Link

Family: Rev. George Price (b. 1 November 1753, d. 25 September 1823)

DaughterHannah Price+ (b. about 1773)
SonDaniel Price+ (b. 18 October 1775, d. 20 August 1810)
DaughterMary Price+ (b. 21 October 1777, d. 10 January 1853)
SonRev. John Price+ (b. 6 August 1782, d. 12 April 1850)
SonJacob Price (b. 23 September 1784, d. 23 January 1786)
SonGeorge Price+ (b. 13 November 1786, d. 13 January 1833)
SonRudolph Price (b. 13 March 1791, d. November 1794)
DaughterElizabeth Price (b. 27 December 1793, d. June 1794)
DaughterSarah Price+ (b. 11 October 1796, d. 11 October 1885)


Sarah Harley was born on 20 June 1750 in Franconia, Montgomery Co., PA.1 She married Rev. George Price, son of Daniel Preisz and Johanna Weicker, about 1772 in Montgomery Co., PA.2 Sarah Harley died on 25 September 1799.1
Last Edited7 December 2008 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), p.62. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.
  2. [S82] Price Genealogy, p. 62.

Rev. John Price

M, #20748, b. 6 August 1782, d. 12 April 1850


FatherRev. George Price (b. 1 November 1753, d. 25 September 1823)
MotherSarah Harley (b. 20 June 1750, d. 25 September 1799)
Pedigree Link

Family: Mary Rinehart (b. 17 May 1783, d. 23 April 1863)

SonRev. Isaac Price+ (b. 24 September 1802, d. 20 October 1884)
DaughterSarah R. Price+ (b. 26 February 1804, d. 1 September 1882)
SonRev. George D. Price+ (b. 14 April 1806, d. 15 February 1887)
DaughterHannah Price+ (b. 7 March 1808, d. 4 April 1885)
SonRev. John R. Price+ (b. 3 April 1810, d. 1 March 1879)
SonElhanan Price (b. 27 September 1812, d. 14 July 1923)
DaughterLydia Price+ (b. 14 March 1815, d. 22 October 1902)
DaughterEliza Price+ (b. 10 February 1817, d. 15 March 1866)
DaughterMary Price+ (b. 22 May 1819, d. 21 November 1908)
DaughterAnne Price+ (b. 19 January 1822, d. 16 June 1888)
DaughterRebecca Price+ (b. 12 March 1825, d. 16 June 1912)
SonJoseph Price (b. 20 March 1827, d. 25 November 1827)


Rev. John Price was born on 6 August 1782 in East Nantmeal Twp., Chester Co., PA.1 He married Mary Rinehart, daughter of John Rinehart and Hannah Frick, in 1801. Rev. John Price died on 12 April 1850 in North Coventry Twp., Chester Co., PA.1 He was buried in April 1850 in North Coventry Twp., Chester Co., PA.
Last Edited6 December 2008 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), p.118. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Mary Rinehart

F, #20749, b. 17 May 1783, d. 23 April 1863


Pedigree Link

Family: Rev. John Price (b. 6 August 1782, d. 12 April 1850)

SonRev. Isaac Price+ (b. 24 September 1802, d. 20 October 1884)
DaughterSarah R. Price+ (b. 26 February 1804, d. 1 September 1882)
SonRev. George D. Price+ (b. 14 April 1806, d. 15 February 1887)
DaughterHannah Price+ (b. 7 March 1808, d. 4 April 1885)
SonRev. John R. Price+ (b. 3 April 1810, d. 1 March 1879)
SonElhanan Price (b. 27 September 1812, d. 14 July 1923)
DaughterLydia Price+ (b. 14 March 1815, d. 22 October 1902)
DaughterEliza Price+ (b. 10 February 1817, d. 15 March 1866)
DaughterMary Price+ (b. 22 May 1819, d. 21 November 1908)
DaughterAnne Price+ (b. 19 January 1822, d. 16 June 1888)
DaughterRebecca Price+ (b. 12 March 1825, d. 16 June 1912)
SonJoseph Price (b. 20 March 1827, d. 25 November 1827)


Mary Rinehart was born on 17 May 1783 in North Coventry Twp., Chester Co., PA. She married Rev. John Price, son of Rev. George Price and Sarah Harley, in 1801. Mary Rinehart died on 23 April 1863.
Last Edited6 December 2008 00:00:00

Rev. Isaac Price

M, #20750, b. 24 September 1802, d. 20 October 1884


FatherRev. John Price (b. 6 August 1782, d. 12 April 1850)
MotherMary Rinehart (b. 17 May 1783, d. 23 April 1863)
Pedigree Link

Family: Hannah Umstead (b. 19 February 1800, d. 1 March 1872)

SonB. Franklin Price+ (b. 26 December 1826, d. 4 February 1887)
DaughterCatharine Louise Price+ (b. 19 August 1831, d. 16 April 1900)
DaughterIsabella P. Price (b. 28 December 1833, d. 31 January 1919)


Rev. Isaac Price was born on 24 September 1802 in North Coventry Twp., Chester Co., PA. He married Hannah Umstead, daughter of Jonas Umstead and Catharine Horning. Rev. Isaac Price died on 20 October 1884.
Rev. Isaac Price lived in Corner Stores; Schuylkill Twp., Chester Co., PA.1
Last Edited11 March 2007 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), p.118. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Sarah R. Price

F, #20751, b. 26 February 1804, d. 1 September 1882


FatherRev. John Price (b. 6 August 1782, d. 12 April 1850)
MotherMary Rinehart (b. 17 May 1783, d. 23 April 1863)
Pedigree Link

Family: Jacob S. Harley (b. 19 September 1801, d. 1 August 1882)

DaughterMatilda Harley (b. 13 May 1826, d. 2 October 1921)
DaughterCaroline Harley+ (b. 25 January 1828, d. 3 February 1886)
DaughterMary P. Harley+ (b. 24 April 1830, d. 26 February 1921)
DaughterEliza Harley (b. 11 March 1832, d. 23 January 1874)
SonDavid Sower Harley+ (b. 10 March 1834, d. 16 June 1900)
SonJonathan Price Harley+ (b. 13 July 1836, d. 31 March 1917)
SonJ. Price Harley+ (b. 6 October 1839, d. 29 June 1920)
SonFranklin Harley (b. 11 February 1842, d. 4 October 1869)
SonJacob Harley (b. 28 August 1844, d. 28 August 1844)
SonCharles Harley (b. 29 July 1846, d. 2 October 1859)


Sarah R. Price was born on 26 February 1804 in North Coventry Twp., Chester Co., PA.1 She married Jacob S. Harley, son of Samuel Harley and Catherine Sower, on 7 June 1825.1 Sarah R. Price died on 1 September 1882.1
Last Edited19 February 2012 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), p.123. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Rev. George D. Price

M, #20752, b. 14 April 1806, d. 15 February 1887


FatherRev. John Price (b. 6 August 1782, d. 12 April 1850)
MotherMary Rinehart (b. 17 May 1783, d. 23 April 1863)
Pedigree Link

Family: Sarah Urner (b. 16 November 1806, d. 8 May 1886)

DaughterLavinia Urner Price+ (b. 25 January 1828)
DaughterElizabeth Price (b. 2 September 1830, d. 10 April 1904)
SonEdwin Price+ (b. 19 October 1832, d. 19 December 1914)
DaughterHannah Urner Price (b. 20 August 1835, d. 9 November 1915)
DaughterDr. Amanda C. Price (b. 29 March 1838, d. 7 June 1881)
SonElhanan W. Price (b. 11 November 1841, d. 13 December 1862)
DaughterMary L. Price (b. 11 February 1844, d. 19 May 1871)
DaughterSarah Emma Price+ (b. 11 November 1847, d. 20 June 1924)


Rev. George D. Price was born on 14 April 1806 in North Coventry Twp., Chester Co., PA.1 He married Sarah Urner, daughter of Rev. Jonas Urner and Hannah Rinehart, on 26 December 1826.1 Rev. George D. Price died on 15 February 1887.
Rev. George D. Price lived in 1850 in Upper Providence Twp., Montgomery Co., PA.2
Last Edited15 March 2009 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), p.131. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.
  2. [S629] Upper Providence Twp., p.308, Dwelling 348, Family 350, 1850 Federal Census, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Microfilm Image, NARA Series M432, Roll 799.

Hannah Price

F, #20753, b. 7 March 1808, d. 4 April 1885


FatherRev. John Price (b. 6 August 1782, d. 12 April 1850)
MotherMary Rinehart (b. 17 May 1783, d. 23 April 1863)
Pedigree Link

Family: William Horning (b. 16 February 1801, d. 23 December 1881)

SonRev. John Price Horning+ (b. 18 July 1827, d. 2 January 1904)
SonElhanan Horning (b. 1 October 1828, d. 3 March 1901)
SonDaniel Horning+ (b. 6 April 1831, d. 16 October 1890)
DaughterElizabeth Horning+ (b. 11 June 1834, d. 7 October 1915)
DaughterMary Horning+ (b. 3 April 1837, d. 17 November 1911)
SonRev. Jonas Horning+ (b. 27 April 1839, d. 23 March 1925)
DaughterRebecca Horning+ (b. 22 January 1841, d. 31 August 1911)
DaughterLydia Horning (b. 17 June 1843, d. March 1886)
SonRev. Samuel Horning+ (b. 5 March 1848)


Hannah Price was born on 7 March 1808 in North Coventry Twp., Chester Co., PA.1,2 She married William Horning, son of John Keyser Horning and Elizabeth Hall, on 12 August 1826 in Pottstown, Montgomery Co., PA.1 Hannah Price died on 4 April 1885.1 She was buried in April 1885 in Eversole Cemetery, New Lebanon, Montgomery Co., OH, Findagrave #67796065.
Hannah Price lived on 16 June 1860 in Perry Twp., Montgomery Co., OH.2
Last Edited19 January 2020 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), p.139. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.
  2. [S969] Perry Twp., p.352, Dwelling 286, Family 286, 1860 Federal Census, Montgomery County, Ohio. Microfilm Image, NARA Series M653, Rolls 1013 - 1015; FHL #805013 - 5.

Rev. John R. Price

M, #20754, b. 3 April 1810, d. 1 March 1879


FatherRev. John Price (b. 6 August 1782, d. 12 April 1850)
MotherMary Rinehart (b. 17 May 1783, d. 23 April 1863)
Pedigree Link

Family: Catherine Detweiler (b. 28 November 1813, d. 5 April 1900)

SonAbraham D. Price+ (b. 14 March 1835, d. 26 September 1906)
DaughterMary Price+ (b. 15 October 1836, d. 1 July 1904)
SonJoseph Detweiler Price+ (b. 16 October 1838, d. 29 July 1872)
DaughterElizabeth D. Price (b. 23 September 1840, d. 26 June 1917)
SonCapt. Henry Detweiler Price (b. 17 August 1843, d. 27 October 1864)
DaughterSarah D. Price+ (b. 17 August 1843, d. 21 June 1921)
SonBenjamin D. Price+ (b. 4 September 1845, d. 19 September 1922)


Rev. John R. Price was born on 3 April 1810 in North Coventry Twp., Chester Co., PA.1 He married Catherine Detweiler, daughter of Abraham Funk Detweiler and Mary Horning, on 2 March 1834.1 Rev. John R. Price died on 1 March 1879 in North Coventry Twp., Chester Co., PA.
Occupation: Farmer and Minister, Church of the Brethren in North Coventry, Chester Co., PA.1
Last Edited2 December 2008 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 155. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Elhanan Price1

M, #20755, b. 27 September 1812, d. 14 July 1923


FatherRev. John Price (b. 6 August 1782, d. 12 April 1850)
MotherMary Rinehart (b. 17 May 1783, d. 23 April 1863)
Pedigree Link


Elhanan Price was born on 27 September 1812 in North Coventry Twp., Chester Co., PA.1 He died on 14 July 1923.1
Last Edited6 December 2008 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 165. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Lydia Price1

F, #20756, b. 14 March 1815, d. 22 October 1902


FatherRev. John Price (b. 6 August 1782, d. 12 April 1850)
MotherMary Rinehart (b. 17 May 1783, d. 23 April 1863)
Pedigree Link

Family: David S. Frick (b. 22 July 1813, d. 20 May 1871)

SonJohn Price Frick (b. 9 March 1845, d. 9 September 1864)
SonAlbert F. Frick+ (b. 25 May 1847)
DaughterMary Emma Frick+ (b. 25 June 1852)


Lydia Price was born on 14 March 1815 in North Coventry Twp., Chester Co., PA.1 She married David S. Frick, son of Jacob Frick and Mary Sower, on 25 March 1841.1 Lydia Price died on 22 October 1902.1
Last Edited5 December 2008 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 165. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Eliza Price

F, #20757, b. 10 February 1817, d. 15 March 1866


FatherRev. John Price (b. 6 August 1782, d. 12 April 1850)
MotherMary Rinehart (b. 17 May 1783, d. 23 April 1863)
Pedigree Link

Family: Rev. John Harley (b. 1812, d. 28 January 1895)

SonDr. Milton Price Harley+ (b. 1842, d. 6 November 1893)
DaughterEmma P. Harley (b. 13 November 1844, d. 28 December 1847)
SonEdwin Price Harley (b. 1 March 1849, d. 15 January 1910)
SonJesse P. Harley (b. 8 February 1855, d. 28 February 1881)


Eliza Price was born on 10 February 1817 in North Coventry Twp., Chester Co., PA.1 She married Rev. John Harley, son of Elder Jacob Harley and Catharine Stauffer, on 4 February 1840 in Montgomery Co., PA.1 Eliza Price died on 15 March 1866.1
Eliza Price was Church of the Brethren.1
Last Edited5 December 2008 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 167. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Mary Price

F, #20758, b. 22 May 1819, d. 21 November 1908


FatherRev. John Price (b. 6 August 1782, d. 12 April 1850)
MotherMary Rinehart (b. 17 May 1783, d. 23 April 1863)
Pedigree Link

Family: Francis S. Bach (b. 10 April 1820, d. 30 July 1882)

DaughterElizabeth Bach+ (b. 25 August 1842)
SonWilliam P. Bach+ (b. 20 September 1845, d. 11 February 1920)
SonIrvin P. Bach+ (b. 26 October 1848, d. 7 March 1918)
DaughterMary Emma Bach+ (b. 4 March 1851)
DaughterRebecca Price Bach+ (b. 3 September 1854)


Mary Price was born on 22 May 1819 in North Coventry Twp., Chester Co., PA.1 She married Francis S. Bach, son of Jacob Bach and Elizabeth Smith, on 9 November 1841.1 Mary Price died on 21 November 1908 in Norristown, Montgomery Co., PA.1
Mary Price was Church of the Brethren.1
Last Edited5 December 2008 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 168. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Anne Price1

F, #20759, b. 19 January 1822, d. 16 June 1888


FatherRev. John Price (b. 6 August 1782, d. 12 April 1850)
MotherMary Rinehart (b. 17 May 1783, d. 23 April 1863)
Pedigree Link

Family: Jonas Leopold (b. 4 August 1820, d. 7 February 1907)

SonHoward Leopold+ (b. 3 April 1849, d. 11 March 1931)
SonEdgar A. Leopold+ (b. 2 April 1850, d. 13 June 1913)
SonElwood H. Leopold+ (b. 17 February 1853, d. 3 May 1921)


Anne Price was born on 19 January 1822 in North Coventry Twp., Chester Co., PA.1 She married Jonas Leopold, son of Joseph Leopold and Sarah Zimmerman, on 14 March 1843.1 Anne Price died on 16 June 1888.1
Last Edited5 December 2008 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 173. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.

Joseph Price

M, #20760, b. 20 March 1827, d. 25 November 1827


FatherRev. John Price (b. 6 August 1782, d. 12 April 1850)
MotherMary Rinehart (b. 17 May 1783, d. 23 April 1863)
Pedigree Link


Joseph Price was born on 20 March 1827 in North Coventry Twp., Chester Co., PA.1 He died on 25 November 1827 in North Coventry Twp., Chester Co., PA.1
Last Edited6 December 2008 00:00:00


  1. [S82] George F. P. Wanger, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price (The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Penn., 1926), 188. Hereinafter cited as Price Genealogy.